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00001 #include <iomanip>
00003 #include "Basis/CmdOptions.h"
00004 #include "Util/Channel.h"
00005 #include "Util/ChannelPool.h"
00006 #include "Basis/Timer.h"
00007 #include "Core/Geometry/PointZList.h"
00008 #include "Core/Array/Arrays.h"
00009 #include "Core/Array/RGB2Intensity.h"
00010 #include "Core/Array/GetRgbPixels.h"
00011 #include "Core/Array/GaussDerivative.h"
00012 #include "Core/Array/WriteRaw.h"
00013 #include "Core/Array/ProjectRange.h"
00014 #include "Core/Array/GaussDerivative.h"
00015 #include "Core/Array/Trait/BpoEqual.h"
00016 #include "Core/Array/Harris.h"
00017 #include "Core/Array/InvCompDer.h"
00018 #include "Core/Array/Dilation.h"
00019 #include "Core/Array/Set.h"
00020 #include "Core/Matrix/MatSet.h"
00021 #include "Core/Stream/RgbDataSrcFactory.h"
00023 // since we are not using libraries:
00024 #include "Link/ImpalaLib.cpp"
00026 namespace Impala
00027 {
00028 namespace Application
00029 {
00030 namespace Client
00031 {
00034 using namespace Impala::Core::Array;
00035 using namespace Impala::Core::Stream;
00037 int         gNrIter;
00039 void
00040 ExampleReadRaw(Util::Channel* chanP)
00041 {
00042     ILOG_VAR(Impala.Application.Client.ExampleReadRaw);
00043     CmdOptions& options = CmdOptions::GetInstance();
00045     Util::Channel& chan = *chanP;
00046     char* buf = chan.Buffer();
00047     int len;
00049     // ask server to read a raw image
00050     ILOG_DEBUG("requesting readraw");
00051     String fileName = "trui.raw";
00052     if (options.GetNrArg() > 2)
00053         fileName = options.GetArg(2);
00054     Array2dVec3UInt8* src = 0;
00055     Util::IOBuffer* ioBuf = ReadIOBufferFromChannel(chanP, fileName, "");
00056     ReadRaw(src, ioBuf);
00057     delete ioBuf;
00058     Array2dVec3Real64* srcV3R64 = 0;
00059     Set(srcV3R64, src);
00061     // do some processing
00062     Array2dScalarReal64* srcSR64 = 0;
00063     RGB2Intensity(srcSR64, srcV3R64);
00065     // ask server to open a ImageDataDst
00066     ILOG_DEBUG("requesting opendst");
00067     int width = src->CW();
00068     int height = src->CH();
00069     sprintf(buf, "opendst %d %d\0", width, height);
00070     len = chan.SendRequest(strlen(buf)+1);
00072     // prepare display data and ask server to show it
00073     ILOG_DEBUG("requesting show");
00074     sprintf(buf, "show\0");
00075     GetRgbPixels(srcSR64, (UInt8*)(buf + 5), "Stretch");
00076     len = chan.SendRequest(width*height*3 + 5);
00078     // do some more processing and ask server to show result
00079     for (int j=1 ; j<gNrIter ; j++)
00080     {
00081         for (int i=1 ; i<10 ; i++)
00082         {
00083             double sigma = 0.5 * i;
00084             Array2dScalarReal64* res = 0;
00085             GaussDerivative(res, srcSR64, sigma, 0, 0, 3.0);
00086             ILOG_DEBUG("requesting show " << i);
00087             sprintf(buf, "show\0");
00088             GetRgbPixels(res, (UInt8*)(buf + 5), "Stretch");
00089             len = chan.SendRequest(width*height*3 + 5);
00090         }
00091     }
00092 }
00094 void
00095 ExampleRgbDataSrc(Util::Channel* chanP)
00096 {
00097     ILOG_VAR(Impala.Application.Client.ExampleRgbDataSrc);
00098     CmdOptions& options = CmdOptions::GetInstance();
00100     Util::Channel& chan = *chanP;
00101     chan.MaximizeSendRecvBuffer();
00102     char* buf = chan.Buffer();
00103     int len;
00105     // ask server to open an RgbDataSrc
00106     String fileName = "bike.mpg";
00107     if (options.GetNrArg() > 2)
00108         fileName = options.GetArg(2);
00109     sprintf(buf, "opensrc \"%s\"\0", fileName.c_str());
00110     len = chan.SendRequest(strlen(buf)+1);
00111     buf[len] = 0;
00112     ILOG_INFO("answer : (" << len << " bytes) = [" << buf << "]");
00113     int width;
00114     int height;
00115     sscanf(buf, "%d %d", &width, &height);
00116     ILOG_INFO("sizes : " << width << " x " << height);
00118     // ask server to open a ImageDataDst
00119     sprintf(buf, "opendst %d %d\0", width, height);
00120     len = chan.SendRequest(strlen(buf)+1);
00122     Timer theTimer(1);
00123     for (int i=1 ; i<gNrIter ; i++)
00124     {
00125         // ask server for nextFrame of src
00126         sprintf(buf, "nextframe\0");
00127         len = chan.SendRequest(strlen(buf)+1);
00129         // convert data to a Array
00130         Array2dVec3UInt8* srcWrap =
00131             ArrayCreate<Array2dVec3UInt8>(width, height, 0, 0, (UInt8*) buf,
00132                                           true);
00133         Array2dVec3Real64* srcV3R64 = 0;
00134         Set(srcV3R64, srcWrap);
00136         // do some processing
00137         Array2dScalarReal64* srcSR64 = 0;
00138         RGB2Intensity(srcSR64, srcV3R64);
00140         // prepare display data and ask server to show it
00141         //
00142         sprintf(buf, "show\0");
00143         GetRgbPixels(srcSR64, (UInt8*)(buf + 5), "Stretch");
00144         len = chan.SendRequest(width*height*3 + 5);
00145         //
00146         double timeVal = theTimer.SplitTime();
00147         double fps = (double) i / timeVal;
00148         double bps = (2.0*i * width*height*3) / (1024.0*1024 * timeVal);
00149         std::cout << "Did " << i << " frames in " <<  std::setw(8) << std::left 
00150                   << timeVal << " sec = " << std::setw(8) << fps << " fps and "
00151                   << std::setw(8) << bps << " Mb/sec" << std::endl;
00153         delete srcWrap;
00154         delete srcV3R64;
00155         delete srcSR64;
00156     }
00157 }
00159 void
00160 TestBandwidth(Util::Channel* chanP)
00161 {
00162     ILOG_VAR(Impala.Application.Client.TestBandwidth);
00163     CmdOptions& options = CmdOptions::GetInstance();
00165     Util::Channel& chan = *chanP;
00166     char* buf = chan.Buffer();
00168     int width = 352;
00169     if (options.GetNrArg() > 2)
00170         width = atol(options.GetArg(2));
00171     int height = 288;
00172     if (options.GetNrArg() > 3)
00173         height = atol(options.GetArg(3));
00174     ILOG_INFO("sizes : " << width << " x " << height);
00176     bool doWrite = false;
00177     Timer theTimer(1);
00178     for (int i=1 ; i<gNrIter ; i++)
00179     {
00180         // ask server for data
00181         ILOG_DEBUG("requesting testdata");
00182         int nrBytes = width * height * 3;
00183         sprintf(buf, "testdata %d\0", nrBytes);
00184         int len = chan.SendRequest(strlen(buf)+1);
00186         if (doWrite)
00187         {
00188             // convert data to a Array
00189             Array2dVec3UInt8* srcWrap =
00190                 ArrayCreate<Array2dVec3UInt8>(width, height, 0, 0, (UInt8*) buf,
00191                                               true);
00192             Array2dVec3Real64* srcV3R64 = 0;
00193             Set(srcV3R64, srcWrap);
00195             // do some processing
00196             Array2dScalarReal64* srcSR64 = 0;
00197             RGB2Intensity(srcSR64, srcV3R64);
00199             // write result to disc
00200             if (i < 5)
00201                 WriteRaw(srcSR64, "res.raw" + MakeString(i),
00202                          &Util::Database::GetInstance(), false);
00204             delete srcWrap;
00205             delete srcV3R64;
00206             delete srcSR64;
00207         }
00208         double timeVal = theTimer.SplitTime();
00209         double fps = (double) i / timeVal;
00210         double bps = (1.0*i * width*height*3) / (1024.0*1024 * timeVal);
00211         std::cout << "Did " << i << " frames in " <<  std::setw(8) << std::left 
00212                   << timeVal << " sec = " << std::setw(8) << fps << " fps and "
00213                   << std::setw(8) << bps << " Mb/sec" << std::endl;
00214     }
00215 }
00217 void
00218 TestMpg(Util::Channel* chanP)
00219 {
00220     ILOG_VAR(Impala.Application.Client.TestMpg);
00221     CmdOptions& options = CmdOptions::GetInstance();
00223     Util::Channel& chan = *chanP;
00224     char* buf = chan.Buffer();
00225     int len;
00227     // open RgbDataSrc
00228     String fileName = "ANNA4.MPEG";
00229     if (options.GetNrArg() > 2)
00230         fileName = options.GetArg(2);
00231     ILOG_DEBUG("opening src " << fileName);
00232     RgbDataSrcFactory& factory = RgbDataSrcFactory::Instance();
00233     RgbDataSrc* theSrc = factory.Construct(fileName, options.GetString("src"));
00234     int width = theSrc->FrameWidth();
00235     int height = theSrc->FrameHeight();
00236     ILOG_INFO("sizes : " << width << " x " << height);
00238     // ask server to open a ImageDataDst
00239     ILOG_DEBUG("requesting opendst");
00240     sprintf(buf, "opendst %d %d\0", width, height);
00241     len = chan.SendRequest(strlen(buf)+1);
00243     Timer theTimer(1);
00244     for (int i=1 ; i<gNrIter ; i++)
00245     {
00246         // do nextFrame
00247         ILOG_DEBUG("doing nextframe");
00248         theSrc->NextFrame(1);
00250         // convert data to a Array
00251         Array2dVec3UInt8* srcWrap =
00252             ArrayCreate<Array2dVec3UInt8>(width, height, 0, 0,
00253                                           theSrc->DataPtr(), true);
00255         // prepare display data and ask server to show it
00256         sprintf(buf, "show\0");
00257         GetRgbPixels(srcWrap, (UInt8*)(buf + 5), "Direct");
00258         len = chan.SendRequest(width*height*3 + 5);
00260         double timeVal = theTimer.SplitTime();
00261         double fps = (double) i / timeVal;
00262         double bps = (1.0*i * width*height*3) / (1024.0*1024 * timeVal);
00263         std::cout << "Did " << i << " frames in " <<  std::setw(8) << std::left 
00264                   << timeVal << " sec = " << std::setw(8) << fps << " fps and "
00265                   << std::setw(8) << bps << " Mb/sec" << std::endl;
00267         delete srcWrap;
00268     }
00269 }
00271 int
00272 mainClient(int argc, char* argv[])
00273 {
00274     CmdOptions& options = CmdOptions::GetInstance();
00275     options.Initialise(true, false, true);
00276     options.AddOption(0, "file", "name", "");
00277     options.AddOption(0, "iter", "number", "1000");
00278     options.AddOption(0, "skip", "nrFrames", "0");
00279     String usageStr = "machine:port cmd = \n\n";
00280     usageStr += "  raw [trui.raw]\n";
00281     usageStr += "  src [bike.mpg]\n";
00282     usageStr += "  test [352] [288]\n";
00283     usageStr += "  mpg [ANNA4.MPEG]\n";
00284     if (! options.ParseArgs(argc, argv, usageStr, 2))
00285         return 1;
00287     ILOG_VAR(Impala.Application.Client.mainClient);
00289     String server = options.GetArg(0);
00290     if (server.empty())
00291     {
00292         ILOG_ERROR("need dataServer");
00293         return 1;
00294     }
00295     String passwordFile = options.GetString("passwordFile");
00296     Util::Channel* chanP = Util::ChannelPool::Instance().Get(server,
00297                                                              passwordFile); 
00298     if (!chanP || !chanP->Valid())
00299     {
00300         ILOG_ERROR("No Channel");
00301         return 1;
00302     }
00304     gNrIter = options.GetInt("iter");
00306     String cmd = options.GetArg(1);
00308     if (cmd == "raw")
00309         ExampleReadRaw(chanP);
00310     else if (cmd == "src")
00311         ExampleRgbDataSrc(chanP);
00312     else if (cmd == "test")
00313         TestBandwidth(chanP);
00314     else if (cmd == "mpg")
00315         TestMpg(chanP);
00317     return 0;
00318 }
00320 } // namespace Client
00321 } // namespace Application
00322 } // namespace Impala
00324 int
00325 main(int argc, char* argv[])
00326 {
00327     return Impala::Application::Client::mainClient(argc, argv);
00328 }

Generated on Fri Mar 19 09:30:28 2010 for ImpalaSrc by  doxygen 1.5.1