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00001 //345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
00002 // Author: Richard van Balen
00003 #ifndef Impala_Visualization_AllFramesTLineVideo_h
00004 #define Impala_Visualization_AllFramesTLineVideo_h
00006 #include "Persistency/SimilarityTableSetRepository.h"
00007 #include "Persistency/AnnotationTableRepository.h"
00008 #include "OglGui/CheckBox.h"
00009 #include "OglGui/UpDownButton.h"
00010 #include "OglGui/FramesPerSecond.h"
00011 #include "Visualization/SimilarityTimeLineVideo.h"
00012 #include "Core/VideoSet/SegmentationDocument.h"
00013 #include "Core/Database/RawDataSet.h"
00014 #include "Core/Stream/RgbDataSrcRaw.h"
00015 #include "Visualization/AppControlDoc.h"
00018 namespace Impala {
00019 namespace Visualization {
00021 class AllFramesTLineVideo : public OglGui::Window,
00022                             public AppControlDoc,
00023                             public OglGui::WindowListener,
00024                             public OglGui::CheckBoxListener,
00025                             public OglGui::ButtonListener,
00026                             public OglGui::UpDownButtonListener,
00027                             public Core::Database::DataDocumentListener
00028 {
00029 public:
00030     static const int SHOW_SHOT_BOUNDARIES   = 1;
00031     static const int SHOW_VIEWSTRIP         = 2;
00032     static const int NEXT_PREV_SHOT         = 3;
00033     static const int NEXT_PREV_KEYFRAME     = 4;
00034     static const int VIEWSTRIP_PRE          = 5;
00035     static const int VIEWSTRIP_MIN          = 6;
00036     static const int VIEWSTRIP_MAX          = 7;
00037     static const int CENTER_NEEDLE          = 8;
00038     static const int CENTER_NEEDLE_ONPLAY   = 9;
00039     static const int EXTRA_TIMELINE         = 10;
00040     static const int NEXT_PREV_POSITIVE     = 11;
00041     // Leave 20 for NEX_PREV_POSITIVE
00042     static const int VALIDATE               = 31;
00044     typedef OglGui::CheckBox                        CheckBox;
00045     typedef OglGui::StaticText                              StaticText;
00046     typedef OglGui::Button                                      Button;
00047     typedef OglGui::UpDownButton                        UpDownButton;
00049     typedef Core::VideoSet::SegmentationDocument    SegmentationDocument;
00050     typedef Core::VideoSet::Segmentation            Segmentation;
00051     typedef Core::VideoSet::Keyframes               Keyframes;
00052     typedef Core::Table::SimilarityTableSet         SimilarityTableSet;
00053     typedef SimilarityTableSet::SimTableType        SimTableType;
00055     typedef std::vector<int>                        IntVector;
00056     typedef std::vector<IntVector*>                 AnnoPositives;
00057     typedef std::vector<float>                      FloatVector;
00058     typedef std::vector<FloatVector*>               Averages;
00060     typedef Core::Table::AnnotationTable            AnnotationTable;
00062     typedef Core::Stream::RgbDataSrcRaw             RgbDataSrcRaw;
00063     typedef Core::Stream::RgbDataSrcFactory         RgbDataSrcFactory;
00064     typedef Core::Stream::RgbDataSrc                RgbDataSrc;
00065     typedef Core::Database::RawDataSet              RawDataSet;
00067     AllFramesTLineVideo(OglGui::Window* parent,int wndW, int wndH,
00068                         SegmentationDocument* segDoc, int controlId) :
00069         Window(parent,0,0,wndW, wndH, true),
00070         AppControlDoc(controlId, segDoc)
00071     {
00072         Init(wndW, wndH, segDoc);
00073     }
00075     void HandleNewVideo()
00076     {
00077         RawDataSet* dataSet      = mSegDoc->GetDataSet();
00078         //std::string dir          = dataSet->GetFile(mCurFile);
00079         //std::string videoName    = mTimeLineVideoDir+"/"+dir;
00080 #ifndef REPOSITORY_USED // Here comes the deprecated stuff
00081         std::string videoName    = dataSet->GetFilePathVideoData(mCurFile,
00082                                                                  false, false);
00083         //std::string rawName      = videoName+"/"+"images_jpg.raw";
00084         std::string rawName      = dataSet->GetFilePathFrames(mCurFile,
00085                                                               "images_jpg.raw",
00086                                                               false, false);
00087         //std::string rawStripName = mViewStripDir+"/"+dir+"/"+"images_jpg.raw";
00088 #else // REPOSITORY_USED
00089         ILOG_ERROR("Todo : HandleNewVideo");
00090         String videoName;
00091         String rawName;
00092 #endif // REPOSITORY_USED
00093         bool vidIsMpg, stripIsMpg;
00095         //if (FileExists(rawName))
00096         if (mTimeLineVideoRaw && !rawName.empty())
00097         {
00098 #ifndef REPOSITORY_USED // Here comes the deprecated stuff
00099             mRgbDataSrcRaw = new RgbDataSrcRaw(rawName);
00100 #endif // REPOSITORY_USED
00101             mSimTLV->OpenVideo(mRgbDataSrcRaw,videoName);
00102             vidIsMpg = false;
00103         }
00104         else
00105         {
00106             if (FileExists(videoName + ".info"))
00107                 mSimTLV->OpenVideo(videoName, "lavcwithidx");
00108             else
00109                 mSimTLV->OpenVideo(videoName, "lavcwriteidx");
00110             vidIsMpg = true;
00111         }
00113         SimilarityTimeLine* timeLine = mSimTLV->TimeLine();
00114         if (mShowViewStrip)
00115         {
00116             timeLine->ViewStripRgbDataSrc((RgbDataSrc*)0);
00117             timeLine->SetAxisY(mTLVAxisY);
00118             timeLine->ViewStripY(mViewStripY);
00119             timeLine->ViewStripFrameStep(mViewStripStep);
00120             timeLine->ViewStripMinViewWidth(mViewStripMinW);
00121             timeLine->SetNeedleColor(mNeedleColor);
00122         }
00123         if (mShowViewStrip && mViewStripVideoRaw && !rawName.empty())
00124         {
00125             timeLine->ViewStripOpenRawFile(rawName, mViewStripUseMem);
00126             stripIsMpg = false;
00127         }
00128         else if (mShowViewStrip)
00129         {
00130 #ifndef REPOSITORY_USED // Here comes the deprecated stuff
00131             RgbDataSrc* dataSrc = RgbDataSrcFactory::Instance().Construct
00132                 (RgbDataSrcFactory::SRC_LAVC, videoName, dataSet->GetDatabase());
00133 #else // REPOSITORY_USED
00134             Persistency::RgbDataSrcLocator loc(dataSet->GetLocator(), videoName);
00135             RgbDataSrc* dataSrc = RgbDataSrcFactory::Instance().Construct
00136                 (RgbDataSrcFactory::SRC_LAVC, loc);
00137 #endif // REPOSITORY_USED
00138             timeLine->ViewStripRgbDataSrc(dataSrc);
00139             stripIsMpg = true;
00140         }
00141         /*
00142         if (mShowViewStrip && FileExists(rawStripName))
00143         {
00144             timeLine->ViewStripOpenRawFile(rawStripName, mViewStripUseMem);
00145             stripIsMpg = false;
00146         }
00147         else if (mShowViewStrip)
00148         {
00149             RgbDataSrcLavc* dataSrc = new RgbDataSrcLavc(-1,videoName,READIDX);
00150             timeLine->ViewStripRgbDataSrc(dataSrc);
00151             stripIsMpg = true;
00152         }
00153         */
00154         timeLine->mBothMpg = (stripIsMpg && vidIsMpg);
00156         //mSimTLV->Player()->GotoFrame(mSegDoc->CurFrame()-mFrameError);
00157         mSimTLV->Player()->GotoFrame(mSegDoc->CurFrame()/*+15*/);
00158         ConstructPositives();
00159     }
00161     void HandleNewSimSet()
00162     {
00163         bool        doExtra   = false;
00164         RawDataSet* dataSet   = mSegDoc->GetDataSet();
00165         //std::string dir       = dataSet->GetFile(mCurFile);
00166         //std::string simNames  = mTimeLineVideoSimDir+"/"+dir+"/names.txt";
00167 #ifndef REPOSITORY_USED // Here comes the deprecated stuff
00168         std::string simNames =
00169             dataSet->GetFilePathSimilarityData("Frames", mConceptSet, mConceptModel,
00170                                                mConceptFeature, mCurFile,
00171                                                "names.txt", false, false);
00173         if (mSimSet)
00174             delete mSimSet;
00175         mSimSet = 0;
00176         if (!simNames.empty())
00177             mSimSet = SimilarityTableSet::MakeFromFile(simNames,
00178                                                        dataSet->GetDatabase());
00179 #else // REPOSITORY_USED
00180         typedef Persistency::SimilarityTableSetLocator SimLoc;
00181         SimLoc loc(dataSet->GetLocator(), false, "Frames", mConceptSet,
00182                    mConceptModel, mConceptFeature,
00183                    dataSet->GetContainerFile(mCurFile));
00184         if (mSimSet)
00185             delete mSimSet;
00186         mSimSet = Persistency::SimilarityTableSetRepository().Get(loc);
00187 #endif // REPOSITORY_USED
00189         if (!mSimTLV)
00190         {
00191             int m = 0; //  = (mNoValues ? 0 : 1) | (mNoBars ? 0 : 2);
00192             m |= mShowViewStrip ? 4 : 0;
00193             m |= mTimeLineVideo3D ? 16 : 0;
00194             mSimTLV = new SimilarityTimeLineVideo(this,0,30,W(),H()-30,
00195                                                   mSimSet,m);
00196             SimilarityTimeLine* simTL = mSimTLV->TimeLine();
00197             simTL->SetWindowListener(this);
00198             simTL->FrameError(mFrameError);
00199             mSimTLV->ConnectTo(this);
00200             mSimTLV->ScaleChildren(0,0);
00201             doExtra = true;
00202         }
00203         else
00204             mSimTLV->SetSimilarityTableSet(mSimSet);
00205         HandleNewVideo();
00206         if (doExtra)
00207             HandleExtraTimeLines();
00208     }
00210     virtual void
00211     HandleNewFile()
00212     {
00213         if (!mSegDoc->HasCursor())
00214         {
00215             mCurFile = -1;
00216             return;
00217         }
00218         int fileId  = mSegDoc->CurFileId();
00219         if (fileId == mCurFile && mSimTLV)
00220         {
00221             mSimTLV->Player()->GotoFrame(mSegDoc->CurFrame()-mFrameError/*+15*/);
00222             return;
00223         }
00224         mCurFile = fileId;
00225         HandleNewSimSet();
00226     }
00228     virtual void CheckBoxEvent(CheckBox *src, bool checked, void* vData)
00229     {
00230         int userData = (long long) vData;
00231         if (userData == SHOW_SHOT_BOUNDARIES)
00232             mShowBoundaries = checked;
00233         if (userData == SHOW_VIEWSTRIP)
00234             mSimTLV->TimeLine()->ViewStripShow(checked);
00235         if (userData == CENTER_NEEDLE_ONPLAY)
00236             mSimTLV->CenterNeedleOnPlay(checked);
00237         if (userData == CENTER_NEEDLE)
00238             mSimTLV->CenterNeedle(checked);
00239     }
00241     int FindFrameShot(int frame)
00242     {
00243         Segmentation* seg       = mSegDoc->GetSegmentation();
00244         int           firstShot = seg->GetFirstShotVideo(mCurFile);
00245         int           lastShot  = firstShot+seg->GetNrShotsVideo(mCurFile);
00246         int               i;
00248         for (i=firstShot; i<lastShot; i++)
00249             if (seg->GetStart(i) > frame)
00250                 break;
00251         return i-1;
00252     }
00254     void GoToAdjacentShot(bool next)
00255     {
00256         Segmentation*   seg              = mSegDoc->GetSegmentation();
00257         int                             curFrame = mSimTLV->Player()->FrameNr();
00258         int                             nextShot = FindFrameShot(curFrame) + (next?1:-1);
00259         mSimTLV->TimeLine()->Current(seg->GetStart(nextShot)*40);
00260     }
00262     int FindAdjacentKeyFrame(int frame, bool next)
00263     {
00264         Keyframes* keys        = mSegDoc->GetKeyframes();
00265         int        firstKeyFr  = keys->GetFirstKeyframeVideo(mCurFile);
00266         int        lastKeyFr   = firstKeyFr+keys->GetNrKeyframesVideo(mCurFile);
00267         int        i, k, prevK;
00269         //frame -= 15; // Compensate 15 for keyFrameError
00270         frame += next ? 1 : 0;
00271         for (i=firstKeyFr; i<lastKeyFr; i++)
00272         {
00273             if ((k=keys->GetFrameNr(i))<frame)
00274                 prevK = k;
00275             else
00276                 break;
00277         }
00278         return /* 15 + */ (next ? k : prevK); // Compensate 15 for keyFrameError 
00279     }
00281     void GoToAdjacentKeyFrame(bool next)
00282     {
00283         int      curFrame  = mSimTLV->Player()->FrameNr();
00284         int  nFrame    = FindAdjacentKeyFrame(curFrame,next);
00285         mSimTLV->TimeLine()->Current(nFrame*40);
00286     }
00288     int FindAdjacentPositive(int id, int frame, bool next)
00289     {
00290         int        i, k, prevK;
00292         frame += next ? 1 : 0;
00293         IntVector* positiveVector = mAnnoPositives[id];
00295         for (i=0; i<positiveVector->size(); i++)
00296         {
00297             if ((k=(*positiveVector)[i])<frame)
00298                 prevK = k;
00299             else
00300                 break;
00301         }
00302         return /* 15 + */ (next ? k : prevK); // Compensate 15 for keyFrameError 
00303     }
00305     void GoToAdjacentPositive(int id, bool next)
00306     {
00307         int      curFrame  = mSimTLV->Player()->FrameNr();
00308         int  nFrame    = FindAdjacentPositive(id,curFrame,next);
00309         mSimTLV->TimeLine()->Current(nFrame*40);
00310     }
00312     virtual void
00313     UpDownButtonSelectionEvent(UpDownButton *src, bool isUpBtn, void* vData)
00314     {
00315         int userData = (long long) vData;
00316         if (userData == NEXT_PREV_SHOT) // Shot boundaries
00317             GoToAdjacentShot(isUpBtn);
00318         if (userData==NEXT_PREV_KEYFRAME)
00319             GoToAdjacentKeyFrame(isUpBtn);
00320         if (userData>=NEXT_PREV_POSITIVE && userData<NEXT_PREV_POSITIVE+20)
00321             GoToAdjacentPositive(userData-NEXT_PREV_POSITIVE,isUpBtn);
00322         mSimTLV->TimeLine()->MakeCurrentVisible();
00323     }
00325     virtual void ButtonSelectionEvent(Button *src, void* vData)
00326     {
00327         int userData = (long long) vData;
00328         if (userData==VIEWSTRIP_PRE)
00329             mSimTLV->TimeLine()->ViewStripZoomToShowViews(0);
00330         if (userData==VIEWSTRIP_MIN)
00331             mSimTLV->TimeLine()->ViewStripZoomToShowViews(1);
00332         if (userData==VIEWSTRIP_MAX)
00333             mSimTLV->TimeLine()->ViewStripZoomToShowViews(2);
00334         if (userData==EXTRA_TIMELINE)
00335             mSimTLV->ExtraTimeLine(mSimTLV, mSimTLV->TitledTimeLine()->X(),
00336                                    mSimTLV->H()-200,
00337                                    mSimTLV->TitledTimeLine()->W(),182,
00338                                    "Extra TimeLine");
00339         if (userData==VALIDATE)
00340             AnnoValidate();
00341     }
00343     void AnnoValidate()
00344     {
00345         RawDataSet* dataSet      = mSegDoc->GetDataSet();
00346         std::string dir          = dataSet->GetFile(mCurFile);
00348         printf("\n\nValidation %s\n--------------------------------------\n",
00349                dir.c_str());
00350         SimilarityTimeLine* timeLine = mSimTLV->TimeLine();
00351         for (int a=0; a<mAnnoTables.size(); a++)
00352         {
00353             AnnotationTable* anno   = mAnnoTables[a];
00354             FloatVector*     avgVector = (*mSimTLV->GetAverages())[a];
00356             int nPosCorrect=0, nPosInCorrect = 0;
00357             int nFalseCorrect=0, nFalseInCorrect= 0;
00358             int n = 0;
00359             float maxim  = (*mSimTLV->Maxima())[a];
00360             float mean   = (*mSimTLV->Means())[a];
00362             int sz = anno->Size();
00363             for (int i=0; i<sz; i++)
00364             {
00365                 Quid    quid    = anno->Get1(i);
00366                 float   qual    = anno->Get2(i);
00367                 int     vidId   = QuidObject(quid);
00368                 int     frameId = QuidId(quid);
00369                 if (vidId==mCurFile)
00370                 {
00371                     float sim = (*avgVector)[frameId];
00372                     bool isConcept = timeLine->PassTest(sim,maxim,mean);
00373                     if (qual > 0)
00374                     {
00375                         if (isConcept)
00376                             nPosCorrect++;
00377                         else
00378                             nPosInCorrect++;
00379                     }
00380                     if (qual < 0)
00381                     {
00382                         if (isConcept)
00383                             nFalseInCorrect++;
00384                         else
00385                             nFalseCorrect++;
00386                     }
00387                     n++;
00388                 }
00389             }
00390             printf("%18s: %3d TruePos, %3d FalseNeg, TrueNeg %3d FalsePos %3d\n",
00391                 mSimSet->GetNames()[a].c_str(), nPosCorrect, nPosInCorrect, nFalseCorrect, nFalseInCorrect);
00392         }
00393     }
00395     void ReadAnnotations()
00396     {
00397         AnnotationTable *anno;
00399         for (int i=0; i<mSegDoc->NrConcepts(); i++)
00400         {
00401             anno = 0;
00402             Core::VideoSet::VideoSet* vidSet = mSegDoc->GetVideoSet();
00403 #ifndef REPOSITORY_USED // Here comes the deprecated stuff
00404             std::string fName = vidSet->GetFilePathAnnotation
00405                 (QUID_CLASS_FRAME, mConceptAnnotations,
00406                  mSegDoc->GetConcept(i)+".tab", false, false);
00407             if (fName.empty())
00408                 printf("No annotions for %s\n", mSegDoc->GetConcept(i).c_str());
00409             else
00410                 anno = Core::Table::AnnotationTable::MakeFromFile
00411                     (mSegDoc->GetConcept(i), fName, vidSet->GetDatabase());
00412 #else // REPOSITORY_USED
00413             typedef Persistency::AnnotationTableLocator AnnoLoc;
00414             AnnoLoc loc(vidSet->GetLocator(), QUID_CLASS_FRAME,
00415                         mConceptAnnotations, mSegDoc->GetConcept(i));
00416             anno = Persistency::AnnotationTableRepository().Get(loc);
00417 #endif // REPOSITORY_USED
00418             if (anno)
00419                 mAnnoTables.push_back(anno);
00420         }
00421     }
00423     void ClearPositives()
00424     {
00425         for (int i=0; i<mAnnoPositives.size(); i++)
00426             delete mAnnoPositives[i];
00427         mAnnoPositives.clear();
00428     }
00430     void ConstructPositives()
00431     {
00432         ClearPositives();
00434         int sz = mAnnoTables.size();
00435         for (int a=0; a<sz; a++)
00436         {
00437             AnnotationTable* anno           = mAnnoTables[a];
00438             IntVector*       positiveVector = new IntVector;
00440             for (int i=0; i<anno->Size(); i++)
00441             {
00442                 Quid    quid    = anno->Get1(i);
00443                 float   qual    = anno->Get2(i);
00444                 int     vidId   = QuidObject(quid);
00445                 int     frameId = QuidId(quid);
00447                 if (vidId == mCurFile && qual > 0)
00448                     positiveVector->push_back(frameId);
00449             }
00450             mAnnoPositives.push_back(positiveVector);
00451         }
00452     }
00454     virtual void WindowDisplayEvent(OglGui::Window *src, void* userData)
00455     {
00456         ShowBoundaries((SimilarityTimeLine*) src);
00457         ShowPositives((SimilarityTimeLine*) src);
00459         if (!mChBoxValueBars)
00460         {
00461             mChBoxValueBars = mSimTLV->ChBoxValueBars();
00462             OglGui::CheckBoxValueBar*  chBoxVB;
00463             int item = 0;
00464             while( chBoxVB = mChBoxValueBars->GetItem(item) )
00465             {
00466                 UpDownButton* upDownBtn
00467                     = RightUpDownButton(chBoxVB,20,12,NEXT_PREV_POSITIVE+item);
00468                 item++;
00469             }
00470         }
00471     }
00473     void ShowBoundaries(SimilarityTimeLine* simTL)
00474     {
00475         if (!mShowBoundaries)
00476             return;
00478         Segmentation* seg   = mSegDoc->GetSegmentation();
00479         int firstShot       = seg->GetFirstShotVideo(mCurFile);
00480         int nrShots         = seg->GetNrShotsVideo(mCurFile);
00481         int frameErr        = simTL->FrameError();
00483         int y = simTL->GetAxisY();
00485         int i, x, frame;
00487         SetSolidLineColor(0xffff8050);
00488         for (i=firstShot; i<firstShot+nrShots; i++)
00489         {
00490             frame = seg->GetStart(i);
00491             x = simTL->Unit2Pixel((frame-frameErr)*40);
00492             DrawLine(x,y-16,x,y+200);
00493         }
00495         Keyframes* keys = mSegDoc->GetKeyframes();
00496         int firstKeyfr = keys->GetFirstKeyframeVideo(mCurFile);
00497         int nrKeys = keys->GetNrKeyframesVideo(mCurFile);
00499         int curFr = mSegDoc->CurFrame();
00500         for (i=firstKeyfr; i<firstKeyfr+nrKeys; i++)
00501         {
00502             frame = keys->GetFrameNr(i);
00503             ULONG col = keys->IsRKF(i) ? oglRED : oglBLUE;
00504             if (curFr == frame)
00505                 col = oglGREEN;
00506             SetSolidLineColor(col);
00507             x = simTL->Unit2Pixel((frame-frameErr/*+15*/)*40);
00508             //x = simTL->Unit2Pixel((frame-frameErr)*40);
00509             DrawLine(x,y-16,x,y+100);
00510         }
00511     }
00513     void ShowPositives(SimilarityTimeLine* simTL)
00514     {
00515         if (!mShowPositives)
00516             return;
00518 //Segmentation* seg = mSegDoc->GetSegmentation();
00520         int y = simTL->GetAxisY();
00522         SetLineWidth(3);
00523         int nConcepts = mAnnoPositives.size();
00524         for (int i=0; i<nConcepts; i++)
00525         {
00526             if (!simTL->GetShowSim(i))
00527                 continue;
00529             ULONG col = simTL->GetSimColor(i);
00530             SetSolidLineColor(col);
00531             IntVector* positiveVector = mAnnoPositives[i];
00532             int sz = positiveVector->size();
00533             for (int p=0; p<sz; p++)
00534             {
00535                 int posFrame = (*positiveVector)[p];
00536                 int x = simTL->Unit2Pixel(posFrame*40);
00537                 DrawLine(x,y-(i*2)-2,x,y-20);
00538 /*
00539 SetLineWidth(1);
00540 int shot = FindFrameShot(posFrame);
00541 int prevShot = seg->GetStart(shot);
00542 int     nextShot = seg->GetStart(shot+1);
00543                 int yShot = y-(i*2)-2;
00544                 int x1 = simTL->Unit2Pixel(prevShot*40);
00545                 int x2 = simTL->Unit2Pixel(nextShot*40);
00546                 DrawLine(x1,yShot,x2,yShot);
00547 SetLineWidth(3);
00548 */
00549             }
00550         }
00551         SetLineWidth(1);
00552     }
00554 private:
00555     void HandleExtraTimeLines()
00556     {
00557         for (int i=0; i<mNrExtraTimeLines; i++)
00558         {
00559             int x,y,w,h,tlvH=mSimTLV->H();
00560             mSimTLV->TitledTimeLine()->GetDimensions(x,y,w,h);
00561             int nH = (tlvH - (y+h))/mNrExtraTimeLines;
00562             OglGui::TitledWindow* titledWnd =
00563                 mSimTLV->ExtraTimeLine(mSimTLV,x,tlvH-(mNrExtraTimeLines-i)*nH,
00564                                        w,nH-2,"Extra TimeLine");
00565             titledWnd->ScaleTo(this);
00566             mSimTLV->TimeLineExtra(i)->DocX(30);
00567             int oldW = mSimTLV->TimeLineExtra(i)->DocW();
00568             int n = (mNrExtraTimeLines-i);
00569             mSimTLV->TimeLineExtra(i)->DocW((n*n*15)*oldW);
00570         }
00571         if (mNrExtraTimeLines>0)
00572         {
00573             int oldW = mSimTLV->TimeLine()->DocW();
00574             mSimTLV->TimeLine()->DocX(30);
00575             int n = (mNrExtraTimeLines+2);
00576             mSimTLV->TimeLine()->DocW(n*n*15*oldW);
00577         }
00578     }
00580     void HandleOptions()
00581     {
00582         CmdOptions& options = CmdOptions::GetInstance();
00584         mFrameError             = options.GetInt("timeLineVideoFrameError");
00585         mTimeLineVideoRaw       = options.GetBool("timeLineVideoRaw");
00586         mViewStripVideoRaw      = options.GetBool("viewStripVideoRaw");
00587         //mTimeLineVideoDir       = options.GetString("timeLineVideoDir");
00588         //mTimeLineVideoSimDir    = options.GetString("timeLineVideoSimDataDir");
00589         //mTimeLineVideoSimSubDir = options.GetString("timeLineVideoSimDataSubDir");
00590         mConceptSet             = options.GetString("conceptSet");
00591         mConceptModel           = options.GetString("conceptModel");
00592         mConceptFeature         = options.GetString("conceptFeature");
00593         mConceptAnnotations     = options.GetString("conceptAnnotations");
00594         mTimeLineVideo3D        = options.GetBool("timeLineVideo3D");
00595         mTLVAxisY               = options.GetInt("timeLineVideoAxisY");
00596         //mNoValues               = options.GetBool("timeLineVideoNoValues");
00597         //mNoBars                 = options.GetBool("timeLineVideoNoBars");
00598         mShowViewStrip          = options.GetBool("viewStrip");
00599         mViewStripUseMem        = options.GetBool("viewStripUseMemory");
00600         mViewStripY             = options.GetInt("viewStripY");
00601         mViewStripStep          = options.GetInt("viewStripStep");
00602         mViewStripMinW          = options.GetInt("viewStripMinWidth");
00603         //mViewStripDir           = options.GetString("viewStripRawDir");
00604         std::string needleColS  = options.GetString("timeLineNeedleColor");
00605         mNrExtraTimeLines       = options.GetInt("timeLineExtra");
00607         if (mFrameError == -1)
00608             mFrameError = 0;
00609         //if (mViewStripDir.empty())
00610         //    mViewStripDir = mTimeLineVideoDir;
00611         //if (!mTimeLineVideoSimSubDir.empty())
00612         //    mTimeLineVideoSimDir += "/" + mTimeLineVideoSimSubDir;
00613         if (mConceptFeature.empty())
00614             mConceptFeature = "combined";
00615         if (mTLVAxisY == -1)
00616             mTLVAxisY = 20;
00617         if (mViewStripY == -1)
00618             mViewStripY = 24;
00619         if (mViewStripStep == -1)
00620             mViewStripStep = 1;
00621         if (mViewStripMinW < 4)
00622             mViewStripMinW = 4;
00623         if (!needleColS.empty())
00624             mNeedleColor = OglColorStr(needleColS.c_str());
00625     }
00627     CheckBox*
00628     ScaledCheckBox(Window* parent, int x, int y, int w, int h,
00629                    strconst str, bool checked, int userData)
00630     {
00631         CheckBox* cb =
00632             new CheckBox(parent,x,y,w,h,str,checked,BEV_ETCHED);
00633         //cb->ConnectTo(parent, OglGui::TOBOTTOMLEFT);
00634         cb->ScaleTo(parent);
00635         cb->SetCheckBoxListener(this,(void*)userData);
00636         cb->SetBorderFillShaded(0);
00637         cb->SetAllowScaling(false);
00638         return cb;
00639     }
00641     UpDownButton*
00642     RightUpDownButton(Window* parent, int w, int h, int userData)
00643     {
00644         int y = (parent->H()-h)/2;
00645         int x = parent->W()-w-2;
00646         UpDownButton* upDownBtn = new UpDownButton(parent,x,y,w,h,true);
00647         //upDownBtn->ConnectTo(parent, OglGui::TORIGHT | OglGui::TOTOPBOTTOM);
00648         upDownBtn->ScaleTo(parent);
00649         upDownBtn->SetUpDownButtonListener(this,(void*)userData);
00650         upDownBtn->SetRepeatMode(true);
00651         upDownBtn->SetAllowScaling(false);
00652         return upDownBtn;
00653     }
00655     Button*
00656     ViewStripButton(Window* parent, int x, int w, strconst str, int lData)
00657     {
00658         Button *btn = new Button(parent,x,2,w,parent->H()-4,str,BEV_ETCHED,true);
00659         //btn->ConnectTo(parent,OglGui::TORIGHT | OglGui::TOTOPBOTTOM);
00660         btn->ScaleTo(parent);
00661         btn->SetButtonListener(this, (void*)lData);
00662         btn->SetAllowScaling(false);
00663         return btn;
00664     }
00666     void Init(int w, int h, SegmentationDocument* segDoc)
00667     {
00668         mSegDoc = segDoc;
00669         mCurFile = 0;
00670         mSimTLV = 0;
00671         mSimSet = 0;
00672         mNeedleColor = 0xffC0C0C0;
00673         mShowBoundaries = false;
00674         mShowPositives = true;
00675         AddDocListener(this);
00677         HandleOptions();
00678         ReadAnnotations();
00679         SetBorderType(-1);
00680         SetBorderBackground(0x80808080);
00681         //SetBorderFillShaded(2);
00683         new OglGui::FramesPerSecond(this,W()-76,4,70,28);
00685         CheckBox* cb = ScaledCheckBox(this,4,4,130,24,"Boundaries",false,
00686                                       SHOW_SHOT_BOUNDARIES);
00687         UpDownButton* upDownBtn = RightUpDownButton(cb,30,20,NEXT_PREV_SHOT);
00689         StaticText* txt = new StaticText(this,140,4,96,24,"keyframe");
00690         txt->SetAlign(oglLeftAlign,oglCenterAlign);
00691         txt->SetBorderType(BEV_ETCHED);
00692         upDownBtn = RightUpDownButton(txt,30,20,NEXT_PREV_KEYFRAME);
00694         if (!mShowViewStrip)
00695             return;
00696         cb = ScaledCheckBox(this,250,4,184,24,"ViewStrip",true,SHOW_VIEWSTRIP);
00698         Button* btn;
00699         btn = ViewStripButton(cb, 84,32,"Pre",VIEWSTRIP_PRE);
00700         btn = ViewStripButton(cb,116,32,"Min",VIEWSTRIP_MIN);
00701         btn = ViewStripButton(cb,148,32,"Max",VIEWSTRIP_MAX);
00703         cb = ScaledCheckBox(this,438,4,200,24,"Center Needle",true,
00704                             CENTER_NEEDLE);
00706         ScaledCheckBox(cb,116,0,84,24,"On Play",
00707                             true, CENTER_NEEDLE_ONPLAY);
00709         btn = new Button(this,cb->X()+cb->W()+4,4,140,24,"Extra TimeLine",
00710                          BEV_ETCHED,true);
00711         btn->SetButtonListener(this, EXTRA_TIMELINE);
00713         btn = new Button(this,btn->X()+btn->W()+6,4,80,24,"Validate",
00714                          BEV_ETCHED,true);
00715         btn->SetButtonListener(this, VALIDATE);
00716         mChBoxValueBars = 0;
00717     }
00719     SegmentationDocument*         mSegDoc;
00720     SimilarityTableSet*           mSimSet;
00721     SimilarityTimeLineVideo*      mSimTLV;
00723     std::vector<AnnotationTable*> mAnnoTables;
00724     AnnoPositives                 mAnnoPositives;
00725     OglGui::CheckBoxValueBars*    mChBoxValueBars;
00727     RgbDataSrcRaw*                mRgbDataSrcRaw;
00729     //std::string                   mTimeLineVideoDir;
00730     //std::string                   mViewStripDir;
00731     //std::string                   mTimeLineVideoSimDir;
00732     //std::string                   mTimeLineVideoSimSubDir;
00733     std::string                   mConceptSet;
00734     std::string                   mConceptModel;
00735     std::string                   mConceptFeature;
00736     std::string                   mConceptAnnotations;
00737     bool                          mTimeLineVideo3D;
00738     bool                          mViewStripUseMem;
00740     bool                          mViewStripVideoRaw;
00741     bool                          mTimeLineVideoRaw;
00743     bool                          mShowBoundaries;
00744     bool                          mShowPositives;
00745     //bool                          mNoValues;
00746     //bool                          mNoBars;
00747     bool                          mShowViewStrip;
00748     int                           mViewStripY;
00749     int                           mViewStripStep;
00750     int                           mViewStripMinW;
00751     int                           mTLVAxisY;
00752     ULONG                         mNeedleColor;
00753     int                           mCurFile;
00754     int                           mFrameError;
00755     int                           mNrExtraTimeLines;
00757     bool                          mOldNoKeyListening;
00759     ILOG_VAR_DEC;
00760 };
00762 ILOG_VAR_INIT(AllFramesTLineVideo, Visualization);
00764 } // namespace Visualization
00765 } // namespace Impala
00767 #endif

Generated on Fri Mar 19 09:31:48 2010 for ImpalaSrc by  doxygen 1.5.1