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00001 #ifndef Impala_Visualization_RotorBrowser_RotorBrowserGui_h
00002 #define Impala_Visualization_RotorBrowser_RotorBrowserGui_h
00004 #include "RotorBrowser.h"
00005 //#include "RotorBrowserControl.h"
00007 #include "OglGui/TextArea.h"
00008 #include "OglGui/Window.h"
00010 #include "Visualization/ImageSet.h"
00011 #include "Visualization/Window.h"
00012 #include "Visualization/VideoMinimap.h"
00014 #include "Core/Trec/VisualQueryEngine.h"
00015 #include "Sandbox/ork/ProgramNameReader.h"
00017 namespace Impala {
00018 namespace Visualization {
00019 namespace RotorBrowser {
00021 class RotorBrowserGUI:  public Visualization::Window,
00022                         public RotorBrowserListener,
00023                         public Visualization::ImagesListener
00024 {
00025 public:
00026     typedef Core::Trec::KeyframeResult              KeyframeResult;
00027     typedef Core::Trec::ShotResult                  ShotResult;
00028     typedef Core::Trec::VisualQueryEngine           VisualQueryEngine;
00029     typedef Core::Trec::ThreadSet                   ThreadSet;
00030     typedef Core::VideoSet::Segmentation            Segmentation;
00031     typedef Core::VideoSet::SegmentationDocument    SegmentationDocument;
00032     typedef std::list<RotorBrowserContext*>         RotorBrowserContextList;
00033     typedef std::list<KeyframeResult>               KeyframeResultList;
00035     RotorBrowserGUI(OglGui::Window *parent, int w, int h,ThreadSet *threadset,
00036                     SegmentationDocument *segdoc, int imW, int imH,
00037                     double imScale, int controlId, bool showLatestBookmarks,
00038                     bool enableMinimap = true) :
00039         Visualization::Window(parent, w, h, true)
00040     {
00041         mThreadSet          = threadset;
00042         mSegDoc             = segdoc;
00043         mRotorBrowser       = NULL;
00044         mRotorBrowserInfo   = NULL;
00045         mLastVisualKeyframe = -1;
00046         mLastVisualMode     = -1;
00047         mMinimapEnabled     = enableMinimap;
00049         SetControlId(controlId);
00051         BuildGui(imW, imH, imScale, showLatestBookmarks);
00052         // RvB: Next 2 lines for extra context info
00053         //mRotorBrowserInfo = new TextArea(this, 0, height-100, 240, 5, "");
00054         //mRotorBrowserInfo->SetTextColor(oglRED);
00055     }
00057     RotorBrowser* Browser()
00058     {
00059         return mRotorBrowser;
00060     }
00062     void SetBrowseMode(int mode)
00063     {
00064         mRotorBrowser->SetBrowseMode(mode);
00065     }
00067     void SetInitialQueryToMovies()
00068     {
00069         ILOG_DEBUG("setting shots_initialquery to first shot in each movie");
00070         // RvB: Fixed
00071         //ILOG_WARN("if called more than once this will crash. Fix me!");
00073         int nrVideos = mThreadSet->GetKeyframes()->GetNrVideos();
00074         std::list<ShotResult> shots;
00075         for (int i=0; i < nrVideos; i++)
00076         {
00077             int frame = mThreadSet->GetKeyframes()->GetFirstKeyframeVideo(i);
00078             int shot = mThreadSet->GetKeyframes()->GetShotId(frame);
00079             ShotResult r;
00080             r.shotid = shot;
00081             r.score = 1.0;
00082             r.rank = i + 1;
00083             shots.push_back(r);
00084         }
00085         mThreadSet->RemoveThread("shots_initialquery");
00086         mThreadSet->AddThreadShots("initialquery", shots);
00087         mRotorBrowser->ValidateContext("shots_initialquery");
00088         mRotorBrowser->UpdateViewsToContext();
00089         int mode = mRotorBrowser->GetBrowseMode();
00090         if (mode == RotorBrowser::MODE_CROSSBROWSER)
00091             mRotorBrowser->ReloadCrossBrowser();
00092         else if(mode == RotorBrowser::MODE_FORKBROWSER)
00093             mRotorBrowser->ReloadForkBrowser();
00094         else // RvB: I do not really know how to handle this one
00095             mRotorBrowser->ReloadInitial();
00096     }
00098     void DoQueryByRegion(int keyframe, float x, float y, float w, float h)
00099     {
00100         ILOG_DEBUG("external DoQueryByRegion for " << keyframe);
00101         mRotorBrowser->OnRectangleSelectByKeyframe(keyframe, x, y, w, h);
00102     }
00104     void ResetCrossBrowser()
00105     {
00106         mRotorBrowser->UpdateViewsToContext();
00107         mRotorBrowser->ReloadCrossBrowser();
00108     }
00110     void AddRotorBrowserListener(RotorBrowserListener *target)
00111     {
00112         mListeners.push_back(target);
00113     }
00115     void ResetRanking()
00116     {
00117         ILOG_DEBUG("ResetRanking()");
00118         mRotorBrowser->ResetRanking();
00119     }
00121     void FocusToBrowser()
00122     {
00123         mRotorBrowser->TakeFocus();
00124     }
00126     // allow for remote control(TM):
00127     void PressKey(int c, int state = 0)
00128     {
00129         mRotorBrowser->TakeFocus();
00130         mRotorBrowser->KeyboardFunc(c, state);
00131     }
00133     void SetProgramNames(Samples::ProgramNameReader *programs)
00134     {
00135         mRotorBrowser->SetProgramNames(programs);
00136     }
00139     int GetCenterShot()
00140     {
00141         if (mRotorBrowser != 0 && mRotorBrowser->GetActiveContext() != 0)
00142             return mRotorBrowser->GetActiveContext()->GetCenter();
00143         return -1;
00144     }
00146     bool GetShowMinimap()
00147     {
00148         return mMinimapVisible;
00149     }
00151     void SetShowMinimap(bool doShow)
00152     {
00153         if (mMinimapEnabled)
00154         {
00155             mMinimapVisible = doShow;
00156             mMinimap->SetVisible(doShow);
00157             if (mRotorBrowser != 0)
00158                 mRotorBrowser->SetMinimapEnabled(doShow);
00159         }
00160     }
00162     virtual void HandleActivate()
00163     {
00164         ILOG_DEBUG( "HandleActivate()" );
00165         mRotorBrowser->ReloadInitial();
00166     }
00169 private:
00171 /************* NOTE TO SELF ***************
00172   for some reason the code below works, but will allow the app to crash when U
00173   is pressed, and mQbyR (WHICH IS NOT USED) is NOT INITIALIZED?!??
00174   verify, debug
00175 */
00177     void
00178     BuildGui(int imW, int imH, double viewScale, bool showLatestBookmarks)
00179     {
00180         int yOff = showLatestBookmarks ? 80 : 0;
00181         mRotorBrowser =
00182             new RotorBrowser(this, 0, yOff, W(), H()-yOff, mThreadSet, mSegDoc);
00183         mRotorBrowser->SetBorderFillShaded(1);
00184         mRotorBrowser->SetBorderType(5);
00185         mRotorBrowser->SetRoundness(10,10,10,10);
00186         mRotorBrowser->ConnectTo(this, ALLSIDES );
00187         mRotorBrowser->SetRotorBrowserListener(this);
00189         viewScale = viewScale / 2;
00191         // latest bookmarks bar code:
00192         mLatestBookmarks = 0;
00193         if (showLatestBookmarks)
00194         {
00195             //Window *bookmarkW = new Window(this, 4, 28, W()-8, imH*viewScale+8);
00196             OglGui::Window *bookmarkW =
00197                 new OglGui::Window(this, 4, 28, W()-8, imH*viewScale+8);
00198             int nrImOnRow = bookmarkW->W() / (imW * viewScale);
00199             mLatestBookmarks = new ImageSet(bookmarkW, imW, imH, viewScale,
00200                                             nrImOnRow, 1);
00201             mLatestBookmarks->SetImagesListener(this, IM_BOOKMARKS);
00202             mLatestBookmarks->ActivateInfoBox(false);
00203             mLatestBookmarks->SetAllowDragging(false);
00204             mMaxBookmarkViews = nrImOnRow * 1;
00205         }
00207         // minimap code:
00208         mMinimap = 0;
00209         mMinimapVisible = false;
00210         if (mMinimapEnabled)
00211         {
00212             Segmentation* seg = mThreadSet->GetSegmentation();
00213             MapFunction *f = new VideoSquareMapFunction(seg,100,100);
00214             mMinimap = new VideoMinimap(f, this, W()-220, H()-220, 200, 200);
00215             mMinimap->SetRoundness(2,2,2,2);
00216             mMinimap->SetBorderType(4);
00217             mMinimap->SetBorderFillShaded(2);
00218             mMinimap->EnablePreviewWindow(mThreadSet);
00219             mRotorBrowser->RegisterShotTrails(mMinimap);
00220             mMinimapVisible = true;
00221         }
00222     }
00224 private:
00225     virtual void KeyEvent(OglGui::Window *src, int c, int state)
00226     {
00227         ILOG_DEBUG( "KeyEvent(" << c << ", " << state << ")" );
00228         switch (c) {
00229         case 'm':
00230             ILOG_USER( "KB: set initialquery to movie start positions" );
00231             SetInitialQueryToMovies();
00232             break;
00233         }
00234         mRotorBrowser->TakeFocus();
00235     }
00237     void Reset()
00238     {
00239         ILOG_DEBUG( "Reset()" );
00240         if (mLatestBookmarks)
00241             mLatestBookmarks->RemoveImages();
00242         mRotorBrowser->ClearViewedCache();
00243     }
00245     virtual void ResetBrowserEvent()
00246     {
00247         Reset();
00248     }
00250     virtual void
00251     ContextMoveEvent(OglGui::Window* src, int direction, int position)
00252     {
00253         ILOG_DEBUG( "MoveEvent: " << direction << " position = " << position );
00254         SetRotorText();
00256         for (int i=0; i<mListeners.size();i++)
00257             mListeners[i]->ContextMoveEvent(src, direction, position);
00259         // add handlers to other images here
00260         // -- mThreadSet->GetKeyframes()->GetShotRKF(position);
00261     }
00263     virtual void
00264     ContextChangeEvent(OglGui::Window* src, RotorBrowserContext *newcontext)
00265     {
00266         SetRotorText();
00267         ILOG_DEBUG("ContextChangeEvent: new context = "<<newcontext->GetName());
00268         for (int i=0; i<mListeners.size();i++)
00269             mListeners[i]->ContextChangeEvent(src, newcontext);
00271     }
00273     virtual void
00274     BookmarkEvent(OglGui::Window* src, int shotid, bool isbookmarked)
00275     {
00276         ILOG_DEBUG( "BookmarkEvent: " << shotid << ": " << isbookmarked );
00278         for (int i=0; i<mListeners.size();i++)
00279             mListeners[i]->BookmarkEvent(src, shotid, isbookmarked);
00281         if (!mLatestBookmarks)
00282             return;
00284         if (isbookmarked)
00285         {
00286             mLatestBookmarks->AddImage(mThreadSet->GetImageByShotID(shotid),
00287                                        "Direct",mThreadSet->GetShotName(shotid),
00288                                        true, false, shotid);
00289             int nrIm = mLatestBookmarks->GetNrImages();
00290             if (nrIm > 0)
00291                 mLatestBookmarks->MoveImageTo(nrIm-1, 0);
00292             if (mLatestBookmarks->GetNrImages() > mMaxBookmarkViews)
00293                 mLatestBookmarks->RemoveImageByIndex(nrIm-1);
00294             else
00295                 mLatestBookmarks->Redraw(); // to solve MoveTo bug
00296         }
00297         else // remove from mLatestBookmarks
00298         {   
00299             mLatestBookmarks->RemoveImageById(shotid);
00300             mLatestBookmarks->Redraw();
00301         }
00302     }
00304     void SetRotorText()
00305     {
00306         if (mRotorBrowserInfo == NULL)
00307             return;
00308         RotorBrowserContext* actContext = mRotorBrowser->GetActiveContext();
00309         std::ostringstream m;
00310         m << "Active context:   " << actContext->GetNiceName() << std::endl;
00311         m << "Current position: " << actContext->GetCenter() << std::endl;
00312         m << "Other contexts (" << mRotorBrowser->GetNrActiveContexts()-1;
00313         m << "): " << std::endl;
00315         RotorBrowserContextList contexts = mRotorBrowser->GetOtherContexts();
00316         RotorBrowserContextList::const_iterator context;
00318         for (context = contexts.begin(); context != contexts.end(); context++)
00319         {
00320             m << "  " << (*context)->GetNiceName() << " - " <<
00321                (*context)->GetThread()->GetShotPosition((*context)->GetCenter())
00322                << std::endl;
00323         }
00324         mRotorBrowserInfo->SetText(m.str());
00325     }
00328     virtual void ImageSelectionEvent(Visualization::ImagesWindow* src,
00329                                      int imIndex, void* listenerData)
00330     {
00331         // RvB: IM_VISRESULTS does not seem to be used anywhere
00332         if (listenerData == (void*) IM_VISRESULTS && mLastVisualKeyframe >= 0)
00333         {
00334             int browseMode = mRotorBrowser->GetBrowseMode();
00335             if (browseMode == RotorBrowser::MODE_CROSSBROWSER)
00336             {
00337                 ILOG_USER("set shots_initialquery to visual set from bottom " <<
00338                           "view using keyframe " << mLastVisualKeyframe );
00339                 SetInitialQueryToVisual();
00340             }
00341             else
00342             {
00343                 ILOG_USER("adding results from bottom view to browser using " <<
00344                           "keyframe " << mLastVisualKeyframe );
00345                 AddVisualToBrowser();
00346             }
00347         }
00349         // the following code is required only when mLatestBookmarks is used.
00350         if (listenerData == (void*)IM_BOOKMARKS)
00351         {
00352             ILOG_USER( "unbookmark " << imIndex << " from bottom view" );
00353             int row = Core::Column::Find(mSegDoc->GetBookmarked()->GetColumn1(),
00354                                         imIndex, 0,
00355                                         mSegDoc->GetBookmarked()->Size());
00356             Core::Table::RemoveRow(mSegDoc->GetBookmarked(), row);
00357             mLatestBookmarks->RemoveImageById(imIndex);
00358             mLatestBookmarks->Redraw();
00359             mRotorBrowser->Redraw();
00360         }
00362         mRotorBrowser->TakeFocus();
00363     }
00365     void AddVisualToBrowser()
00366     {
00367         if (mLastVisualMode == 1)
00368         {
00369             ILOG_DEBUG( "adding last query by region result to browser" );
00370             std::list<ShotResult> shots;
00371             std::map<int,bool> seen;
00372             int lastshot = mThreadSet->GetKeyframes()
00373                                 ->GetShotId(mLastVisualKeyframe);
00374             for (KeyframeResultList::iterator i = mLastVisualKeyframes.begin();
00375                  i != mLastVisualKeyframes.end(); i++)
00376             {
00377                 ShotResult r;
00378                 int frameID = i->keyframeid;
00379                 if (frameID == -1)
00380                 {
00381                     ILOG_WARN("AddVisualToBrowser: " <<
00382                               "WARNING: erroneous frame in set." );
00383                     continue;
00384                 }
00385                 int shotID = mThreadSet->GetKeyframes()->GetShotId(frameID);
00386                 if (seen.find(shotID) == seen.end())
00387                 {
00388                     r.shotid = shotID;
00389                     r.score = i->score;
00390                     r.rank = i->rank;
00391                     shots.push_back(r);
00392                     seen[shotID] = true;
00393                 }
00394             }
00395             mThreadSet->AddThreadShots("visual " + MakeString(lastshot), shots);
00396         }
00397         else
00398         {
00399             ILOG_DEBUG( "adding last visually similar result to browser" );
00400             VisualQueryEngine *e = new VisualQueryEngine(mThreadSet, 200);
00401             int lastVis = mLastVisualKeyframe;
00402             KeyframeResultList shots = e->QueryVisual(lastVis,true);
00403             int lastshot = mThreadSet->GetKeyframes()->GetShotId(lastVis);
00404             mThreadSet->AddThreadShots("visual " + MakeString(lastVis), shots);
00405         }
00406     }
00409     void SetInitialQueryToVisual()
00410     {
00411         if (mLastVisualMode == 1)
00412         {
00413             ILOG_DEBUG("setting shots_initialquery to " <<
00414                        "last query by region result");
00415             mThreadSet->RemoveThread("shots_initialquery");
00416             std::list<ShotResult> shots;
00417             std::map<int,bool> seen;
00418             for (KeyframeResultList::iterator i=mLastVisualKeyframes.begin();
00419                  i !=mLastVisualKeyframes.end(); i++)
00420             {
00421                 ShotResult r;
00422                 int frameID = i->keyframeid;
00423                 if (frameID == -1)
00424                 {
00425                     ILOG_WARN( "SetInitialQueryToVisual: " <<
00426                                "WARNING: erroneous frame in set." );
00427                     continue;
00428                 }
00429                 int shotID = mThreadSet->GetKeyframes()->GetShotId(frameID);
00430                 if (seen.find(shotID) == seen.end())
00431                 {
00432                     r.shotid = shotID;
00433                     r.score = i->score;
00434                     r.rank = i->rank;
00435                     shots.push_back(r);
00436                     seen[shotID] = true;
00437                 }
00438             }
00439             mThreadSet->AddThreadShots("initialquery", shots);
00440             mRotorBrowser->ReloadCrossBrowser();
00441         }
00442         else
00443         {
00444             ILOG_DEBUG("setting shots_initialquery to " <<
00445                        "last visually similar result" );
00446             mThreadSet->RemoveThread("shots_initialquery");
00447             VisualQueryEngine *e = new VisualQueryEngine(mThreadSet, 200);
00448             KeyframeResultList shots = e->QueryVisual(mLastVisualKeyframe,true);
00449             mThreadSet->AddThreadShots("initialquery", shots);
00450             mRotorBrowser->ReloadCrossBrowser();
00451         }
00452     }
00454     int                                 mMaxBookmarkViews;
00455     int                                 mNrVisualShown;
00456     int                                 mLastVisualKeyframe;
00457     int                                 mLastVisualMode;
00459     bool                                mMinimapEnabled;
00460     bool                                mMinimapVisible;
00462     ThreadSet*                          mThreadSet;
00463     SegmentationDocument*               mSegDoc;
00464     RotorBrowser*                       mRotorBrowser;
00465     OglGui::TextArea*                   mRotorBrowserInfo;
00466     Visualization::ImageSet*            mLatestBookmarks;
00467     Visualization::VideoMinimap*        mMinimap;
00468     KeyframeResultList                  mLastVisualKeyframes;
00470     std::vector<RotorBrowserListener*>  mListeners;
00472     static const int IM_BOOKMARKS       = 1;
00473     static const int IM_VISRESULTS      = 2;
00475     ILOG_VAR_DEC;
00477 }; // class RotorBrowserGUI
00479 ILOG_VAR_INIT(RotorBrowserGUI, Visualization.RotorBrowser);
00481 } // namespace RotorBrowser
00482 } // namespace Visualization
00483 } // namespace Impala 
00484 #endif

Generated on Fri Mar 19 09:31:52 2010 for ImpalaSrc by  doxygen 1.5.1