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00001 #ifndef Impala_Core_Training_LogisticRegression_h
00002 #define Impala_Core_Training_LogisticRegression_h
00004 #include "Core/Training/Classifier.h"
00006 namespace Impala
00007 {
00008 namespace Core
00009 {
00010 namespace Training
00011 {
00015 class LogisticRegression : public Classifier
00016 {
00017 public:
00018     LogisticRegression()
00019     {
00020     }
00022     virtual void SetTrainSet(const ConceptFeatureTableType* trainset)
00023     {
00024     }
00026     virtual Model* Train(PropertySet* properties)
00027     {
00028         /*
00029         %LOGLC Logistic Linear Classifier
00030         % 
00031         %   W = LOGLC(A)
00032         % 
00033         % INPUT
00034         %   A   Dataset
00035         %
00036         % OUTPUT
00037         %   W   Logistic linear classifier 
00038         %
00039         % DESCRIPTION  
00040         % Computation of the linear classifier for the dataset A by maximizing the
00041         % likelihood criterion using the logistic (sigmoid) function.
00042         % 
00043         % REFERENCES
00044         % A. Webb, Statistical Pattern Recognition, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2002.
00045         %
00046         %  SEE ALSO 
00049         % Copyright: R.P.W. Duin, duin@ph.tn.tudelft.nl
00050         % Faculty of Applied Physics, Delft University of Technology
00051         % P.O. Box 5046, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands
00053         % $Id: loglc.m,v 1.9 2003/11/22 23:20:39 bob Exp $
00054         */
00055                // [m,k,c] = getsize(a); aantal objecten, aantal features (dimensies), classes
00056         int sampleCount = mTrainSet->Size();
00057         int vectorLength = mTrainset->GetColumn3()->GetVectorLength(0);
00058         // nlab = getnlab(a); vraag labels per object [-1,+1] -> vector
00059         std::vector<double> labels = GetDistinct(mTrainSet->GetColumn2());
00060         if(labels.size() != 2)
00061             std::cerr << "[LogisticRegression::Train] multiclass not supported (yet)" << std::endl;
00062         int class1 = CountSelect(mTrainSet->GetColumn2(), labels[0]);
00063             // prior = getprior(a); de a priori kansen per classe -> [p(+1), p(-1)]
00064         double prior[2] = {(double)class1 / (double)sampleCount, (double)(sampleCount-class1) / (double)sampleCount};
00065                 // v = scalem(a,'variance'); schalen op variantie (per feature)
00066                 // a = a*v; <-(hier wordt de schaling pas toegepast)
00067         ScaleMeanAndVariance(mTrainSet->GetColumn3());
00069                 // x = [+a,ones(m,1)]; matrix met de features en een 1 erachter (de + haalt de data uit de dataset)
00070         VectorSet* x = new VectorSet(true, vectorLength+1, sampleCount);
00071         SetVal(x->GetStorage(), x->GetStorage(), 1);
00072         PatSet(x->GetStorage(), mTrainSet->GetColumn3()->GetStorage(), 0, 0, 0, vectorLength, 0, 0);
00074         // % A standard trick to set the labels to +1 for the first class
00075                 // % (NLAB=1) and to -1 for the second one (NLAB=2). Then, each 
00076                 // % object vector is multiplied by its new label +/-1.
00077                 // x(find(nlab==2),:) = -x(find(nlab==2),:); inverteer de features van een van de classes
00078         int i;
00079         for(i=0 ; i<sampleCount ; i++)
00080             if(mTrainSet->Get2(i) == -1)
00081                 mTrainSet->Get3(i) = -mTrainSet->Get3(i);
00083                 // alf = sum(nlab==2)/sum(nlab==1); ratio van de labels
00084         double alf = (double)class1 / (double)(sampleCount-class1);
00085                 // weights = zeros(1,k+1); model gewichten, length = feature lengte + 1
00086         double weights[vectorLength+1] = {0};
00087                 // % Maximize the likelihood L to find WEIGHTS
00088                 // L = -inf; Lnew = -realmax;
00089         double L = -1e100; 
00090         double Lnew = 1e100; 
00091                 // accuracy = 0.0001;
00092                 // while (abs(Lnew - L) > accuracy)
00093         while(abs(Lnew - L) > 0.001)
00094         {
00095                         // pax = ones(m,1) ./ (1 + exp(-x*weights'));   % Estimate of P(class +1|x).
00096             //   ' = transpose
00097             //   pax -> m rijen 1 colom ->
00098             //   prob = x*transpose(weights);
00099             Vector prob = MatMul(x, weights);
00100             //   pax[i] = 1/1+exp(-prob[i]);
00101             double pax[sampleCount];
00102             for(i=0 ; i<sampleCount ; ++i)
00103                 pax[i] = 1. / 1.+exp(-weights2[i]);
00104                         // pbx = 1 - pax;                                       % Estimate of P(class -1|x).
00105             double pbx[sampleCount];
00106             for(i=0 ; i<sampleCount ; ++i)
00107                 pbx[i] = 1. - pax[i];
00108                         // L = Lnew; Lnew = sum(log(pax+realmin));     % Update likelihood.     
00109             L = Lnew;
00110             Lnew = 0;
00111             for(i=0 ; i<sampleCount ; ++i)
00112                 Lnew += log(pax[i] + 1e-100); 
00113                         // p2x = sqrt(pax.*pbx); p2x colom vector -> p2x[i] = sqrt(pax[i]*pbx[i])
00114             double p2x[sampleCount];
00115             for(i=0 ; i<sampleCount ; ++i)
00116                 p2x[i] = sqrt(pax[i]*pbx[i]);
00117                         // y = x .* p2x(:,ones(1,k+1)); -> deze constructie maakt een repeterende matrix -> puntsgewijs met matrix x vermenigvuldigen
00118             Matrix y = x;
00119             for(i=0 ; i<sampleCount ; ++i)
00120                 y.GetColumn(i) *= p2x[i];
00121                         // weights = pbx' * x * pinv(y'*y) + weights;
00122             Matrtix weightupdate = MatMul(MatTranspose(pbx),MatMul(x,MatPseudoInverse(MatMul(MatTranspose(y), y)));
00123             for(i=0 ; i<vectorLength+1 ; ++i)
00124                 weights[i] += weightupdate.Value(0, i);
00125         }
00126                 // end
00127                 // % Define LOGLC by an affine (linear) mapping based 
00128                 // % on the [K x 1] matrix R and the offset w0.
00129                 // w0 = weights(k+1) + log(alf*prior(1)/prior(2));
00130         double w0 = weights.Value(vectorLength) + log(alf*prior[0]/prior[1]);
00131                 // R  = weights(1:k)';
00132                 // W  = v*affine(R,w0,a,getlablist(a)); 
00133                 // W  = setout_conv(W,1);
00134     }
00136     virtual void SetTestSet(const ConceptFeatureTableType* testset)
00137     {
00138     }
00140     virtual double Predict(const Impala::Core::Vector::VectorTem<double>* feature, const Model* model)
00141     {
00142     }
00144     virtual RankingTableType* Rank(const Model* model)
00145     {
00146     }
00147 };
00149 }//namespace Core
00150 }//namespace Training
00151 }//namespace Impala
00153 #endif

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