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00001 #ifndef Impala_Util_Channel_h
00002 #define Impala_Util_Channel_h
00004 #ifdef unix
00005 #include <sys/types.h>
00006 #include <sys/socket.h>
00007 #include <netinet/in.h>
00008 #include <netdb.h>
00009 #include <stdio.h>
00010 #include <unistd.h>
00011 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
00012 #include <sys/signal.h>
00013 #include <errno.h>
00014 #ifdef sun
00015 #include <signal.h>
00016 #include <sys/filio.h>
00017 #endif
00018 #else
00019 #include <winsock2.h>
00020 #endif
00022 #include "Basis/String.h"
00023 #include <iostream>
00024 #include <vector>
00025 #include <cstring>
00027 #include "Basis/ILog.h"
00029 namespace Impala
00030 {
00031 namespace Util
00032 {
00035 class ChannelListener
00036 {
00037 public:
00039     virtual void HandleInfo(CString msg) = 0;
00040     virtual void HandleError(CString msg) = 0;
00041     virtual void HandleIdle() = 0;
00042     virtual int  HandleRequest(char* buf, int len, int bufSize) = 0;
00043     //virtual void HandleConnect(CString conn, int port) = 0;
00044     virtual void HandleDisconnect(int port) = 0;
00045 };
00047 class Channel
00048 {
00049 public: 
00052     Channel(int port, int nrPorts, ChannelListener* listener = 0)
00053     {
00054         mNrError = 0;
00055         mPort = port;
00056         mNrPorts = nrPorts;
00057         mIsServer = true;
00058         mFpInfo = 0;
00059         mFpError = 0;
00060         mListener = listener;
00061         mCallbackOnIdle = false;
00063         InitSocket();
00065         mBuffer = new char[DATA_BUFFER_SIZE + CTR_HEADER_SIZE];
00066         if (mBuffer == 0)
00067             HandleError("buffer allocation failed", false);
00068     }
00071     Channel(String serverName, int port)
00072     {
00073         mNrError = 0;
00074         mServerName = serverName;
00075         mPort = port;
00076         mNrPorts = 1;
00077         mIsServer = false;
00078         mFpInfo = 0;
00079         mFpError = 0;
00080         mListener = 0;
00081         mCallbackOnIdle = false;
00083         InitSocket();
00085         mBuffer = new char[DATA_BUFFER_SIZE + CTR_HEADER_SIZE];
00086         if (mBuffer == 0)
00087             HandleError("buffer allocation failed", false);
00088     }
00091     ~Channel()
00092     {
00093         Close();
00094         if (mBuffer)
00095             delete mBuffer;
00096     }
00099     int
00100     GetNrPorts() const
00101     {
00102         return mNrPorts;
00103     }
00106     int
00107     GetPortNumber(int idx) const
00108     {
00109         return mPort + idx;
00110     }
00113     String
00114     GetCurRequestConnection() const
00115     {
00116         return mConnection[mCurRequestSock];
00117     }
00120     int
00121     GetCurRequestPort() const
00122     {
00123         return mPort + mCurRequestSock;
00124     }
00127     String
00128     GetServerInfo()
00129     {
00130         return mServerName + ":" + MakeString(mPort);
00131     }
00134     bool
00135     Valid()
00136     {
00137         return mNrError == 0;
00138     }
00141     void
00142     SetListener(ChannelListener* listener)
00143     {
00144         mListener = listener;
00145     }
00150     typedef void (*FP_INFO)(CString msg);
00155     typedef void (*FP_ERROR)(CString msg);
00160     void
00161     SetMessageFunc(FP_INFO fpInfo, FP_ERROR fpError)
00162     {
00163         mFpInfo = fpInfo;
00164         mFpError = fpError;
00165     }
00168     static const int DATA_BUFFER_SIZE = 10485760; // 10 Mb
00173     char*
00174     Buffer()
00175     {
00176         return mBuffer + CTR_HEADER_SIZE;
00177     }
00185     typedef int (*FP_REQUEST)(char* buf, int len, int bufSize);
00190     typedef void (*FP_IDLE)();
00197     void
00198     Serve(FP_REQUEST fpRequest, FP_IDLE fpIdle = 0)
00199     {
00200         mFpRequest = fpRequest;
00201         mFpIdle = fpIdle;
00202         Serve(fpIdle != 0);
00203     }
00211     void
00212     Serve(bool callbackOnIdle = false)
00213     {
00214         if (!mListener && !mFpRequest)
00215         {
00216             String msg = "Either listener or function pointer(s) must be specified";
00217             ILOG_ERROR(msg);
00218             return;
00219         }
00221         mCallbackOnIdle = callbackOnIdle;
00223         // Start accepting connections.
00224         for (int i=0 ; i<mSock.size() ; i++)
00225             listen(mSock[i], 100);
00226         String msg = "Listening at port(s) " + MakeString(mPort);
00227         if (mNrPorts > 1)
00228             msg += "-" + MakeString(mPort + mNrPorts - 1);
00229         HandleInfo(msg);
00230         do
00231         {
00232             int res = WaitForSocketEvent();
00233             if (res == -1)
00234                 continue;
00235             for (int s=0 ; s<mSockEvent.size() ; s++)
00236             {
00237                 if (mSockEvent[s])
00238                 {
00239                     ILOG_DEBUG("Accepting connection at port " << mPort+s);
00240                     // org, no address info
00241                     //mMsgSock[s] = accept(mSock[s], 0, 0);
00243                     // new, obtain address
00244                     struct sockaddr_in address;
00245                     int addressLen = sizeof(address);
00246                     mMsgSock[s] = accept(mSock[s], (sockaddr *) &address,
00247                                          (socklen_t*) &addressLen);
00248                     //ILOG_DEBUG("accept on port " << ntohs(address.sin_port));
00250                     if (mMsgSock[s] == INVALID_SOCKET)
00251                     {
00252                         HandleError("Serve: accept", true);
00253                     }
00254                     else
00255                     {
00256                         mSockConnected[s] = true;
00257                         in_addr_t a = address.sin_addr.s_addr;
00258                         int a1 = (a & 0xff000000) >> 24;
00259                         int a2 = (a & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
00260                         int a3 = (a & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
00261                         int a4 = (a & 0x000000ff);
00262                         std::ostringstream oss;
00263                         oss << a4 << "." << a3 << "." << a2 << "." << a1;
00264                         mConnection[s] = oss.str();
00265                         HandleInfo("Established connection with " +
00266                                    mConnection[s] + " at port " +
00267                                    MakeString(mPort + s));
00268                     }
00269                 }
00270                 if (mMsgSockEvent[s])
00271                 {
00272                     ILOG_DEBUG("Receiving at port " << mPort+s);
00273                     mCurRequestSock = s;
00274                     int rval = RecvLarge(mMsgSock[s]);
00275                     if (rval > 0)
00276                     {
00277                         int nrToSend = HandleRequest(Buffer(),
00278                                                    rval - CTR_HEADER_SIZE,
00279                                                    DATA_BUFFER_SIZE);
00280                         rval = SendLarge(mMsgSock[s], nrToSend);
00281                     }
00282                     if (rval <= 0)
00283                     {
00284                         HandleInfo("Terminating connection with " +
00285                                    GetCurRequestConnection() + " at port " +
00286                                    MakeString(GetCurRequestPort()));
00287                         CloseSocket(mMsgSock[s]);
00288                         HandleDisconnect(GetCurRequestPort());
00289                         mSockConnected[s] = false;
00290                         mConnection[s] = "not connected";
00291                     }
00292                 }
00293             }
00294         }
00295         while(1);
00296     }
00301     int
00302     SendRequest(int len)
00303     {
00304         int rval;
00305         rval = SendLarge(mSock[0], len);
00306         rval = RecvLarge(mSock[0]);
00307         if ((rval > 5) && (strncmp(Buffer(), "ERROR", 5) == 0))
00308         {
00309             HandleError("SendRequest to " + mServerName + " got " +
00310                         String(Buffer()), false);
00311             mNrError--; // this was not a Channel error so stay Valid()
00312         }
00313         return rval - CTR_HEADER_SIZE;
00314     }
00317     bool
00318     LastSendHadError()
00319     {
00320         return strncmp(Buffer(), "ERROR", 5) == 0;
00321     }
00326     void
00327     MaximizeSendRecvBuffer()
00328     {
00329         int nOptVal;
00330         socklen_t nOptLen = sizeof(int);
00331         for (int i=0 ; i<mSock.size() ; i++)
00332         {
00333             int nRet;
00334             nRet = getsockopt(mSock[i], SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, (char*)&nOptVal,
00335                               &nOptLen);
00336             if (nRet == SOCKET_ERROR)
00337                 HandleError("MaximizeSendRecvBuffer", true);
00338             else
00339                 HandleInfo("SNDBUF : " + MakeString(nOptVal));
00340             nRet = getsockopt(mSock[i], SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (char*)&nOptVal,
00341                               &nOptLen);
00342             if (nRet == SOCKET_ERROR)
00343                 HandleError("MaximizeSendRecvBuffer", true);
00344             else
00345                 HandleInfo("RCVBUF : " + MakeString(nOptVal));
00346         }
00347     }
00350     void
00351     Close()
00352     {
00353         for (int i=0 ; i<mSock.size() ; i++)
00354         {
00355             String conn = mServerName;
00356             int port = mPort + i;
00357             HandleInfo("Closing connection to " + conn + ":" + MakeString(port));
00358             CloseSocket(mSock[i]);
00359             HandleDisconnect(port);
00360         }
00362 #ifndef unix
00363         if (mIsServer)
00364             WSACleanup();
00365 #endif
00366     }
00368 private:
00370     static const int CTR_HEADER_SIZE = 20;
00372 #ifdef unix
00373     static const int INVALID_SOCKET = -1;
00374     static const int SOCKET_ERROR = -1;
00375     typedef int SOCKET;
00376 #else
00377     typedef int socklen_t;
00378     typedef u_long in_addr_t;
00379 #endif
00381     void
00382     InitSocket()
00383     {
00384 #ifdef unix
00385         signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); // block broken pipe signal
00386 #else
00387         WORD wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD(1,1);
00388         WSADATA wsaData;
00390         // Initialize WinSock and check version
00391         if (WSAStartup(wVersionRequested, &wsaData) != 0)
00392             HandleError("WSAStartup", true);
00394         // Check socket DLL supports 1.1 or higher
00395         double socklib_ver = HIBYTE(wsaData.wVersion) / 10.0;
00396         socklib_ver += LOBYTE(wsaData.wVersion);
00397         if (socklib_ver < 1.1)
00398             HandleError("socket library must support 1.1 or greater", true);
00399 #endif
00401         for (int i=0 ; i<mNrPorts ; i++)
00402         {
00403             struct sockaddr_in address;
00404             address.sin_family = AF_INET;
00405             address.sin_port = htons(mPort + i);
00406             struct hostent* hp;
00407             if (mIsServer)
00408             {
00409                 address.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
00410             }
00411             else
00412             {
00413                 // gethostbyname returns a structure including the network
00414                 // address of the specified host.
00415                 if ((hp = gethostbyname(mServerName.c_str())) == NULL)
00416                     HandleError("InitSocket: gethostbyname", true);
00417                 // initialise the address structure with the resolved IP address
00418                 memcpy((char *) &address.sin_addr, (char *) hp->h_addr,
00419                        hp->h_length);
00420             }
00422             SOCKET sock;
00423             // Create socket.
00424             if ((sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == INVALID_SOCKET)
00425                 HandleError("InitSocket: open stream socket", true);
00426             if (mIsServer)
00427             {
00428                 if (bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &address,
00429                          sizeof(address)) == SOCKET_ERROR)
00430                 {
00431                     HandleError("InitSocket: bind socket", true);
00432                 }
00433             }
00434             else
00435             {
00436                 int nrTries = 5;
00437                 bool done = false;
00438                 while (!done)
00439                 {
00440                     int res = connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &address,
00441                                       sizeof(address));
00442                     if (res == SOCKET_ERROR)
00443                     {
00444                         nrTries--;
00445                         if (nrTries < 0)
00446                         {
00447                             HandleError("InitSocket: connect socket", true);
00448                             done = true;
00449                         }
00450                         else
00451                         {
00452                             ILOG_INFO("Connect failed, re-trying " << nrTries);
00453                         }
00454                     }
00455                     else
00456                     {
00457                         done = true;
00458                     }
00459                 }
00460             }
00461             mSock.push_back(sock);
00462             mSockConnected.push_back(false);
00463             mConnection.push_back("not connected");
00464         }
00465         mSockEvent.resize(mNrPorts);
00466         mMsgSock.resize(mNrPorts);
00467         mMsgSockEvent.resize(mNrPorts);
00468     }
00470     void
00471     CloseSocket(SOCKET sock)
00472     {
00473 #ifdef unix
00474         close(sock);
00475 #else
00476         closesocket(sock);
00477 #endif
00478     }
00482     int
00483     WaitForSocketEvent()
00484     {
00485         ILOG_DEBUG("Waiting for socket event");
00486         int nRet;
00487         int i = 0;
00488         do
00489         {
00490             // Wait for readable state. After accept() this indicates that
00491             // data has been received, so recv() will succeed.
00492             fd_set readSet;
00493             FD_ZERO(&readSet);
00494             for (int s=0 ; s<mSock.size() ; s++)
00495             {
00496                 if (mSockConnected[s])
00497                 {
00498                     FD_SET(mMsgSock[s], &readSet);
00499                     ILOG_DEBUG("  checking on " << mPort+s);
00500                 }
00501             }
00502             // Wait for writable state. After listen() this indicates that
00503             // a connection is pending, so accept() will succeed.
00504             // Oops, on linux this doesn't work, so use readSet.
00505             //fd_set writeSet;
00506             //FD_ZERO(&writeSet);
00507             for (int s=0 ; s<mSock.size() ; s++)
00508             {
00509                 if (!mSockConnected[s])
00510                 {
00511                     //FD_SET(mSock[s], &writeSet);
00512                     FD_SET(mSock[s], &readSet);
00513                     ILOG_DEBUG("  checking on " << mPort+s);
00514                 }
00515             }
00516             if (mCallbackOnIdle)
00517             {
00518                 struct timeval timeOut;
00519                 timeOut.tv_sec = 0;
00520                 timeOut.tv_usec = 100000 * i;
00521                 if (i < 9)
00522                     i++;
00523                 //nRet = select(FD_SETSIZE, &readSet, &writeSet, 0, &timeOut);
00524                 nRet = select(FD_SETSIZE, &readSet, 0, 0, &timeOut);
00525             }
00526             else
00527             {
00528                 //nRet = select(FD_SETSIZE, &readSet, &writeSet, 0, 0);
00529                 nRet = select(FD_SETSIZE, &readSet, 0, 0, 0);
00530             }
00531             if (nRet == SOCKET_ERROR)
00532             {
00533                 HandleError("WaitForSocketEvent: select", true);
00534                 return -1;
00535             }
00536             if (nRet == 0)
00537             {
00538                 if (mCallbackOnIdle)
00539                     HandleIdle();
00540             }
00541             else
00542             {
00543                 ILOG_DEBUG(nRet << " socket event(s)");
00544                 // find readable/writable socket, there may be more than one
00545                 for (int s=0 ; s<mSock.size() ; s++)
00546                 {
00547                     mSockEvent[s] = false;
00548                     mMsgSockEvent[s] = false;
00549                     if (!mSockConnected[s])
00550                     {
00551                         //if (FD_ISSET(mSock[s], &writeSet))
00552                         if (FD_ISSET(mSock[s], &readSet))
00553                             mSockEvent[s] = true;
00554                     }
00555                     else
00556                     {
00557                         if (FD_ISSET(mMsgSock[s], &readSet))
00558                             mMsgSockEvent[s] = true;
00559                     }
00560                 }
00561             }
00562         }
00563         while (nRet == 0);
00564         return nRet;
00565     }
00567     int
00568     SendLarge(SOCKET sock, int nrData)
00569     {
00570         int rval;
00571         ILOG_DEBUG("sending " << nrData << " data bytes");
00573         // assemble CTR header to tell receiver the number of bytes to expect
00574         int nrToSend = nrData + CTR_HEADER_SIZE;
00575         sprintf(mBuffer, "CTR %d\0", nrToSend);
00576         ILOG_DEBUG("send : CTR buf [" << mBuffer << "]");
00578         // now send the buffer
00579         int nrSend = 0;
00580         char* bufPtr = mBuffer;
00581         do
00582         {
00583             rval = send(sock, bufPtr, nrToSend - nrSend, 0);
00584             if (rval == SOCKET_ERROR)
00585             {
00586                 HandleError("SendLarge", true);
00587                 return -1;
00588             }
00589             ILOG_DEBUG("sent " << rval << " bytes");
00590             bufPtr += rval;
00591             nrSend += rval;
00592         }
00593         while (nrSend < nrToSend);
00594         if (nrSend != nrToSend)
00595         {
00596             HandleError("sent incorrect number of bytes!", true);
00597             return -1;
00598         }
00599         return nrSend;
00600     }
00602     int
00603     RecvLarge(SOCKET sock)
00604     {
00605         int rval;
00607         // first recv CTR message to find out the number of bytes to expect
00608         ILOG_DEBUG("receiving...");
00609         int nrToRecv = 0;
00610         int nrRecv = 0;
00611         char* bufPtr = mBuffer;
00612         int bufSize = DATA_BUFFER_SIZE + CTR_HEADER_SIZE;
00613         do
00614         {
00615             rval = recv(sock, bufPtr, bufSize-nrRecv, 0);
00616             if (rval == SOCKET_ERROR)
00617             {
00618                 HandleError("RecvLarge", true);
00619                 return -1;
00620             }
00621             if (rval == 0)
00622             {
00623                 ILOG_DEBUG("recv got a 0 bytes message");
00624                 return 0;
00625             }
00626             if (nrToRecv == 0)
00627             { // read CTR header for number of bytes to receive
00628                 sscanf(bufPtr, "CTR %d", &nrToRecv);
00629                 ILOG_DEBUG("recv expects " << nrToRecv << " bytes"
00630                              );
00631             }
00632             ILOG_DEBUG("    recv " << rval << " bytes");
00633             bufPtr += rval;
00634             nrRecv += rval;
00635         }
00636         while (nrRecv < nrToRecv);
00638         ILOG_DEBUG("received " << nrRecv << " bytes");
00639         if (nrRecv > nrToRecv)
00640         {
00641             HandleError("received MORE bytes than expected!", true);
00642             return -1;
00643         }
00644         return nrRecv;
00645     }
00647     int 
00648     HandleRequest(char* buf, int len, int bufSize)
00649     {
00650         if (mListener)
00651             return mListener->HandleRequest(buf, len, bufSize);
00652         else
00653             return (mFpRequest)(buf, len, bufSize);
00654     }
00656     void
00657     HandleIdle()
00658     {
00659         ILOG_DEBUG("Calling idle function");
00661         if (mListener)
00662             mListener->HandleIdle();
00663         else
00664             (mFpIdle)();
00665     }
00667     void
00668     HandleInfo(CString msg)
00669     {
00670         if (mListener)
00671             mListener->HandleInfo(msg);
00672         else if (mFpInfo)
00673             (mFpInfo)(msg);
00674         else
00675             ILOG_DEBUG(msg);
00676     }
00678     void
00679     HandleError(CString msg, bool isSockError)
00680     {
00681         mNrError++;
00682         String err;
00684 #ifdef unix
00686         err = String(strerror(errno));
00688 #else
00690         // Errors are handled by calling the WSAGetLastError routine which
00691         // will return the last error as one of the following.
00692         switch (WSAGetLastError())
00693         {
00694         case WSANOTINITIALISED :
00695             err = "Unable to initialise socket.";
00696             break;
00697         case WSAEAFNOSUPPORT :
00698             err = "The specified address family is not supported.";
00699             break;
00700         case WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL :
00701             err = "Specified address is not available from the local machine.";
00702             break;
00703         case WSAECONNREFUSED :
00704             err = "The attempt to connect was forcefully rejected.";
00705             break;
00706         case WSAEDESTADDRREQ :
00707             err = "Address destination address is required.";
00708             break;
00709         case WSAEFAULT :
00710             err = "The namelen argument is incorrect.";
00711             break;
00712         case WSAEINVAL :
00713             err = "The socket is not already bound to an address.";
00714             break;
00715         case WSAEISCONN :
00716             err = "The socket is already connected.";
00717             break;
00718         case WSAEADDRINUSE :
00719             err = "The specified address is already in use.";
00720             break;
00721         case WSAEMFILE :
00722             err = "No more file descriptors are available.";
00723             break;
00724         case WSAENOBUFS :
00725             err = "No buffer space available. The socket cannot be created.";
00726             break;
00727         case WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT :
00728             err = "The specified protocol is not supported.";
00729             break;
00730         case WSAEPROTOTYPE :
00731             err = "The specified protocol is the wrong type for this socket.";
00732             break;
00733         case WSAENETUNREACH :
00734             err = "The network can't be reached from this host at this time.";
00735             break;
00736         case WSAENOTSOCK :
00737             err = "The descriptor is not a socket.";
00738             break;
00739         case WSAETIMEDOUT :
00740             err = "Attempt timed out without establishing a connection.";
00741             break;
00742         case WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT :
00743             err = "Socket type is not supported in this address family.";
00744             break;
00745         case WSAENETDOWN :
00746             err = "Network subsystem failure.";
00747             break;
00748         case WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND :
00749             err = "Authoritative Answer Host not found.";
00750             break;
00751         case WSATRY_AGAIN :
00752             err = "Non-Authoritative Host not found or SERVERFAIL.";
00753             break;
00754         case WSANO_RECOVERY :
00755             err = "Non recoverable errors, FORMERR, REFUSED, NOTIMP.";
00756             break;
00757         case WSANO_DATA :
00758             err = "Valid name, no data record of requested type.";
00759             break;
00760         case WSAEINPROGRESS :
00761             err = "Address blocking Windows Sockets operation is in progress.";
00762             break;
00763         case WSAEINTR :
00764             err = "The (blocking) call was canceled via WSACancelBlockingCall.";
00765             break;
00766         default :
00767             err = "Unknown error.";
00768             break;
00769         }
00771 #endif
00773         String finalMsg = msg;
00774         if (isSockError)
00775             finalMsg += ": " + err;
00777         if (mListener)
00778             mListener->HandleError(finalMsg);
00779         else if (mFpError)
00780             (mFpError)(finalMsg);
00781         else
00782             ILOG_ERROR(finalMsg);
00783     }
00785     //void
00786     //HandleConnect(CString conn, int port)
00787     //{
00788     //    if (mListener)
00789     //        mListener->HandleConnect(conn, port);
00790     //}
00792     void
00793     HandleDisconnect(int port)
00794     {
00795         if (mListener)
00796             mListener->HandleDisconnect(port);
00797     }
00799     bool                mIsServer;
00800     String              mServerName;
00801     int                 mPort;
00802     int                 mNrPorts;
00803     std::vector<SOCKET> mSock; // connection sockets
00804     std::vector<bool>   mSockConnected;
00805     std::vector<String> mConnection;
00806     std::vector<bool>   mSockEvent;
00807     std::vector<SOCKET> mMsgSock; // sockets for sending messages
00808     std::vector<bool>   mMsgSockEvent;
00809     char*               mBuffer;
00810     int                 mNrError;
00811     int                 mCurRequestSock;
00812     FP_INFO             mFpInfo;
00813     FP_ERROR            mFpError;
00814     FP_REQUEST          mFpRequest;
00815     FP_IDLE             mFpIdle;
00816     bool                mCallbackOnIdle;
00817     ChannelListener*    mListener;
00819     ILOG_VAR_DECL;
00821 }; // class
00823 ILOG_VAR_INIT(Channel, Impala.Util);
00825 } // namespace Util
00826 } // namespace Impala
00828 #endif

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