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00001 #ifndef Impala_Core_VideoSet_ExportStills_h
00002 #define Impala_Core_VideoSet_ExportStills_h
00004 #include "Persistency/ImageSetRepository.h"
00005 #include "Persistency/StillsRepository.h"
00006 #include "Core/VideoSet/Reporter.h"
00007 #include "Core/VideoSet/Segmentation.h"
00008 #include "Core/VideoSet/Stills.h"
00009 #include "Core/ImageSet/MakeImageSet.h"
00010 #include "Core/Array/Set.h"
00011 #include "Core/Array/Scale.h"
00012 #include "Core/Array/WriteRaw.h"
00013 #include "Core/Array/WriteJpg.h"
00014 #include "Core/Array/ArrayListDelete.h"
00015 #include "Link/DiskImage/DiskImageFuncs.h"
00017 namespace Impala
00018 {
00019 namespace Core
00020 {
00021 namespace VideoSet
00022 {
00025 class ExportStills : public Listener
00026 {
00027 public:
00028     typedef Array::Array2dVec3UInt8 Array2dVec3UInt8;
00029     typedef Array::Array2dScalarUInt8 Array2dScalarUInt8;
00031     ExportStills(Reporter* reporter, CmdOptions& options)
00032     {
00033         mReporter = reporter;
00034         mImSet = 0;
00035         mStills = 0;
00036         mSkipFr = 15;
00037         mNrIm = 16;
00038         mDoFullSize = true;
00039         mBufSize = 1000000;
00040         mBuf = new char[mBufSize];
00041         mNr = 0;
00042         mDoDef = false;
00043         mDoData = false;
00044         if (options.GetNrArg() < 3)
00045         {
00046             ILOG_ERROR("Need argument [def|data]");
00047         }
00048         else
00049         {
00050             if (options.GetArg(2) == "def")
00051                 mDoDef = true;
00052             else if (options.GetArg(2) == "data")
00053                 mDoData = true;
00054             else
00055             {
00056                 ILOG_ERROR("Argument should be def or data");
00057             }
00058             if (options.GetNrArg() > 3)
00059                 Core::Array::gWriteJpgQuality = atol(options.GetArg(3));
00060         }
00061     }
00063     virtual
00064     ~ExportStills()
00065     {
00066         delete mBuf;
00067     }
00069     virtual void
00070     HandleNewWalk(VideoSet* vs)
00071     {
00072 #ifndef REPOSITORY_USED // Here comes the deprecated stuff
00073         mSegmentation = new Segmentation(vs, "segmentation");
00074 #else // REPOSITORY_USED
00075         Persistency::SegmentationLocator loc(vs->GetLocator(), "segmentation");
00076         mSegmentation = Persistency::SegmentationRepository().Get(loc, vs);
00077 #endif // REPOSITORY_USED
00078         ILOG_INFO(mSegmentation->GetNrShots() << " shots");
00079         String name("stills.txt");
00080         mImSetLoc = Persistency::ImageSetLocator(vs->GetLocator(), name);
00081         mStillsLoc = Persistency::StillsLocator(vs->GetLocator(), "stills");
00083         if (mDoDef)
00084         {
00085 #ifndef REPOSITORY_USED // Here comes the deprecated stuff
00086             mImSet = new ImageSet::ImageSet(vs->GetDatabase(), name, false);
00087 #else // REPOSITORY_USED
00088             mImSet = new ImageSet::ImageSet(name);
00089 #endif // REPOSITORY_USED
00090             mStills = new Stills(vs, "");
00091         }
00092         if (mDoData)
00093         {
00094             ILOG_INFO("reading image set " << name);
00095 #ifndef REPOSITORY_USED // Here comes the deprecated stuff
00096             mImSet = new ImageSet::ImageSet(vs->GetDatabase(), name, true);
00097             mStills = new Stills(vs, "stills");
00098 #else // REPOSITORY_USED
00099             mImSet =  Persistency::ImageSetRepository().Get(mImSetLoc);
00100             mStills = Persistency::StillsRepository().Get(mStillsLoc, vs);
00101 #endif // REPOSITORY_USED
00102             ILOG_INFO("reading stills");
00103             ILOG_INFO(mStills->GetNrStills() << " stills");
00104             if (mImSet->NrDirs() != vs->NrFiles())
00105             {
00106                 ILOG_WARN("Number of still dirs doesn't match number of videos: "
00107                           << mImSet->NrDirs() << " vs. " << vs->NrFiles());
00108             }
00109         }
00110         mTimer.Start();
00111     }
00113     virtual void
00114     HandleNewFile(VideoSet* vs, int fileId, Stream::RgbDataSrc* src)
00115     {
00116         std::vector<Array2dScalarUInt8*> imList;
00117         String dbSec(FileNameBase(vs->GetSetName()) + "_stills");
00118         String dbDir = vs->GetFile(fileId);
00119         String dirOfFile = vs->GetDirOfFile(fileId);
00121         if (Link::DiskImage::DiskImageUsed())
00122         {
00123             dbSec = vs->GetAsPath(fileId);
00124             int posSep = dbSec.find_last_of('/');
00125             dbSec = "stills/" + dbSec.substr(0, posSep);
00126         }
00127         else
00128         {
00129             dbSec = "stills/" + vs->GetSectionOfFile(fileId) + "/" + dirOfFile;
00130         }
00132         int firstS = mSegmentation->GetFirstShotVideo(fileId);
00133         int lastS = firstS + mSegmentation->GetNrShotsVideo(fileId);
00134         for (int shot=firstS ; shot<lastS ; shot++)
00135         {
00136             int startF = mSegmentation->GetStart(shot);
00137             int endF = mSegmentation->GetEnd(shot);
00138             int interval = (endF - startF) / (mNrIm - 1);
00139             if (interval < mSkipFr)
00140                 interval = mSkipFr;
00141             ILOG_DEBUG("Doing shot " << shot << " from " << startF << " to "
00142                        << endF << " interval " << interval);
00143             if (mDoData && (interval < 100))
00144                 src->SetInterval(interval);
00146             int i=0;
00147             while (startF <= endF)
00148             {
00149                 if (mDoData)
00150                 {
00151                     ILOG_DEBUG("Doing frame " << startF);
00152                     src->GotoFrame(startF);
00153                     Array2dVec3UInt8* im = Array::ArrayCreate<Array2dVec3UInt8>
00154                         (src->FrameWidth(), src->FrameHeight(), 0, 0,
00155                          src->DataPtr(), true);
00156                     Array2dVec3UInt8* sc = 0;
00157                     if (mDoFullSize)
00158                         Array::Set(sc, im);
00159                     else
00160                         Array::Scale(sc, im, 0.5, 0.5, Geometry::NEAREST, true);
00162                     size_t nrBytes = 0;
00163                     Array::WriteJpgToMemory(sc, mBuf, mBufSize, &nrBytes);
00164                     delete sc;
00165                     delete im;
00167                     Array2dScalarUInt8* jpgData =
00168                         Array::MakeFromData<Array2dScalarUInt8>((UInt8*) mBuf,
00169                                                                 nrBytes, 1);
00170                     imList.push_back(jpgData);
00171                 }
00172                 if (mDoDef)
00173                 {
00174                     String name(FileNameCtor("shot", fileId, shot, i++, ".jpg"));
00175                     mImSet->AddFile(name, dbSec, dbDir);
00176                     mStills->Add(fileId, shot, startF, name);
00177                 }
00178                 startF += interval;
00179             }
00181             if (mDoData && (mNr % 100 == 0))
00182                 ILOG_INFO("Did " << mNr + 1 << " shots in "
00183                           << mTimer.SplitTime() << " sec");
00184             mNr++;
00185         }
00187         if (!mDoData)
00188             return;
00190 #ifndef REPOSITORY_USED // Here comes the deprecated stuff
00191         int id = mImSet->GetFirstFileId(fileId); // use video as dir
00192         String fName = mImSet->GetFilePathImageArchive(id, "images.raw",
00193                                                        true, false);
00194         if (! fName.empty())
00195         {
00196             Array::WriteRawListVar(imList, fName, mImSet->GetDatabase(), true,
00197                                    true);
00198         }
00199         else
00200         {
00201             ILOG_ERROR("unable to write to " << fName);
00202         }
00203 #else // REPOSITORY_USED
00204         String container = mImSet->GetContainerDir(fileId); // use video as dir
00205         Persistency::ImageArchiveLocator loc(vs->GetLocator(), false,
00206                                              container, "images.raw", 0);
00207         Array::ImageArchiveMemory wrapper(&imList);
00208         Persistency::ImageArchiveRepository().Add(loc, &wrapper);
00209 #endif // REPOSITORY_USED
00210         Array::ArrayListDelete(&imList);
00211     }
00213     virtual void
00214     HandleDoneWalk(VideoSet* vs)
00215     {
00216         if (mDoDef)
00217         {
00218             bool binary = true;
00219 #ifndef REPOSITORY_USED // Here comes the deprecated stuff
00220             mStills->Save("stills", binary);
00221             mImSet->SaveImageSet();
00222 #else // REPOSITORY_USED
00223             Persistency::StillsRepository().Add(mStillsLoc, mStills);
00224             Persistency::ImageSetRepository().Add(mImSetLoc, mImSet);
00225 #endif // REPOSITORY_USED
00226         }
00227     }
00229 private:
00231     Reporter*                    mReporter;
00232     Persistency::ImageSetLocator mImSetLoc;
00233     ImageSet::ImageSet*          mImSet;
00234     Segmentation*                mSegmentation;
00235     Persistency::StillsLocator   mStillsLoc;
00236     Stills*                      mStills;
00238     int   mSkipFr;
00239     int   mNrIm;
00240     bool  mDoFullSize;
00241     int   mBufSize;
00242     char* mBuf;
00243     bool  mDoDef;
00244     bool  mDoData;
00246     int   mNr;
00247     Timer mTimer;
00249     ILOG_VAR_DEC;
00250 };
00252 ILOG_VAR_INIT(ExportStills, Impala.Core.VideoSet);
00254 } // namespace VideoSet
00255 } // namespace Core
00256 } // namespace Impala
00258 #endif

Generated on Fri Mar 19 09:31:30 2010 for ImpalaSrc by  doxygen 1.5.1