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00009 #ifndef OglGui_SizableWindow_h
00010 #define OglGui_SizableWindow_h
00012 #ifndef OglGui_Window_h
00013 #include "OglGui/Window.h"
00014 #endif
00016 //#include "Link/OGL/LinkListMacros.h"
00018 namespace OglGui
00019 {
00021 class SizableWindow : public Window
00022 {
00023 public:
00025     SizableWindow(Window *parent, int w, int h, bool is2D=true) :
00026         Window(parent, w, h, is2D)
00027     {
00028         Init();
00029     }
00031     SizableWindow(Window *parent, int x, int y, int w, int h, bool is2D=true) :
00032         Window(parent, x, y, w, h, is2D)
00033     {
00034         Init();
00035     }
00037     enum ActionBits {
00038         North       = 1,
00039         East        = 2,
00040         NorthEast   = 3,
00041         South       = 4,
00042         NorthSouth  = 5,
00043         SouthEast   = 6,
00044         West        = 8,
00045         NorthWest   = 9,
00046         EastWest    = 10,
00047         SouthWest   = 12,
00048         Move        = 16,
00049         AllDir      = 15
00050     };
00052     // RvB: Should probably be moved to Window or even COglWnd or oglSys
00053     bool IsTopWindowInParent()
00054     {
00055         LIST    *obj = mOglWnd->parent->wndList;
00057         if (!obj)
00058             return false;
00060         while(obj->next)
00061             obj = obj->next;
00063         return obj->info == mOglWnd;
00064     }
00066     // RvB: Should probably be moved to Window or even COglWnd or oglSys
00067     virtual void BringToFront()
00068     {
00069         oglSys.BringToFront(mOglWnd);
00070 /*
00071         OGLWND  *pOglWnd = mOglWnd->parent;
00072         LIST    *obj = S_FindItem(mOglWnd, pOglWnd->wndList);
00074         if (!obj)
00075             return;
00077             pOglWnd->wndList = oglSys.RemoveFromList(obj, pOglWnd->wndList);
00078             pOglWnd->wndList = S_Append(mOglWnd, pOglWnd->wndList);
00079 */
00080     }
00082     virtual void DisplayFunc()
00083     {
00084         Window::DisplayFunc();
00085         Window::SetBorderType(mHighLight?mHighLightBorderType:mNormalBorderType);
00087         if (mAllowHighLight && mHighLight)
00088         {
00089             float   r0, r1, r2, r3;
00090             int     w = mOglWnd->width, h = mOglWnd->height;
00091             int     brd = mHighLightInset;
00092             OGC     myOGC;
00094             OGCSave(&myOGC);
00095             SetSolidLineColor(mStateFeedbackColor);
00096             if (GetRoundness(r0, r1, r2, r3))
00097                 DrawRoundRectExt(brd, brd, w - 2*brd, h - 2*brd, r0,r1,r2,r3);
00098             else
00099                 DrawRectangle(brd, brd, w - 2*brd, h - 2*brd);
00100             OGCRestore(&myOGC);
00101         }
00102     }
00104     virtual void MouseFunc(int msg, int but, int state, int x, int y)
00105     {
00106         int theAction = 0;
00107         if (!mActOnModifier || !(state&mActOnModifier))
00108             Window::MouseFunc(msg, but, state, x, y);
00109         if (mActOnModifier && (mOglWnd->dragging || !(state&mActOnModifier)))
00110         {
00111             mHighLight = false;
00112             SetActionCursor(mAction = 0);
00113             return;
00114         }
00115         if (msg==oglMouseDown && !(state&oglControl) &&
00116             (mToFrontOnMouseDown && !IsTopWindowInParent()))
00117             BringToFront();
00119         if (mAction && msg == oglMouseUp)
00120             mAction = 0;
00122         if (msg == oglMouseLeave)
00123         {
00124             mHighLight = false;
00125             oglSys.SetCursor(oglCursorArrow);
00126         }
00128         if (msg == oglMouseDown && but == oglLeftButton)
00129         {
00130             mDx = x;
00131             mDy = y;
00132             if (theAction = GetAction(x, y))
00133                 mAction |= theAction;
00134         }
00136         if (mAction)
00137             mHighLight = true;
00139         if (msg == oglMouseMove)
00140             mHighLight = (mAction != 0) || (theAction = GetAction(x, y));
00142         if (mAction && msg == oglMouseMove )
00143             PerformAction(x, y);
00145         SetActionCursor(theAction | mAction);
00146     }
00150 // Setters / getters
00151     void ActOnModifier(int state)               { mActOnModifier = state; }
00152     int  ActOnModifier()                        { return mActOnModifier; }
00153     void SetToFrontOnMouseDown(bool m=true)     { mToFrontOnMouseDown = m; }
00154     void SetHighLightBorderType(int type)       { mHighLightBorderType = type; }
00155     void SetAllowHighlight(bool mode)           { mAllowHighLight = mode; }
00156     void SetHighLightInset(int inset)           { mHighLightInset = inset; }
00157     void SetAllowMove(bool mode)                { mAllowMove = mode; }
00158     bool GetAllowMove()                         { return mAllowMove; }
00159     void SetMoveFeedback(bool mode)             { mMoveFeedback = mode; }
00160     void SetMoveCursor(int nr)                  { mMoveCursorNr = nr; }
00162     virtual void SetBorderType(int type)
00163     {
00164         Window::SetBorderType(type);
00165         mNormalBorderType = type;
00166     }
00168     void SetMinMaxXY(int minX, int maxX, int minY, int maxY)
00169     {
00170         if (minX != RETAIN)
00171             mMinX = minX;
00172         if (minY != RETAIN)
00173             mMinY = minY;
00174         if (maxX != RETAIN)
00175             mMaxX = maxX;
00176         if (maxY != RETAIN)
00177             mMaxY = maxY;
00178     }
00180     void SetMinMaxSizes(int minW, int maxW, int minH, int maxH)
00181     {
00182         if (minW != RETAIN)
00183             mMinW = minW;
00184         if (minH != RETAIN)
00185             mMinH = minH;
00186         if (maxW != RETAIN)
00187             mMaxW = maxW;
00188         if (maxH != RETAIN)
00189             mMaxH = maxH;
00190     }
00192     void SetAllowMoveDirections(int bits, bool mode=true)
00193     {
00194         if (bits & NorthSouth)
00195             (mAllowMoveVert = mode);
00196         if (bits & EastWest)
00197             mAllowMoveHor = mode;
00198         if (bits & Move)
00199             mAllowMove = mode;
00200     }
00202     void SetAllowSizeDirections(int bits, bool mode=true)
00203     {
00204         if (bits & North)
00205             mAllowSizeNorth = mode;
00206         if (bits & East)
00207             mAllowSizeEast = mode;
00208         if (bits & South)
00209             mAllowSizeSouth = mode;
00210         if (bits & West)
00211             mAllowSizeWest = mode;
00212         if (bits & Move)
00213             mAllowMove = mode;
00214     }
00217 protected:
00218     void SetActionCursor(int action)
00219     {
00220         int cursor = oglCursorArrow;
00221         if ((action & South) && (action & West))
00222             cursor = oglCursorSW;
00223         else if ((action & North) && (action & East))
00224             cursor = oglCursorNE;
00225         else if ((action & North) && (action & West))
00226             cursor = oglCursorNW;
00227         else if ((action & South) && (action & West))
00228             cursor = oglCursorSW;
00229         else if ((action & South) && (action & East))
00230             cursor = oglCursorSE;
00231         else if ((action & West) )
00232             cursor = oglCursorW;
00233         else if ((action & East))
00234             cursor = oglCursorE;
00235         else if ((action & South))
00236             cursor = oglCursorS;
00237         else if ((action & North))
00238             cursor = oglCursorN;
00240         // Could check for allowVert and allowHor with specific cursors
00241         else if (mMoveFeedback && (action & Move))
00242             cursor = mMoveCursorNr;
00244         oglSys.SetCursor(cursor);
00245     }
00247     int GetAction(int x, int y)
00248     {
00249         int action = 0;
00250         int w = WndWidth(), h = WndHeight();
00252         if (x >= 0 && x <= mSensePix && mAllowSizeWest)   action |= West;
00253         if (x >= w-mSensePix && x <= w && mAllowSizeEast) action |= East;
00254         if (y >= 0 && y <= mSensePix && mAllowSizeSouth)  action |= South;
00255         if (y >= h-mSensePix && y <= h && mAllowSizeNorth)action |= North;
00257         // Prevent impossible actions resulting from very small windows
00258         if ((action & (West|East)) == (West|East))
00259             action &= ~West;
00260         if ((action & (North|South)) == (North|South))
00261             action &= ~North;
00262         if (!action && x > 0 && y > 0 && x < w && y < h && mAllowMove)
00263             action = Move;
00264         return action;
00265     }
00267     bool ClampMinMax(int& nX, int& nY, int& nW, int& nH)
00268     {
00269         int clamped = -1;
00270         if (nX < mMinX) clamped = nX = mMinX;
00271         if (nY < mMinY) clamped = nY = mMinY;
00272         if (nX > mMaxX) clamped = nX = mMaxX;
00273         if (nY > mMaxY) clamped = nY = mMaxY;
00274         if (nW < mMinW) clamped = nW = mMinW;
00275         if (nH < mMinH) clamped = nH = mMinH;
00276         if (nW > mMaxW) clamped = nW = mMaxW;
00277         if (nH > mMaxH) clamped = nH = mMaxH;
00278         return clamped != -1;
00279     }
00281     // RvB: Consider limiting not only XY but complete bounds
00282     void CheckMinMax(int action, int& nX, int& nY, int& nW, int& nH)
00283     {
00284         int oX, oY, oW, oH;
00286         GetDimensions(oX, oY, oW, oH);
00288         if (nX < mMinX) nX = mMinX;
00289         if (nY < mMinY) nY = mMinY;
00290         if (nX > mMaxX) nX = mMaxX;
00291         if (nY > mMaxY) nY = mMaxY;
00293         if (nW < mMinW)
00294             if (action & West)
00295                 nX = oX, nW = oW;
00296             else
00297                 nW = mMinW;
00298         if (nH < mMinH)
00299             if (action & South)
00300                 nY = oY, nH = oH;
00301             else
00302                 nH = mMinH;
00303         if (nW > mMaxW)
00304             if (action & West)
00305                 nX = oX, nW = oW;
00306             else
00307                 nW = mMaxW;
00308         if (nH > mMaxH)
00309             if (action & South)
00310                 nY = oY, nH = oH;
00311             else
00312                 nH = mMaxH;
00313     }
00315     void PerformAction(int x, int y)
00316     {
00317         int nX, nY, nW, nH;
00318         GetDimensions(nX,nY,nW,nH);
00320         if (mAction == Move)
00321         {
00322             if (mAllowMoveHor)
00323                 nX = x + nX - mDx;
00324             if (mAllowMoveVert)
00325                 nY = y + nY - mDy;
00326         }
00327         if (mAction & West)
00328         {
00329             nX = nX + x;
00330             nW = nW - x;
00331         }
00332         if (mAction & East)
00333             nW = x;
00334         if (mAction & South)
00335         {
00336             nY = nY + y;
00337             nH = nH - y;
00338         }
00339         if (mAction & North)
00340             nH = y;
00342         CheckMinMax(mAction, nX, nY, nW, nH);
00343         SetDimensions(nX, nY, nW, nH);
00344     }
00346 protected:
00348     int     mAction;
00349     int     mHighLightBorderType;
00350     int     mNormalBorderType;
00351     int     mMoveCursorNr;
00352     bool    mMoveFeedback;
00353     bool    mToFrontOnMouseDown;
00354     bool    mAllowHighLight;
00355     bool    mAllowMove;
00356     bool    mAllowSizeNorth;
00357     bool    mAllowSizeEast;
00358     bool    mAllowSizeSouth;
00359     bool    mAllowSizeWest;
00360     bool    mAllowMoveHor;
00361     bool    mAllowMoveVert;
00362     bool    mHighLight;
00363     int     mActOnModifier;
00364     int     mHighLightInset;
00365     int     mSensePix;
00366     int     mDx, mDy;
00367     int     mMinX, mMinY;
00368     int     mMaxX, mMaxY;
00369     int     mMinW, mMaxW;
00370     int     mMinH, mMaxH;
00372 private:
00373     void Init()
00374     {
00375         oglSys.SetAllMouseMotion(mOglWnd, 1);
00376         mNormalBorderType       = BEV_ETCHED;
00377         mHighLightBorderType    = BEV_RIDGE;
00378         mMoveCursorNr           = oglCursorSizeAll;
00379         mHighLight              = false;
00380         mToFrontOnMouseDown     = true;
00381         mMoveFeedback           = false;
00382         mAllowHighLight         = true;
00383         mAllowMove              = true;
00384         mAllowMoveHor           = true;
00385         mAllowMoveVert          = true;
00386         mAllowSizeNorth         = true;
00387         mAllowSizeEast          = true;
00388         mAllowSizeSouth         = true;
00389         mAllowSizeWest          = true;
00390         mHighLightInset         = 3;
00391         mSensePix               = 6;
00392         mActOnModifier          = 0;
00393         mAction                 = 0;
00394         mDx                     = 0;
00395         mDy                     = 0;
00396         mMinX = mMinY           = -2000000;
00397         mMaxX = mMaxY           = 2000000;
00398         mMinW = mMinH           = 8;
00399         mMaxW = mMaxH           = 2000000;
00400     }
00401 };
00403 } // namespace OglGui
00404 #endif

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