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00001 #ifndef Impala_Core_VideoSet_InterestPointProc_h
00002 #define Impala_Core_VideoSet_InterestPointProc_h
00004 #include "Core/VideoSet/Reporter.h"
00005 #include "Core/VideoSet/Keyframes.h"
00006 #include "Core/Array/MakeFromValue.h"
00007 #include "Core/Array/ArrayListDelete.h"
00008 #include "Core/Array/WriteRaw.h"
00009 #include "Persistency/FeatureTableRepository.h"
00010 #include "Core/Feature/InterestPointFeature.h"
00012 namespace Impala
00013 {
00014 namespace Core
00015 {
00016 namespace VideoSet
00017 {
00019 class InterestPointProc : public Listener
00020 {
00021 public:
00023     typedef Persistency::FeatureLocator FeatureLocator;
00024     typedef Persistency::FeatureTableRepository FeatureTableRepository;
00025     typedef Persistency::FileLocator FileLocator;
00026     typedef Persistency::File File;
00028     InterestPointProc(Reporter* reporter, CmdOptions& options)
00029         : mInterestPointFeature(options), mOptions(options), mNoZIP(false), 
00030           mSkipThisVideo(false)
00031     {
00032         mNoZIP = options.GetBool("noZIP");
00033         mCodebookSet = "";
00034         mFeatureTableResult.SetInfo("codebook=" + options.GetString("codebook"));
00035         mInterestPointFeature.SetResultOutput(&mFeatureTableResult);
00036         if (options.GetNrArg() > 2)
00037             mCodebookSet = options.GetArg(2);
00038         if (mNoZIP)
00039         {
00040             ILOG_INFO("NOT creating ZIP output files");
00041         }
00042         else
00043         {
00044             ILOG_INFO("Creating ZIP output files");
00045         }
00046     }
00048     static void
00049     AddCmdOptions()
00050     { 
00051         Feature::InterestPointFeature::AddCmdOptions();
00053         CmdOptions& options = CmdOptions::GetInstance();
00054         options.AddOption(0, "noZIP",                    "",        "0");
00055         options.AddOption(0, "interestPointPostProcess", "command", "");
00056     }
00058     virtual void
00059     HandleNewWalk(VideoSet* vs)
00060     {
00061         if (!mOptions.GetString("codebook").empty())
00062         {
00063             Database::RawDataSet* bookSet = vs;
00064             if (!mCodebookSet.empty())
00065             {
00066                 ILOG_INFO("Using separate codebook set: " << mCodebookSet);
00067                 bookSet = Database::MakeRawDataSet(mCodebookSet);
00068             }
00070             mInterestPointFeature.SetCodebook(mOptions.GetString("codebook"),
00071                                               bookSet->GetLocator());
00072             mFeatureTableResult.SetFeatureDefinition(
00073                                 mInterestPointFeature.GetFeatureDefinition());
00074         }
00075     }
00077     virtual void
00078     HandleNewWalk(VideoSet* vs, String walkType)
00079     {
00080         mWalkType = walkType;
00081     }
00083     virtual void
00084     HandleNewFile(VideoSet* vs, int fileId, Stream::RgbDataSrc* src)
00085     {
00086         ILOG_INFO("HandleNewFile: " << fileId);
00087         mTempFilenames.clear();
00088         mSkipThisVideo = false;
00089         if (CmdOptions::GetInstance().GetBool("override"))
00090             return; // only support skipping if override is off
00092         if (!mNoZIP) 
00093         {
00094             // does the ZIP exist already?
00095             FeatureLocator loc(vs->GetLocator(), false, false, mWalkType,
00096                                mInterestPointFeature.GetFeatureName(),
00097                                vs->GetContainer(fileId));
00098             loc.ExtendSuffix(".zip");
00099             if (FeatureTableRepository().Exists(loc))
00100             {
00101                 mSkipThisVideo = true;
00102                 ILOG_INFO("Skipping video " << fileId <<
00103                           "; ZIP file already exists");
00104             }
00105             return;
00106         }
00108         if (mInterestPointFeature.mClusterInput)
00109         {
00110             // clusterInput mode
00111             Feature::FeatureDefinition def = mInterestPointFeature.GetFeatureName();
00112             def.AddParameter("clusterinput", "2");
00113             FeatureLocator loc(vs->GetLocator(), false, false, mWalkType,
00114                                def.AsString(), vs->GetContainer(fileId));
00115             if (FeatureTableRepository().Exists(loc))
00116             {
00117                 mSkipThisVideo = true;
00118                 ILOG_INFO("Skipping folder " << fileId <<
00119                           "; FeatureData:ClusterInput file already exists");
00120             }
00121         }
00122         else
00123         {
00124             // does the featuretable exist already?
00125             String f = mInterestPointFeature.GetFeatureDefinition().AsString();
00126             FeatureLocator loc(vs->GetLocator(), false, false, mWalkType, f,
00127                                vs->GetContainer(fileId));
00128             if (FeatureTableRepository().Exists(loc))
00129             {
00130                 mSkipThisVideo = true;
00131                 ILOG_INFO("Skipping video " << fileId <<
00132                           "; FeatureData file already exists");
00133             }
00134         }
00135     }
00137     virtual void
00138     HandleNewFrame(VideoSet* vs, int fileId, Stream::RgbDataSrc* src)
00139     {
00140         if (mSkipThisVideo)
00141             return;
00142         // get frame and friendly frame name
00143         Array::Array2dVec3UInt8* im = Array::ArrayCreate<Array::Array2dVec3UInt8>
00144             (src->FrameWidth(), src->FrameHeight(), 0, 0, src->DataPtr(), true);
00145         String videoName = src->GetName();
00146         String::size_type p = videoName.rfind("/");
00147         if (p != String::npos)
00148             videoName = videoName.substr(p+1, videoName.size());
00150         String imName = FileNameCtor(videoName, "frame", src->FrameNr(), "");
00151         imName = StringReplaceAll(imName, ".", "_");
00153         // verify image is not null
00154         if (!im)
00155         {
00156             ILOG_ERROR("No image: fileId=" << fileId << "; imName=" << imName);
00157             return;
00158         }
00160         // create temporary output filename
00161         String outputFilename = PathJoin(GetTmpPath(), imName + "." +
00162                                          mInterestPointFeature.GetFeatureName());
00164         // clean up the filename: remove .jpg and ./ paths
00165         outputFilename = StringReplace(outputFilename, ".jpg", "");
00166         outputFilename = StringReplace(outputFilename, "/./", "/");
00167         outputFilename = StringReplace(outputFilename, "/./", "/");
00168         ILOG_DEBUG("fileId=" << fileId << "; imName=" << imName <<
00169                    "; outputFilename=" << outputFilename);
00171         // compute feature
00172         if (mNoZIP)
00173         {
00174             outputFilename = "";
00175         }
00176         mInterestPointFeature.mClusterInputImage =
00177             QuidObj(vs->GetQuidFrame(fileId, src->FrameNr())).ToString();
00179         if (!mInterestPointFeature.FindInterestPoints(mOptions, im, 
00180                vs->GetQuidFrame(fileId, src->FrameNr()), outputFilename, true))
00181         {
00182             ILOG_ERROR("Extracting interest points/descriptors failed: " <<
00183                        imName);
00184         }
00186         // post-processing functionality
00187         if (mOptions.GetString("interestPointPostProcess") != "")
00188         {
00189             String cmd = mOptions.GetString("interestPointPostProcess")
00190                 + " " + outputFilename;
00191             ILOG_INFO("Post-processing = " << cmd);
00192             system(cmd.c_str());
00193         }
00194         if (!mNoZIP)
00195         {
00196             mTempFilenames.push_back(outputFilename);
00197         }
00199         delete im;
00200     }
00202     virtual void
00203     HandleDoneFile(VideoSet* vs, int fileId, Stream::RgbDataSrc* src)
00204     {
00205         if (mSkipThisVideo)
00206             return;
00208         FeatureLocator loc(vs->GetLocator(), false, false, mWalkType, "empty",
00209                            vs->GetContainer(fileId));
00210         // Feature table logic
00211         if (mFeatureTableResult.GetTableSize() != 0)
00212         {
00213             for(int i = 0; i < mFeatureTableResult.Size(); i++)
00214             {
00215                 loc.SetFeatureDef(mFeatureTableResult.GetFeatureDefinition(i));
00216                 FeatureTableRepository().Add(loc, mFeatureTableResult.GetTable(i));
00217             }
00218             mFeatureTableResult.Delete();
00219         }
00221         // ZIP-file logic
00222         if (!mNoZIP)
00223         {
00224             String featureName = mInterestPointFeature.GetFeatureName();
00225             String fName = PathJoin(GetTmpPath(), "tmp-" + featureName +
00226                                     "-" + MakeString(fileId) + ".zip");
00227             String txtName = StringReplace(fName, ".zip", ".txt");
00228             loc.SetFeatureString(featureName + ".zip");
00229             String serverName = FeatureTableRepository().ExposeFilePath(loc,
00230                                                                         true);
00231             serverName = StringReplace(serverName, ".zip.tab", ".tab.zip");
00233             // put it all in fName
00234             std::ofstream fs(txtName.c_str());
00235             for (std::vector<String>::iterator iter = mTempFilenames.begin();
00236                  iter != mTempFilenames.end(); iter++)
00237             {
00238                 fs << (*iter) << std::endl;
00239             }
00240             fs.close();
00242             String cmd = "zip ";
00243             cmd += fName;
00244             cmd += " -@ <";
00245             cmd += txtName;
00246             //TODO: call toZip.py here? Instead of Shell scripting?
00247             if (!serverName.empty())
00248             {
00249                 // without override, fName will be empty if zip file already
00250                 // exists, so we cannot ZIP!
00251                 system(cmd.c_str());
00252             }
00254             // cleanup
00255             if (std::remove(txtName.c_str()) != 0)
00256             {
00257                 ILOG_WARN("Could not cleanup intermediate file: " << txtName);
00258             }
00260             // copy ZIP file to its final destination
00261             File srcFile = Persistency::RepositoryGetFile(fName, false, false);
00262             FileLocator dstLoc(vs->GetLocator(), serverName);
00263             File dstFile = Persistency::RepositoryGetFile(dstLoc, true, false);
00264             dstFile.CopyFrom(srcFile);
00266             // cleanup
00267             if (std::remove(fName.c_str()) != 0)
00268             {
00269                 ILOG_WARN("Could not cleanup temporary ZIP file: " << fName);
00270             }
00271         }
00273         // clusterInput mode
00274         if (mInterestPointFeature.mClusterInput &&
00275             mInterestPointFeature.mClusterInputData)
00276         {
00277             loc.SetFeatureDef(mInterestPointFeature.mClusterInputData->GetFeatureDefinition());
00278             FeatureTableRepository().Add(loc, mInterestPointFeature.mClusterInputData);
00279             delete mInterestPointFeature.mClusterInputData;
00280             mInterestPointFeature.mClusterInputData = 0;
00281         }
00283         // cleanup
00284         for (std::vector<String>::iterator iter = mTempFilenames.begin();
00285              iter != mTempFilenames.end(); iter++)
00286         {
00287             if (std::remove((*iter).c_str()) != 0)
00288             {
00289                 ILOG_WARN("Could not cleanup intermediate file: " << (*iter));
00290             }
00291         }
00292         mTempFilenames.clear();
00293         ILOG_INFO("HandleDoneFile: " << fileId);
00294     }
00296 private:
00298     Feature::FeatureTableResult mFeatureTableResult;
00299     Feature::InterestPointFeature mInterestPointFeature;
00300     CmdOptions& mOptions;
00301     String mCodebookSet;
00302     std::vector<String> mTempFilenames;
00303     bool mNoZIP;
00304     bool mSkipThisVideo;
00305     String mWalkType;
00307     ILOG_VAR_DEC;
00308 };
00310 ILOG_VAR_INIT(InterestPointProc, Core.VideoSet);
00312 } // namespace VideoSet
00313 } // namespace Core
00314 } // namespace Impala
00316 #endif

Generated on Thu Jan 13 09:04:31 2011 for ImpalaSrc by  doxygen 1.5.1