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00001 #include "OglGui/ProgressBar.h"
00002 #include "OglGui/Tabs.h"
00003 #include "OglGui/TextArea.h"
00005 #include "Visualization/AppController.h"
00006 #include "Visualization/SearchJudgeGui.h"
00007 #include "Visualization/SegmentationDocumentGuiStills.h"
00008 #include "Visualization/SegmentationDocumentGuiMain.h"
00009 #include "Visualization/RotorBrowser/RotorBrowserGUI.h"
00010 #include "Visualization/ThreadSetGui.h"
00011 #include "Visualization/SearchTopicGui.h"
00012 #include "Visualization/GUI/HelpViewer.h"
00014 #include "Util/StringParser.h"
00015 #include "Core/Trec/TrecTopic.h"
00016 #include "Core/VideoSet/MakeSegmentationDocument.h"
00018 #include "Sandbox/ork/QueryGui.h"
00019 #include "Sandbox/ork/SortGui.h"
00020 #include "Sandbox/ork/ShotDetailWindow.h"
00021 //#include "Sandbox/ork/MiniMapGenerator.h"
00023 #include "Application/videolympics/VideolympicsClient.h"
00025 // since we are not using libraries:
00026 #include "Link/ImpalaLib.cpp"
00027 #include "OglGui/OglLib.cpp"
00028 //#undef BOOL
00031 namespace Impala {
00032 namespace Application {
00034 //using namespace Visualization;
00036 class WindowTrecSearch :
00037                     public Visualization::Window,
00038                     public OglGui::TabsListener,
00039                     public Visualization::RotorBrowser::RotorBrowserListener,
00040                     public Visualization::SearchTopicGuiListener,
00041                     public SortGuiListener,
00042                     public QueryGuiListener
00043 {
00044 public:
00045     typedef Core::Trec::Thread                              Thread;
00046     typedef Core::Trec::ThreadVirtual                       ThreadVirtual;
00047     typedef Core::Trec::ThreadBookmarked                    ThreadBookmarked;
00048     typedef Core::Table::SimilarityTableSet                 SimilarityTableSet;
00050     typedef OglGui::ProgressBar                             ProgressBar;
00051     typedef OglGui::StaticText                              StaticText;
00053     typedef Visualization::AppController                    AppController;
00054     typedef Visualization::AppControlDoc                    AppControlDoc;
00055     typedef Visualization::RotorBrowser::RotorBrowserGUI    RotorBrowserGUI;
00056     typedef Visualization::RotorBrowser::RotorBrowser       RotorBrowser;
00057     typedef Visualization::SearchTopicGui                   SearchTopicGui;
00058     typedef Visualization::SearchJudgeGui                   SearchJudgeGui;
00059     typedef Visualization::ThreadSetGui                     ThreadSetGui;
00060     typedef Visualization::GUI::HelpViewer                  HelpViewer;
00062     typedef Visualization::SegmentationDocumentGuiMain            
00063                                                   SegmentationDocumentGuiMain;
00064     typedef Visualization::SegmentationDocumentGuiStills            
00065                                                   SegmentationDocumentGuiStills;
00066     const static int BUT_SHOW_RESULT    = 1;
00067     const static int BUT_SAVE_RESULT    = 2;
00068     const static int BUT_CLEAR_RESULT   = 3;
00070     const static int TAB_TOPIC          = 0;
00071     const static int TAB_QUERY          = 1;
00072     const static int TAB_MDBROWSER      = 2;
00073     const static int TAB_SORT           = 3;
00074     const static int TAB_THREAD         = 4;
00075     const static int TAB_GRID           = 5;
00076     const static int TAB_CROSS          = 6;
00077     const static int TAB_PLAY           = 7;
00078     const static int TAB_STILLS         = 8;
00079     const static int TAB_PLOT           = 9;
00080     const static int TAB_JUDGE          = 10;
00081     const static int TAB_HELP           = 11;
00082     const static int TAB_DETAILS        = 12;
00083     const static int TAB_SORT_NEGATIVE  = 13;
00085     const static int MODE_CROSSBROWSER  = Visualization::RotorBrowser::
00086                                           RotorBrowser::MODE_CROSSBROWSER;
00087     const static int MODE_FORKBROWSER   = Visualization::RotorBrowser::
00088                                           RotorBrowser::MODE_FORKBROWSER;
00091     WindowTrecSearch(int width, int height) :
00092         Visualization::Window(0, 0, width, height, true)
00093     {
00094         mOglWnd->topTitle = "MediaMill Semantic Video Search Engine";
00096         CmdOptions& options = CmdOptions::GetInstance();
00097         mViewScale = options.GetDouble("viewScale");
00099         ILOG_STARTACTION("loading configuration", ILOG_LEVEL_INFO);
00100         InitConfig();
00101         ILOG_ENDACTION("loading configuration");
00103         ILOG_STARTACTION("loading data", ILOG_LEVEL_INFO);
00104         InitData();
00105         ILOG_ENDACTION("loading data");
00107         /*
00108         if (options.GetString("minimap") != "")
00109         {
00110             int max = options.GetInt("minimapdepth");
00111             MiniMapGenerator *g = new MiniMapGenerator(mThreadSet, max);
00112             g->Generate(options.GetString("minimap"));
00113             return;
00114         }
00115         */
00117         ILOG_STARTACTION("building GUI", ILOG_LEVEL_INFO);
00118         BuildGUI(width, height);
00119                 ILOG_DEBUG( "BuildGUI returned.");
00121         if (mSearchTopicGui)
00122             mSearchTopicGui->ShowTopic(0);
00123                 ILOG_DEBUG( "initial topic set.");
00125         mTopicRunning = false;
00126         SetInterval(0.5);
00127         ILOG_ENDACTION("building GUI");
00129 //        mQueryGui->SetQueryFromTopic(mSearchTopic);
00130 //        mQueryGui->DoActiveLearningBouke();
00131     }
00133     // specialization of base classes
00135     virtual void HandleCycleGUI()
00136     {
00137         UpdateProgress();
00138     }
00140     virtual void KeyEvent(OglGui::Window *src, int c, int state)
00141     {
00142          // F1 .. F4 and F12
00143         if (c >=oglFUNC(1) && c < oglFUNC(5) || c == oglFUNC(12))
00144         {
00145             switch (c)
00146             {
00147             case oglFUNC(1):
00148                 if (mSearchTopicGui)
00149                     mTabs->SetActiveTab(TAB_TOPIC, false);
00150                 break;
00151             case oglFUNC(2):
00152                 if (mQueryGui && !(mUseWnd2 == "Query"))
00153                     mTabs->SetActiveTab(TAB_QUERY, false);
00154                 break;
00155             case oglFUNC(3):
00156                 mTabs->SetActiveTab(TAB_MDBROWSER, false);
00157                 break;
00158             case oglFUNC(4):
00159                 mTabs->SetActiveTab(TAB_SORT, false);
00160                 break;
00161             case oglFUNC(12):
00162                 if (state & oglShift)
00163                 {
00164                     ILOG_USER("SHIFT - F12 pressed - instant exit.");
00165                     exit(0); 
00166                 }
00167                 break;
00168             }
00169         }
00171         if (mWnd2 && (c == 'u'))
00172         {
00173             ILOG_USER( "KB: update stills for active shot" );
00174             if (mDetailWindow)
00175                 mDetailWindow->HandleNewKey(c, state);
00176             if (mSegDocStills)
00177                 mSegDocStills->HandleNewKey(c, state);
00178         }
00179     }
00181     virtual void
00182     TabSelectionEvent(OglGui::Tabs* src, int tabNr, void* listenerData,
00183                       int tabControlData)
00184     {
00185         AppController::Instance().SetCurrentControl(tabControlData);
00187         ILOG_ENDACTION("tab");
00188         switch (tabControlData)
00189         {
00190         case TAB_THREAD:
00191             ILOG_USER("tab switch to TAB_THREAD");;
00192             break;
00193         case TAB_QUERY:
00194             ILOG_USER("tab switch to TAB_QUERY");
00195             if (mSearchTopic)
00196             {
00197                 if (!mTopicRunning)
00198                 {
00199                     ILOG_DEBUG("Setting initial query for topic " <<
00200                                mSearchTopic->GetCurTopicNum() << ": ");
00201                     ILOG_DEBUG( "QUERY: " << mSearchTopic->GetCurTopicText());
00202                     if (mQueryGui)
00203                         mQueryGui->SetQueryFromTopic(mSearchTopic);
00205                     //mSearchTopic->StartTimer();
00206                     mTopicRunning = true;
00207                 }
00208                 // XXX TODO
00209             }
00210             break;
00211         case TAB_MDBROWSER:
00212             ILOG_USER( "tab switch to TAB_MDBROWSER" );
00213             if (mDisableQueryTab)
00214             {
00215                 ILOG_DEBUG("Query tab disabled, initializing default browser.");
00216                 mBrowserGui->SetInitialQueryToMovies();
00217                 if (mInitialBrowser == 1)
00218                 {
00219                     ILOG_DEBUG( "starting CrossBrowser" );
00220                     mBrowserGui->SetBrowseMode(MODE_CROSSBROWSER);
00221                 }
00222                 if (mInitialBrowser == 3)
00223                 {
00224                     ILOG_DEBUG( "starting ForkBrowser" );
00225                     mBrowserGui->SetBrowseMode(MODE_FORKBROWSER);
00226                 }
00227             }
00228             break;
00229         case TAB_SORT:
00230             ILOG_USER( "tab switch to TAB_SORT" );
00231             break;
00232         case TAB_TOPIC:
00233             ILOG_USER( "tab switch to TAB_TOPIC" );
00234             break;
00235         case TAB_JUDGE:
00236             Thread* t = mThreadSet->GetThreadByName("shots_supplement");
00237             mSearchJudgeGui->DoJudgement(mSegDoc->GetBookmarked(),t);
00238             break;
00239         }
00242     }
00244     virtual void QueryDoneEvent()
00245     {
00246         ILOG_SYSTEM("Query pane done. Going to browser");
00247         mTabs->SetActiveTab(TAB_MDBROWSER, false);
00248         if (mInitialBrowser == 1)
00249         {
00250             ILOG_DEBUG( "starting CrossBrowser" );
00251             mBrowserGui->SetBrowseMode(MODE_CROSSBROWSER);
00252         }
00253         mBrowserGui->ResetRanking();
00254     }
00256     // Start RotorBrowserListener
00257     virtual void
00258     BookmarkEvent(OglGui::Window* src, int shotid, bool isbookmarked)
00259     {
00260         if (mVideolympicsClient && isbookmarked)
00261         {
00262             ILOG_DEBUG("Registering shot ID " << shotid <<
00263                        " with contest server.");
00264             String naam = mThreadSet->GetShotName(shotid);
00265             mVideolympicsClient->SendShot(naam);
00266         }
00267     }
00269     virtual void
00270     ContextMoveEvent(OglGui::Window* src, int direction, int position)
00271     {
00272         if (mWnd2 && mUseWnd2 == "Stills" && mSegDocStills)
00273             mSegDocStills->HandleNewFile();
00274         // RvB: Ik weet niet of altijd updaten van Details ook in rotorbrowser
00275         // gewenst is. Anders zoals bij stills een update checkbox maken?
00276         /*
00277         if (mWnd2 && mUseWnd2 == "Details" && mDetailWindow)
00278             mDetailWindow->HandleNewFile();
00279         */
00280     }
00281     // End RotorBrowserListener
00283     virtual void
00284     TopicSelectionEvent(SearchTopicGui* src, int topic, void* userData)
00285     {
00286         //ILOG_ENDACTION("topic");
00287         //ActionLogger::OpenPartLog();
00288         ILOG_USER( "new topic selected: " << topic );
00289         ILOG_STARTACTION("topic", ILOG_LEVEL_INFO);
00290         mTopicRunning = false;
00292         mDidTimeAlert = false;
00293         SetBg(mBackgroundColor);
00294         SetInterval(0.5);
00296         if (mJudge && mJudgeInBrowser)
00297         {
00298             String judgetopic = mSearchTopic->GetCurTopicNum();
00299             if (!mJudge->HasTopic(judgetopic))
00300             {
00301                 ILOG_ERROR("No judgement available for topic " << judgetopic);
00302                 return;
00303             }
00305             ILOG_SYSTEM("Showing judgements in browser: resetting bookmarks");
00306             ThreadBookmarked *positive = (ThreadBookmarked*)
00307                 mThreadSet->GetThreadByName("bookmarked");
00308             ThreadBookmarked *negative = (ThreadBookmarked*)
00309                 mThreadSet->GetThreadByName("bookmarked_negative");
00311             positive->Clear();
00312             negative->Clear();
00314             ILOG_SYSTEM("Loading judgements as bookmarks...");
00315             std::vector<String> shots = mJudge->GetJudgedShots(judgetopic);
00316             std::vector<int> values = mJudge->GetJudgedValues(judgetopic);
00318             for (int i=0; i<shots.size(); i++)
00319             {
00320                 String name = shots[i];
00321                 int shot = mThreadSet->GetSegmentation()->GetShotId(name);
00322                 int keyframe = mThreadSet->GetKeyframes()->GetShotRKF(shot);
00323                 if (values[i] == 0) // negative:
00324                     negative->AddShot(shot, keyframe);
00325                 if (values[i] == 1) // positive:
00326                     positive->AddShot(shot, keyframe);
00327             }
00328         }
00329     }
00331     virtual bool RequestSaveFinalEvent()
00332     {
00333         return SaveFinalResult();
00334     }
00336     virtual bool RequestComputeFinalEvent()
00337     {
00338         return ComputeFinalResult();
00339     }
00342     virtual void DisplayFunc()
00343     {
00344         static bool initialized = false;
00346         if (!initialized)
00347         {
00348             initialized = true;
00349             ScaleChildren(0, true);
00350             SetReposChildren(false, true);
00351         }
00353         HandleCycleGUI();
00354 #endif
00355         Window::DisplayFunc();
00356     }
00358 private:
00360     // initialization
00361     void InitConfig()
00362     {
00363         CmdOptions& options = CmdOptions::GetInstance();
00365         String yearStr          = options.GetString("year");
00366         mVideoSetName           = options.GetString("videoSet");
00367         mConceptSetName         = options.GetString("conceptSet");
00368         mConceptCatName         = options.GetString("conceptCat");
00369         mConceptQualityName     = options.GetString("conceptQuality");
00370         mConceptMappingName     = options.GetString("conceptMapping");
00371         mQbyExampleSet          = options.GetString("queryByExampleSet");
00372         mTrecTopicSetName       = options.GetString("trecTopicSet");
00373         mJudgeFileName          = options.GetString("judgeFile");
00374         mJudgeInBrowser         = options.GetBool("judgeInBrowser");
00375         mSearchTopicImages      = options.GetString("searchTopicImages");
00376         mSearchTopicThumbnails  = options.GetString("searchTopicThumbnails");
00377         mAutomaticResultsDir    = options.GetString("automaticResultsDir");
00378         mShowMinimap            = options.GetBool("enableMinimap");
00379         mImageStills            = options.GetBool("imageStills");
00380         mKeyServer              = options.GetString("keyServer");
00381         mWeibullScales          = options.GetInt("weibullScales");
00382         mNrWeibullLevels        = options.GetInt("nrWeibullLevels");
00383         mLoadWeibull            = !options.GetBool("noLoadWeibull");
00384         mUseWnd2                = options.GetString("useWnd2");
00385         mUseCross               = options.GetBool("useCross");
00386         mShowAnno               = options.GetBool("showAnno");
00387         mFilterLanguage         = options.GetBool("filterLanguage");
00388         mUseVisualRect          = options.GetBool("useVisualRect");
00389         mInitialBrowser         = options.GetInt("initialbrowser");
00390         mDisableQueryTab        = options.GetBool("disableQueryTab");
00391         mDisableStillsTab       = options.GetBool("disableStillsTab");
00392         mDisableDetailsTab      = options.GetBool("disableDetailsTab");
00393         mThumbWidth             = options.GetInt("thumbWidth");
00394         mThumbHeight            = options.GetInt("thumbHeight");
00396         mConceptModel           = options.GetString("conceptModel");
00397         mConceptFeature         = options.GetString("conceptFeature");
00399         mLogoAnim               = options.GetBool("logoAnim");
00400         String logoFile         = options.GetString("logoFile");
00402         mLogoIm = 0;
00403         if (!logoFile.empty())
00404           Core::Array::ReadJpg(mLogoIm,logoFile,&Util::Database::GetInstance());
00406         mYear = atol(yearStr);
00407         //mBackgroundColor = 0xff555566;
00408         mBackgroundColor = OglColorStr(options.GetString("wndBg").c_str());
00409     }
00411     void InitData()
00412     {
00413         mSegDoc     = Core::VideoSet::MakeSegmentationDocument(mVideoSetName);
00414         mVidSet     = mSegDoc->GetVideoSet();
00415         mKeyframes  = mSegDoc->GetKeyframes();
00416         mShots      = mSegDoc->GetSegmentation();
00418         InitDataVideoOlympics();
00419         InitDataConceptRanking();
00420         InitDataQueryByExample();
00421         InitDataThreadFile();
00422         InitDataTrecTopic();
00423         InitDataThreadSet();
00424         InitDataSearchJudge();
00426         mProgramNames = new ProgramNameReader(mThreadSet->GetSegmentation());
00428         mDidTimeAlert = false;
00429     }
00431     void InitDataVideoOlympics()
00432     {
00433         CmdOptions& options = CmdOptions::GetInstance();
00434         // VideOlympics showcase event contest server connection
00435         if (!options.GetString("videolympicsServer").empty())
00436         {
00437             ILOG_INFO("VideOlympics contest client: enabled.");
00438             mVideolympicsClient =
00439                 new Application::Videolympics::VideolympicsClient(
00440                         options.GetString("videolympicsServer"),
00441                         options.GetInt("videolympicsPort"),
00442                         options.GetInt("videolympicsTeam"));
00443         }
00444         else
00445         {
00446             mVideolympicsClient = NULL;
00447             ILOG_DEBUG("VideOlympics contest client: disabled.");
00448         }
00449     }
00451     void InitDataConceptRanking()
00452     {
00453         mConceptRanking = 0;
00454         if (mConceptSetName.empty())
00455         {
00456             ILOG_WARN("concept reading disabled. No concepts available.");
00457             return;
00458         }
00460         ILOG_STARTACTION("reading concept ranking", ILOG_LEVEL_DEBUG);
00461         if (mYear <= 2006)
00462         {
00463             std::vector<String> conceptNames;
00464             FileReadString(std::back_inserter(conceptNames), mConceptSetName);
00465             mConceptRanking = new SimilarityTableSet(conceptNames,0);
00466             String dir = FileNameBase(mConceptSetName);
00467             String fileBase =
00468                 mVidSet->GetFilePathVideoIndex(dir,conceptNames[0]+"_rank",
00469                                                false,false);
00470             mConceptRanking->LoadRanks(FileNamePath(fileBase),
00471                                        mVidSet->GetDatabase());
00472             // to convert to binary
00473             // mConceptRanking->SaveRanks(FileNamePath(fileBase), true);
00474         }
00475         else
00476         {
00477             mConceptRanking = SimilarityTableSet::MakeFromFile
00478                     (mVidSet,mConceptSetName,mConceptModel,mConceptFeature);
00479         }
00480         // if (mConceptRanking)
00481         //    StripConceptNames();
00482         // 3-9-2007: removed for Cees.2007 compliance.
00483     }
00485     void InitDataQueryByExample()
00486     {
00487         mQbyExampleRanking = 0;
00488         if (!mQbyExampleSet.empty())
00489         {
00490             ILOG_STARTACTION("reading query by example results",
00491                              ILOG_LEVEL_DEBUG);
00492             mQbyExampleRanking = SimilarityTableSet::MakeFromFile
00493                         (mVidSet,mQbyExampleSet,mConceptModel,mConceptFeature);
00494             ILOG_ENDACTION("reading query by example results");
00495         }
00496         else
00497         {
00498             ILOG_WARN("query by example disabled. No data available.");
00499         }
00500     }
00502     void InitDataThreadFile()
00503     {
00504         CmdOptions& options = CmdOptions::GetInstance();
00505         String tfile = options.GetString("threadFile");
00506         if (!tfile.empty()) 
00507         {
00508             ILOG_STARTACTION("reading threads", ILOG_LEVEL_INFO);
00509             std::vector<String> threadNames;
00510             FileReadString(std::back_inserter(threadNames), tfile);
00511             mThreadRanking = new SimilarityTableSet(threadNames,0);
00512             String fileBase = mVidSet->GetFilePathVideoIndex
00513                                ("threads", threadNames[0]+"_rank",false, false);
00514             mThreadRanking->LoadRanks(FileNamePath(fileBase),
00515                                       mVidSet->GetDatabase());
00516             // to convert to binary
00517             //mConceptRanking->SaveRanks(FileNamePath(fileBase), true);
00518             ILOG_ENDACTION("reading threads");
00520         }
00521         else
00522         {
00523             ILOG_WARN("semantic threads disabled. No semantic threads found.");
00524             mThreadRanking = 0;
00525         }
00526     }
00528     void InitDataTrecTopic()
00529     {
00530         mTrecTopic = 0;
00531         mSearchTopic = 0;
00532         if (! mTrecTopicSetName.empty())
00533         {
00534             mTrecTopic = new Core::Trec::TrecTopic(mTrecTopicSetName,
00535                                                    MakeString(mYear));
00536             mSearchTopic = mTrecTopic;
00537         }
00538         else
00539         {
00540             Core::ImageSet::ImageSet* imSet = 0;
00541             Core::ImageSet::ImageSet* thumbSet = 0;
00542             if (! mSearchTopicImages.empty())
00543                 imSet = Core::ImageSet::MakeImageSet(mSearchTopicImages);
00544             if (! mSearchTopicThumbnails.empty())
00545                 thumbSet = Core::ImageSet::MakeImageSet(mSearchTopicThumbnails);
00546             if (imSet || thumbSet)
00547                 mSearchTopic = new Core::Trec::SearchTopic(imSet, thumbSet, 0);
00548         }
00549     }
00551     void InitDataThreadSet()
00552     {
00553         typedef Core::ImageSet::ImageSet ImageSet;
00554         ImageSet* imSetKeyfr = mSegDoc->GetImSetKeyframes(false);
00555         ImageSet* imSetThumb = mSegDoc->GetImSetKeyframes(true);
00556         mThreadSet =
00557             new Core::Trec::ThreadSet(mShots,mKeyframes,imSetThumb,imSetKeyfr);
00558         mThreadSet->AddThreadTime();
00559         mThreadSet->AddThreadBookmarked(mSegDoc->GetBookmarked());
00560         mThreadSet->AddThreadBookmarked("negative");
00561         mThreadSet->AddThreadHistory();
00563         mThreadSet->AddThreadVirtual("hidden");
00564         ((ThreadVirtual*)mThreadSet->GetThreadByName("virtual_hidden"))
00565             ->AddThread(mThreadSet->GetThreadByName("bookmarked"));
00567         if (mConceptRanking != 0)
00568         {
00569             ILOG_STARTACTION("adding concept threads", ILOG_LEVEL_INFO);
00570             for (int i=0 ; i<mConceptRanking->NrTables() ; i++)
00571                 mThreadSet->AddThreadRank(mConceptRanking, i);
00572             ILOG_ENDACTION("adding concept threads");
00573         }
00575         if (mQbyExampleRanking != 0)
00576         {
00577             ILOG_STARTACTION("adding query by example threads",ILOG_LEVEL_INFO);
00578             for (int i=0 ; i<mQbyExampleRanking->NrTables() ; i++)
00579                 mThreadSet->AddThreadRank(mQbyExampleRanking, i);
00580             ILOG_ENDACTION("adding query by example threads");
00581         }
00583         if (mThreadRanking != 0)
00584         {
00585             ILOG_STARTACTION("adding semantic threads", ILOG_LEVEL_INFO);
00586             for (int i=0 ; i<mThreadRanking->NrTables() ; i++)
00587                 mThreadSet->AddThreadRank(mThreadRanking, i);
00588             ILOG_ENDACTION("adding semantic threads");
00589         }
00591         ILOG_STARTACTION("adding visual similarity", ILOG_LEVEL_INFO);
00592         ILOG_STARTACTION("adding visual similarity - Lab histograms",
00593                           ILOG_LEVEL_INFO);
00594         mThreadSet->AddThreadVisualSimilarity("labhistogram");
00595         ILOG_ENDACTION("adding visual similarity - Lab histograms");
00597         ILOG_STARTACTION("adding visual similarity - Weibull",ILOG_LEVEL_INFO);
00598         mThreadSet->AddThreadVisualSimilarity("vissem");
00599         ILOG_ENDACTION("adding visual similarity - Weibull");
00601         ILOG_STARTACTION("adding visual similarity - Fusion Vissem/Gabor",
00602                          ILOG_LEVEL_INFO);
00603         mThreadSet->AddThreadVisualSimilarity("fusionvissemgabor");
00604         ILOG_ENDACTION("adding visual similarity - weibull");
00606         ILOG_STARTACTION("adding visual similarity - Fusion Vissem/Gabor",
00607                          ILOG_LEVEL_INFO);
00608         mThreadSet->AddThreadVisualSimilarity("vissemgabor");
00609         ILOG_ENDACTION("adding visual similarity - Gabor");
00611         ILOG_ENDACTION("adding visual similarity");
00612     }
00614     void InitDataSearchJudge()
00615     {
00616         mJudge = 0;
00617         if (mJudgeFileName != String(""))
00618         {
00619             mJudge = new Core::Trec::SearchJudge(mJudgeFileName);
00620             mJudge->Stats();
00621         }
00622     }
00624     void HandleInitSecondWindow(int wndW, int wndH)
00625     {
00626         mWnd2 = 0;
00627         //if (mUseWnd2 != String("") && mUseWnd2 != String("None"))
00628         if (mUseWnd2 != "" && mUseWnd2 != "None")
00629         {
00630             mWnd2 = new Visualization::Window(wndW+6, 0, wndW, wndH);
00631                         ILOG_DEBUG( "BuildGUI: 2nd window enabled.");
00632         }
00633         else
00634             mUseWnd2 = "";
00635     }
00637     void BuildGUI(int wndW, int wndH)
00638     {
00639         int nrImOnRow = wndW / (mThumbWidth * mViewScale + 6);
00641         HandleInitSecondWindow(wndW, wndH);
00643         mTabs = new OglGui::Tabs(this, 0, 0, wndW, wndH, 90, 22);
00644         mTabs->SetTabsListener(this);
00646         //        BuildTimeLeftIndicator();
00647         mTimeLeft = 0; // todo: add option in ini to either build timer or disable it 
00648         BuildSearchTopicGui(nrImOnRow);
00649         BuildQueryGui();
00650         BuildRotorBrowserGui();
00651         BuildSortGui();
00652         BuildSortNegativeGui();
00653         BuildThreadSetGui(nrImOnRow);
00654         BuildGrid(nrImOnRow);
00655         BuildDetails();
00656         BuildStills(nrImOnRow);
00657         BuildSearchJudgeGui(nrImOnRow);
00658         BuildHelpGui();
00659                 ILOG_DEBUG( "BuildGUI: tabs created.");
00661         mTabs->SetActiveTab(0);
00662         SetBg(mBackgroundColor);
00663     }
00665     void BuildTimeLeftIndicator()
00666     {
00667         int tLeftW = 200;
00668         mTimeLeft = new ProgressBar(this, W()-tLeftW-4, H()-28, tLeftW, 26);
00669         mTimeLeft->SetBorderType(BEV_LINE);
00670         mTimeLeft->SetRoundness(0,0,10,10);
00671         mTimeLeft->SetColors(0x40ffffff, oglTrRED);
00672         mTimeLeft->ShowPercentage(false);
00673         mTimeLeft->SetProgress(0.25 * 100);
00674         mTimeLeft->SetAlwaysDraw(mSearchTopic ? true : false);
00676         mTimeLeftText = new StaticText(mTimeLeft, 0, 0, tLeftW, 26, "10:00");
00677     }
00679     void BuildSearchTopicGui(int nrImOnRow)
00680     {
00681         mSearchTopicGui = 0;
00682         if (!mSearchTopic) return;
00684         OglGui::Window* tab = mTabs->CreateTab("F1: Topics", -1, TAB_TOPIC);
00685         mSearchTopicGui = new SearchTopicGui(tab, tab->W(), tab->H(), nrImOnRow,
00686                                              mThumbWidth, mThumbHeight,
00687                                              mViewScale, mSearchTopic,
00688                                              mLogoIm, mLogoAnim);
00689         mSearchTopicGui->SetTopicListener(this, 0);
00690     }
00692     void BuildQueryGui()
00693     {
00694         mQueryGui = 0;
00695         if (mDisableQueryTab) return;
00697         OglGui::Window* parent = mWnd2;
00698         if (!mWnd2 || (mUseWnd2 != String("Query")))
00699             parent = mTabs->CreateTab("F2: Query", -1, TAB_QUERY); 
00701         mQueryGui = new QueryGui(parent, parent->W(), parent->H(), mThumbWidth,
00702                                  mThumbHeight, mViewScale, mThreadSet,
00703                                  mProgramNames, TAB_QUERY);
00704         mQueryGui->AddConcepts(mConceptCatName, mConceptQualityName,
00705                                mConceptMappingName, mConceptRanking );
00706         mQueryGui->SetQueryGuiListener(this);
00707         mQueryGui->SetAutomaticResultsDir(mAutomaticResultsDir);
00708 #ifdef OGL_USING_GLUT
00709         mQueryGui->SetAlwaysDraw(parent == mWnd2);
00710 #endif
00711         AppController::Instance().AddControl((QueryGui*) mQueryGui);
00712     }
00714     void BuildRotorBrowserGui()
00715     {
00716         OglGui::Window* tab = mTabs->CreateTab("F3: Browse", -1, TAB_MDBROWSER);
00717         mBrowserGui = new RotorBrowserGUI(tab, tab->W(), tab->H(),
00718                                           mThreadSet, mSegDoc, mThumbWidth,
00719                                           mThumbHeight, mViewScale,
00720                                           TAB_MDBROWSER, true, mShowMinimap);
00722         //mBrowserGui->ScaleChildren();
00723         //mBrowserGui->ConnectTo(tab, ALLSIDES);
00724         mBrowserGui->AddRotorBrowserListener(this);
00725         mBrowserGui->SetProgramNames(mProgramNames);
00726         AppController::Instance().AddControl((RotorBrowserGUI*) mBrowserGui);
00727         if (mQueryGui)
00728             mQueryGui->SetRotorBrowserListener(mBrowserGui);
00729     }
00731     void BuildSortGui()
00732     {
00733         OglGui::Window* tab = mTabs->CreateTab("F4: Sort", -1, TAB_SORT);
00734         mSortGui = new SortGui(tab, tab->W(), tab->H(), mThumbWidth,
00735                                mThumbHeight, mViewScale, mThreadSet, TAB_SORT);
00736         AppController::Instance().AddControl((SortGui*)mSortGui);
00737         mSortGui->SetSortGuiListener(this);
00738     }
00740     void BuildSortNegativeGui()
00741     {
00742         OglGui::Window* tab =
00743             mTabs->CreateTab("Negative", -1, TAB_SORT_NEGATIVE);
00744         mSortGui = new SortGui(tab, tab->W(), tab->H(), mThumbWidth, mThumbHeight,
00745                                mViewScale, mThreadSet, TAB_SORT_NEGATIVE,
00746                                "bookmarked_negative");
00747         AppController::Instance().AddControl((SortGui*)mSortGui);
00748         mSortGui->SetSortGuiListener(this);
00749     }
00751     void BuildThreadSetGui(int nrImOnRow)
00752     {
00753         OglGui::Window* tab = mTabs->CreateTab("Threads", -1, TAB_THREAD);
00754         mThreadSetGui = new ThreadSetGui(tab, tab->W(), tab->H(), nrImOnRow,
00755                                          mThumbWidth, mThumbHeight, mViewScale,
00756                                          mThreadSet, mSegDoc, TAB_THREAD);
00757         AppController::Instance().AddControl((ThreadSetGui*)mThreadSetGui);
00759     }
00761     void BuildGrid(int nrImOnRow)
00762     {
00763         OglGui::Window* tab = mTabs->CreateTab("Grid", -1, TAB_GRID);
00764         mSegDocMainGrid =
00765             new SegmentationDocumentGuiMain(tab, tab->W(), tab->H(), nrImOnRow,
00766                                             mThumbWidth, mThumbHeight,
00767                                             mViewScale, mShowAnno, mSegDoc,
00768                                             mLogoIm, mLogoAnim, TAB_GRID);
00769         AppController::Instance().AddControl((AppControlDoc*) mSegDocMainGrid);
00770     }
00772 #if 0
00773     void BuildDetails()
00774     {
00775         if (mUseWnd2 == String("Details"))
00776         {
00777             mDetailWindow = new ShotDetailWindow(mWnd2, W(), H(), mThumbWidth,
00778                                                  mThumbHeight, mThreadSet,
00779                                                  mSegDoc);
00780             mSegDocMainGrid->AddDocListener(mDetailWindow);
00781             mDetailWindow->SetAlwaysDraw(true);
00782             oglSys.SetAlwaysDraw(mDetailWindow->GetOGLWND(), 1);
00783         }
00784         else
00785         {
00786             mDetailWindow = 0;
00787             /*          
00788             tab = mTabs->CreateTab("Details", -1, TAB_DETAILS);
00789             mDetailWindow =
00790                 new ShotDetailWindow(tab,wndW,wndH,mThumbWidth,
00791                                      mThumbHeight,mThreadSet,mSegDoc);
00792             mDetailWindow->SetControlId(TAB_DETAILS);
00793             AppController::Instance().AddControl(mDetailWindow);
00794             */
00795         }
00796     }
00797 #endif
00799     void BuildDetails()
00800     {
00801         mDetailWindow = 0;
00802         if (mDisableDetailsTab) return;
00804         OglGui::Window* wnd = mWnd2;
00805         if (!mWnd2 || (mUseWnd2 != String("Details")))
00806             wnd = mTabs->CreateTab("Details", -1, TAB_DETAILS);
00808         mDetailWindow = new ShotDetailWindow(wnd,wnd->W(),wnd->H(),mThumbWidth,
00809                                              mThumbHeight, mThreadSet, mSegDoc);
00811 // RvB: Slows browsing to much
00812 //        mSegDocMainGrid->AddDocListener(mDetailWindow);
00814         if (mWnd2 != wnd)
00815         {
00816             mDetailWindow->SetControlId(TAB_DETAILS);
00817             AppController::Instance().AddControl(mDetailWindow);
00818         }
00819 #ifdef OGL_USING_GLUT
00820         else
00821             mDetailWindow->SetAlwaysDraw(true);
00822 #endif
00823     }
00825     void BuildStills(int nrImOnRow)
00826     {
00827         mSegDocStills = 0;
00828         if (mDisableStillsTab || !mSegDoc->GetImSetStills()) return;
00830         OglGui::Window* wnd = mWnd2;
00831         if (!mWnd2 || (mUseWnd2 != String("Stills")))
00832             wnd = mTabs->CreateTab("Stills", -1, TAB_STILLS);
00834         mSegDocStills =
00835                 new SegmentationDocumentGuiStills(wnd, wnd->W(), wnd->H(),
00836                                                   nrImOnRow, mThumbWidth,
00837                                                   mThumbHeight, mViewScale,
00838                                                   true, mImageStills,
00839                                                   mSegDoc, TAB_STILLS);
00840         mSegDocMainGrid->AddDocListener(mSegDocStills);
00842         // RvB: Explanation: To react to global keys ('u') when used as tab
00843         if (wnd != mWnd2)
00844             AppController::Instance().AddControl((AppControlDoc*)mSegDocStills);
00845 #ifdef OGL_USING_GLUT
00846         mSegDocStills->SetAlwaysDraw(mWnd2==wnd);
00847 #endif
00848         ILOG_DEBUG("BuildGUI: Stills " << (mWnd2==wnd ? "window" : "tab") <<
00849                    " enabled.");
00850     }
00852     void BuildSearchJudgeGui(int nrImOnRow)
00853     {
00854         if (!mJudge) return;
00856         OglGui::Window* tab = mTabs->CreateTab("Judge", -1, TAB_JUDGE);
00857         mSearchJudgeGui = new SearchJudgeGui(tab, tab->W(), tab->H(), nrImOnRow,
00858                                              mThumbWidth, mThumbHeight,
00859                                              mViewScale, "bookmarked",
00860                                              "retrieved", mJudge, mTrecTopic,
00861                                              mShots, mKeyframes,
00862                                              mSegDoc->GetImSetKeyframes(true));
00863     }
00865     void BuildHelpGui()
00866     {
00867         OglGui::Window* tab = mTabs->CreateTab("Help", -1, TAB_HELP);
00868         mHelpGui = new HelpViewer(tab, tab->W(), tab->H());
00869     }
00871     void StripConceptNames()
00872     {
00873         CmdOptions& options = CmdOptions::GetInstance();
00874         int stripToDot = options.GetInt("conceptStripToDot");
00875         for (int i=0 ; i<mConceptRanking->NrTables() ; i++)
00876         {
00877             Util::StringParser p(mConceptRanking->GetName(i));
00878             char upToChar = '.';
00879             p.Advance(upToChar, stripToDot);
00880             String res = p.GetString('.', false);
00881             mConceptRanking->Rename(i, res);
00882         }
00883         if (options.GetInt("conceptStripExtension"))
00884         {
00885             for (int i=0 ; i<mConceptRanking->NrTables() ; i++)
00886             {
00887                 String name = mConceptRanking->GetName(i);
00888                 int pos = name.find("-",0);
00889                 if (pos == String::npos)
00890                     continue;
00891                 String result = name.substr(0, pos);
00892 //                pos = result.find("_",0); 
00893                 // assumption: if extension then first part is nummeral
00894 //                result = "*" + result.substr(pos+1);  
00895                 mConceptRanking->Rename(i, result);
00896             }
00897         }
00898     }
00900     void SetBg(ULONG bg)
00901     {
00902         SetBackground(bg);
00903         if (mWnd2)
00904             mWnd2->SetBackground(bg);
00905     }
00907     void DoTwoMinutesTimeAlert()
00908     {
00909 #ifndef OGL_USING_GLUT
00910         char buf[200];
00911         sprintf(buf,"%s\n%s",
00912                 "You have less than two minutes left for this topic.",
00913                 "Don't forget to sort the result :-)");
00914         oglSys.ErrorBox("Warning",buf);
00915 #endif
00916         ILOG_WARN("2 minutes remaining for current topic");
00917         mDidTimeAlert = true;
00918     }
00921     void UpdateProgress()
00922     {
00923         // For Cees' active learning un-comment line below
00924         //return;
00925         if (!mSearchTopic)
00926             return;
00928         if (!mTimeLeft) return;
00930         double elapsed  = mSearchTopic->GetElapsedTime();
00932         if ((elapsed > 8) && (!mDidTimeAlert))
00933             DoTwoMinutesTimeAlert();
00935         // bg now: 0xff555566
00936         if (mTopicRunning)
00937         {
00938             if (elapsed > 7 && elapsed < 8)
00939             {
00940                 double d  = (elapsed - 7);
00941                 SetBg(oglSys.RGB2Color(0x55+0x20*d, 0x55-0x10*d, 0x66));
00942             }
00943             else if (elapsed > 8 && elapsed < 9.8)
00944             {
00945                 double d = 1.0 - ((elapsed - 8) / 1.8);
00946                 SetBg(oglSys.RGB2Color(0x75+0x10*d, 0x45, 0x66-0x10*d));
00947                 SetInterval(0.2);
00948             }
00949             else if (elapsed > 9.8 && elapsed < 10.0)
00950             {
00951                 double d = ((elapsed - 9.8) / 0.2);
00952                 SetBg(oglSys.RGB2Color(0x85+0x7A*d, 0x45+0xBA*d, 0x55+0xAA*d));
00953                 SetInterval(0.1);
00954             }
00955             else if (elapsed > 10)
00956             {
00957                 SetBg(0xffffffff);
00958                 SetInterval(0.5);
00959                 elapsed = 15;
00960             }
00961         }
00962         elapsed         = 10.0 - elapsed;
00963         int minutes     = (int) elapsed;
00964         int seconds     = (int) ((elapsed - minutes) * 60);
00965         String timeleft = MakeString(minutes) + ":" + MakeString(seconds);
00967         if (mTimeLeft) {
00968             mTimeLeftText->SetText(timeleft);
00969             mTimeLeft->SetProgress(elapsed * 100.0 / 10.0);
00970         }
00971     }
00973     bool ComputeFinalResult()
00974     {
00975         ILOG_SYSTEM("computing final result set.");
00977         std::list<Core::Trec::ShotResult> finalresult;
00979         std::map<int,bool> nodups;
00981         int rank = 1;
00982         for (int i=0 ; i<mSegDoc->GetBookmarked()->Size() ; i++)
00983         {
00984             Core::Trec::ShotResult r;
00985             r.shotid = mSegDoc->GetBookmarked()->Get1(i);
00986             r.rank = rank++;
00987             nodups[r.shotid] = true;
00988             finalresult.push_back(r);
00989         }
00991         ILOG_INFO( rank-1 << " bookmarked shots added to final result set.");
00993         int startsuprank   = rank;
00994         int duplicates     = 0;
00995         int dropped        = 0;
00996         Thread* supplement = mThreadSet->GetThreadByName("shots_supplement");
00997         Thread* negatives  = mThreadSet->GetThreadByName("bookmarked_negative");
00999         if (supplement == NULL)
01000         {
01001             ILOG_WARN("no supplement thread set! Only " << 
01002                       finalresult.size() << " shots will be submitted!");
01003         }
01004         else
01005         {
01006             int firstshot = supplement->GetFirstShot();
01007             for (int i=0; i < supplement->GetLength(); i++)
01008             {
01009                 Core::Trec::ShotResult r;
01010                 r.shotid = supplement->GetShotAt(firstshot, i);
01011                 if (nodups.find(r.shotid) == nodups.end())
01012                 {
01013                     if (negatives && negatives->GetShotPosition(r.shotid) >= 0)
01014                         dropped++;
01015                     else
01016                     {
01017                         r.rank = rank++;
01018                         finalresult.push_back(r);
01019                     }
01020                 }
01021                 else duplicates++;
01022             }
01023         }
01024         char* str = " supplement shots added to final result set.";
01025         ILOG_INFO(rank - startsuprank << str);
01026         ILOG_INFO(duplicates << " duplicates in supplement shot set ignored.");
01027         str = " shots dropped from supplement because of negative annotation.";
01028         ILOG_INFO(dropped << str);
01030         ILOG_INFO(finalresult.size() << " shots before dumping TV09 dropped movies.");
01031         std::list<Core::Trec::ShotResult>  out;
01032         for (std::list<Core::Trec::ShotResult>::iterator i=finalresult.begin();i!=finalresult.end();i++)
01033             switch (mThreadSet->GetSegmentation()->GetVideoId((*i).shotid))
01034             {
01035                 case 22:  // shot23_*
01036                 case 158: // shot159_*
01037                 case 187: // shot188_*
01038                 case 198: // shot199_*
01039                 case 407: // shot488_*
01040                 case 514: // shot595_*
01041                 case 543: // shot624_*
01042                     continue;
01043                 default:
01044                     out.push_back(*i);
01045             }           
01046         ILOG_INFO(out.size() << " shots in final result set.");
01047         mThreadSet->AddThreadShots("finalresult", out);
01048                 return true;
01049     }
01051     // load/save results
01053     bool SaveFinalResult()
01054     {
01055         ILOG_ENDACTION("topic");
01056         mTopicRunning = false;
01057         ILOG_SYSTEM("saving results for topic.");
01058         if (!mSearchTopic)
01059             return false;
01060         String curTopic = mSearchTopic->GetCurTopicNum();
01061         String fileName = String(".") + "/topic_" + curTopic + ".xml";
01062         String logfile = String(".") + "/log_" + curTopic + ".log";
01063         File f(fileName, "w");
01064         if (!f.Valid())
01065         {
01066             oglSys.ErrorBox("Error", "Unable to write result in current dir");
01067             return false;
01068         }
01069         fprintf(f.Fp(),"<videoSearchTopicResult tNum=\"%s\" ",curTopic.c_str());
01070         fprintf(f.Fp(),"elapsedTime=\"%.2f\" ",mSearchTopic->GetElapsedTime());
01071         fprintf(f.Fp(),"searcherId=\"user\">\n");
01073         Thread *result = mThreadSet->GetThreadByName("shots_finalresult");
01074         if (result == NULL)
01075         {
01076             ILOG_ERROR("final result set does not exist. Aborted save!");
01077             return false;
01078         }
01079         int first  = result->GetFirstShot();
01080         int length = result->GetLength();
01081         // For Cees' active learning comment line below
01082                 if (length > 1000) length = 1000; // max 1000 results.
01084         fprintf(f.Fp(), "<!-- nr selected images = %d -->\n",
01085                 mSegDoc->GetBookmarked()->Size());
01086         for (int i=0 ; i<length; i++)
01087         {
01088             String shot = mShots->GetName(result->GetShotAt(first, i));
01089             fprintf(f.Fp(), "<item seqNum=\"%d\" shotId=\"%s\"/>\n",
01090                     i+1, shot.c_str());
01091         }
01092         fprintf(f.Fp(), "</videoSearchTopicResult>\n\n");
01093         f.Close();
01094         SetBg(mBackgroundColor);
01095         ILOG_INFO("results for topic " << curTopic << " have been saved.");
01096         //ActionLogger::ClosePartLog(logfile);
01097         return true;
01098     }
01100     bool        mFilterLanguage;
01101     bool        mUseVisualRect;
01102     bool        mShowAnno;
01103     bool        mUseCross;
01104     bool        mImageStills;
01105     bool        mDisableQueryTab;
01106     bool        mDisableStillsTab;
01107     bool        mDisableDetailsTab;
01108     bool        mJudgeInBrowser;
01109     bool        mLoadWeibull;
01110     bool        mShowMinimap;
01111     bool        mLogoAnim;
01112     bool        mDidTimeAlert;
01113     bool        mTopicRunning;
01115     int         mYear;
01116     int         mWeibullScales;
01117     int         mNrWeibullLevels;
01118     int         mThumbWidth;
01119     int         mThumbHeight;
01120     int         mInitialBrowser;
01121     int         mBackgroundColor;
01123     double      mViewScale;
01125     String      mSearchTopicImages;
01126     String      mSearchTopicThumbnails;
01127     String      mAutomaticResultsDir;
01128     String      mKeyServer;
01129     String      mUseWnd2;
01130     String      mVideoSetName;
01131     String      mImageSetName;
01132     String      mConceptSetName;
01133     String      mConceptCatName;
01134     String      mConceptQualityName;
01135     String      mConceptMappingName;
01136     String      mQbyExampleSet;
01137     String      mTrecTopicSetName;
01138     String      mJudgeFileName;
01139     String      mConceptModel;
01140     String      mConceptFeature;
01142     ProgramNameReader*                      mProgramNames;
01143     SimilarityTableSet*                     mConceptRanking;
01144     SimilarityTableSet*                     mThreadRanking;
01145     SimilarityTableSet*                     mQbyExampleRanking;
01146     Core::VideoSet::VideoSet*               mVidSet;
01147     Core::VideoSet::SegmentationDocument*   mSegDoc; // controls current shot
01148     Core::VideoSet::Segmentation*           mShots;
01149     Core::VideoSet::Keyframes*              mKeyframes;
01150     Core::Trec::TrecTopic*                  mTrecTopic;
01151     Core::Trec::SearchTopic*                mSearchTopic;
01152     Core::Trec::SearchJudge*                mJudge;
01153     Core::Trec::ThreadSet*                  mThreadSet;
01154     Core::Array::Array2dVec3UInt8*          mLogoIm;
01156     // GUI
01157     Visualization::Window*                  mWnd2;
01158     OglGui::Tabs*                           mTabs;
01159     HelpViewer*                             mHelpGui;
01160     SearchTopicGui*                         mSearchTopicGui;
01161     SearchJudgeGui*                         mSearchJudgeGui;
01162     ThreadSetGui*                           mThreadSetGui;
01163     QueryGui*                               mQueryGui;
01164     SortGui*                                mSortGui;
01165     RotorBrowserGUI*                        mBrowserGui;
01166     SegmentationDocumentGuiMain*            mSegDocMainGrid;
01167     SegmentationDocumentGuiStills*          mSegDocStills;
01168     ShotDetailWindow*                       mDetailWindow;
01169     ProgressBar*                            mTimeLeft;
01170     StaticText*                             mTimeLeftText;
01172     Application::Videolympics::VideolympicsClient *mVideolympicsClient;
01174     ILOG_VAR_DEC;
01175 };
01177 ILOG_VAR_INIT(WindowTrecSearch, Application);
01179 int
01180 mainTrecSearch(int argc, char* argv[])
01181 {
01182     OglInit(&argc, &argv[0]);
01184     CmdOptions& options = CmdOptions::GetInstance();
01185     options.Initialise(true, false, true);
01186     options.SetDefault("wndWidth", "1280");
01187     options.SetDefault("wndHeight", "975");
01189     char* extInfo = "tab to be placed on 2nd screen: Query, Details or Stills";
01190     options.AddOption(0, "useWnd2", extInfo, "Details");
01191     options.AddOption(0, "small", "", "0");
01192     options.AddOption(0, "noArchive", "", "0");
01193     options.AddOption(0, "imFileArchive", "", "0");
01194     options.AddOption(0, "imServer", "name", "");
01195     options.AddOption(0, "nrWeibullScales", "", "1");
01196     options.AddOption(0, "nrWeibullLevels", "", "3");
01197     options.AddOption(0, "noLoadWeibull", "", "0");
01198     options.AddOption(0, "maxImagesOnRow", "", "99");
01199     options.AddOption(0, "wndBg", "", "OglGuiBg");
01201 //    options.AddOption(0, "minimap", "filename to write minimap to", "");
01202 //    options.AddOption(0, "minimapdepth", "depth of minimap", "25");
01204     options.AddOption(0, "judgeInBrowser", "", "0");
01206     options.AddOption(0, "actionloglevel", "0=all .. 10=nothing", "2");
01207     options.AddOption(0, "actionlog", "filename", "trecsearch.log");
01208     options.AddOption(0, "actionlogtofile", "0 = no, 1 = yes", "1");
01210     extInfo = "1=CrossBrowser, 2=RotorBrowser, 3=ForkBrowser";
01211     options.AddOption(0, "initialbrowser", extInfo, "1");
01212     options.AddOption(0, "enableMinimap", "", "0");
01214     extInfo = "0=no, thumbnails, 1=yes, only center, 2=yes, always";
01215     options.AddOption(0, "mdBrowserUseKeyframes", extInfo, "0");
01216     options.AddOption(0, "mdBrowserAspectRatio", "0=automatic, else value","0");
01218     extInfo = "nr of shots from center, 0=only center";
01219     options.AddOption(0, "mdBrowserHighResDistance", extInfo, "0");
01221     extInfo = "hostname of VideOlympics contest server";
01222     options.AddOption(0, "videolympicsServer", extInfo, "");
01224     extInfo = "port of VideOlympics contest server";
01225     options.AddOption(0, "videolympicsPort", extInfo, "");
01226     options.AddOption(0, "videolympicsTeam", "VideOlympics team nr.", "");
01228     if (!options.ParseArgs(argc, argv, "", 0))
01229         return 1;
01231     int reqWndWidth  = options.GetInt("wndWidth");
01232     int reqWndHeight = options.GetInt("wndHeight");
01233     if (options.GetBool("small"))
01234     {
01235         reqWndWidth  = 1020;
01236         reqWndHeight = 740;
01237     }
01239     std::cout << "starting WindowTrecSearch..." << std::endl;
01240     WindowTrecSearch* oglWnd = new WindowTrecSearch(reqWndWidth, reqWndHeight);
01241     if (!oglWnd->Valid())
01242     {
01243         std::cout << "WINDOWTRECSEARCH FAILED." << std::endl;
01244         return 0;
01245     }
01246     Visualization::AppController::Instance().MainLoop();
01248     return 1;
01249 }
01251 } // namespace Application
01252 } // namespace Impala
01254 int
01255 main(int argc, char* argv[])
01256 {
01257     return Impala::Application::mainTrecSearch(argc, argv);
01258 }

Generated on Fri Mar 19 09:30:31 2010 for ImpalaSrc by  doxygen 1.5.1