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00001 #ifndef Impala_Core_Trec_TrecTopic_h
00002 #define Impala_Core_Trec_TrecTopic_h
00004 #include "Persistency/ImageSetRepository.h"
00005 #include "Persistency/VideoSetRepository.h"
00006 #include "Persistency/SegmentationRepository.h"
00007 #include "Persistency/KeyframesRepository.h"
00008 #include "Util/StringParser.h"
00009 #include "Core/ImageSet/MakeImageSet.h"
00010 #include "Core/VideoSet/MakeVideoSet.h"
00011 #include "Core/VideoSet/Segmentation.h"
00012 #include "Core/VideoSet/Keyframes.h"
00013 #include "Core/Trec/SearchTopic.h"
00014 #include "Util/XmlDoc.h"
00015 #include "Persistency/XmlFileReader.h"
00017 namespace Impala
00018 {
00019 namespace Core
00020 {
00021 namespace Trec
00022 {
00024 class TrecTopic : public SearchTopic, public Util::XmlDoc
00025 {
00026 public:
00028     TrecTopic(String topicFile) : SearchTopic()
00029     {
00030         mYear = 0;
00031         ReadTopics(topicFile);
00032     }
00034     TrecTopic(String topicFile, String year) : SearchTopic()
00035     {
00036         mYear = atol(year);
00037         ReadTopics(topicFile);
00038         LoadDataSets(year);
00039     }
00041     // inquiry
00043     String
00044     GetVideoExampleSrcFile(int topic, int example)
00045     {
00046         return mVideoSrc[topic][example];
00047     }
00049     // format example: 16m13.172s
00050     String
00051     GetVideoExampleStart(int topic, int example)
00052     {
00053         return mVideoStart[topic][example];
00054     }
00056     int
00057     GetVideoExampleStartFrame(int topic, int example)
00058     {
00059         String str = mVideoStart[topic][example];
00060         return ParseTimeFrame(str);
00061     }
00063     // format example: 16m13.172s
00064     String
00065     GetVideoExampleEnd(int topic, int example)
00066     {
00067         return mVideoEnd[topic][example];
00068     }
00070     int
00071     GetVideoExampleEndFrame(int topic, int example)
00072     {
00073         String str = mVideoEnd[topic][example];
00074         return ParseTimeFrame(str);
00075     }
00077     // format example: 13.172 , min 1.5 sec , max 59.9 sec
00078     String
00079     GetVideoExampleDuration(int topic, int example)
00080     {
00081         double startT = ParseTime(mVideoStart[topic][example]);
00082         double endT = ParseTime(mVideoEnd[topic][example]);
00083         double duration = endT - startT;
00084         if (duration < 1.5)
00085             return "1.5";
00086         if (duration > 59.9)
00087             return "59.9";
00088         char buf[128];
00089         sprintf(buf, "%.3f", duration);
00090         return String(buf);
00091     }
00093     // misc
00095     String
00096     GenerateDataSets(String year)
00097     {
00098         mYear = atol(year);
00099 #ifndef REPOSITORY_USED // Here comes the deprecated stuff
00100         Util::Database* db = new Util::Database();
00101         String setBase = "trec" + year + "topic";
00102         ImageSet::ImageSet keySet(db, setBase + "_keyframes.txt", false);
00103         ImageSet::ImageSet thumbSet(db, setBase + "_thumbnails.txt", false);
00104         VideoSet::VideoSet vidSet(db, setBase + ".txt", false);
00105 #else // REPOSITORY_USED
00106         String setBase = "trec" + year + "topic";
00107         ImageSet::ImageSet keySet(setBase + "_keyframes.txt");
00108         ImageSet::ImageSet thumbSet(setBase + "_thumbnails.txt");
00109         VideoSet::VideoSet vidSet(setBase + ".txt");
00110 #endif // REPOSITORY_USED
00111         VideoSet::Segmentation segm(&vidSet, "");
00112         VideoSet::Keyframes keyframes(&vidSet, "");
00113         int videoId = 0;
00114         int shotId = 0;
00115         for (int i=0 ; i<NrTopic() ; i++)
00116         {
00117             ILOG_DEBUG("topic = " << mNum[i]);
00118             if (mVideoSrc[i].size() == 0)
00119             {
00120                 ILOG_ERROR(mNum[i] << " has no videoExample, insert dummy!");
00121                 exit(1);
00122             }
00123             for (int j=0 ; j<mVideoSrc[i].size() ; j++)
00124             {
00125                 keySet.AddFile(GenExampleName(i, j) + ".jpg", "keyframes",
00126                                mNum[i]);
00127                 thumbSet.AddFile(GenExampleName(i, j) + ".jpg", "thumbnails",
00128                                  mNum[i]);
00129                 vidSet.AddFile(GenExampleName(i, j) + ".mpg", ".", mNum[i]);
00130                 int startFr = GetVideoExampleStartFrame(i, j);
00131                 int endFr = GetVideoExampleEndFrame(i, j);
00132                 String name = "shot" + MakeString(videoId+1) + "_"
00133                     + MakeString(shotId+1);
00134                 segm.Add(videoId, 0, endFr - startFr, name);
00135                 keyframes.Add(videoId, shotId, (endFr - startFr) / 2,
00136                               GenExampleName(i, j) + ".jpg");
00137                 videoId++;
00138                 shotId++;
00139             }
00140         }
00141         ILOG_DEBUG("Saving");
00142 #ifndef REPOSITORY_USED // Here comes the deprecated stuff
00143         keySet.SaveImageSet();
00144         thumbSet.SaveImageSet();
00145         vidSet.SaveVideoSet();
00146         bool binary = true;
00147         segm.Save("segmentation", binary);
00148         keyframes.Save("keyframes", binary);
00149 #else // REPOSITORY_USED
00150         Persistency::Locator baseLoc = vidSet.GetLocator();
00151         Persistency::ImageSetLocator keySetLoc(baseLoc, keySet.GetSetName());
00152         Persistency::ImageSetRepository().Add(keySetLoc, &keySet);
00153         Persistency::ImageSetLocator thumbSetLoc(baseLoc, thumbSet.GetSetName());
00154         Persistency::ImageSetRepository().Add(thumbSetLoc, &thumbSet);
00155         Persistency::VideoSetRepository().Add(baseLoc, &vidSet);
00156         bool binary = true;
00157         Persistency::SegmentationLocator sLoc(baseLoc, "segmentation");
00158         Persistency::SegmentationRepository().Add(sLoc, &segm);
00159         Persistency::KeyframesLocator kLoc(baseLoc, "keyframes");
00160         Persistency::KeyframesRepository().Add(kLoc, &keyframes);
00161 #endif // REPOSITORY_USED
00162         keyframes.WriteImageSets();
00163         ILOG_DEBUG("Loading");
00164         LoadDataSets(year);
00165         ILOG_DEBUG("Done");
00166         return setBase + ".txt";
00167     }
00169     void
00170     LoadDataSets(String year)
00171     {
00172         String setBase = "trec" + year + "topic";
00173         mImages = ImageSet::MakeImageSet(setBase + "_keyframes.txt");
00174         mThumbnails = ImageSet::MakeImageSet(setBase + "_thumbnails.txt");
00175         mThumbnails->SetImageSrc(true, false, false);
00176         //mImages = ImageSet::MakeImageSet("keyframes.txt");
00177         //mThumbnails = ImageSet::MakeImageSet("thumbnails.txt");
00178         mVideos = VideoSet::MakeVideoSet(setBase + ".txt");
00179         mTopics = mImages;
00180     }
00182     void
00183     Dump()
00184     {
00185         for (int t=0 ; t<mNum.size() ; t++)
00186         {
00187             std::cout << "num : " << mNum[t] << std::endl;
00188             std::cout << "text : " << mText[t] << std::endl;
00189             for (int v=0 ; v<mVideoSrc[t].size() ; v++)
00190             {
00191                 std::cout << "  video " << mVideoSrc[t][v] << " from "
00192                           << mVideoStart[t][v] << " to "
00193                           << mVideoEnd[t][v] << std::endl;
00194             }
00195         }
00196     }
00198 private:
00200     double
00201     ParseTime(String str) // e.g. 16m13.172s
00202     {
00203         Util::StringParser p(str);
00204         int minutes = p.GetInt('m');
00205         p.AdvanceP(); // skip the 'm'
00206         double seconds = p.GetDouble('s');
00207         seconds += minutes * 60;
00208         return seconds;
00209     }
00211     int
00212     ParseTimeFrame(String str) // e.g. 16m13.172s
00213     {
00214         double seconds = ParseTime(str);
00215         double fractions = 29.97;
00216         if (mYear == 0)
00217             ILOG_ERROR("Need year to compute frame");
00218         if (mYear >= 2007)
00219             fractions = 25;
00220         return seconds * fractions;
00221     }
00223     void
00224     ReadTopics(String xmlFile)
00225     {
00226 #ifndef REPOSITORY_USED // Here comes the deprecated stuff
00227         Util::Database& db = Util::Database::GetInstance();
00228         Util::IOBuffer* ioBuf = db.GetIOBuffer(xmlFile, true, true, "");
00229 #else // REPOSITORY_USED
00230         Persistency::FileLocator loc(xmlFile);
00231         typedef Persistency::RepositoryInFileSystem FS;
00232         Persistency::File file = FS::GetInstance().GetFile(loc, false, false);
00233         Util::IOBuffer* ioBuf = file.GetReadBuffer(true, "");
00234 #endif // REPOSITORY_USED
00235         Persistency::XmlFileReader reader;
00236         DOMDocument* doc = reader.Read(xmlFile, ioBuf);
00237         delete ioBuf;
00238         DOMNode* root = GetChildNode(doc, "videoTopics", true);
00239         std::vector<DOMNode*> topics = GetChildNodes(root, "videoTopic");
00240         ILOG_INFO("topics.size = " << topics.size());
00241         int curFileIdx = 0;
00242         for (int t=0 ; t<topics.size() ; t++)
00243         {
00244             DOMNode* topic = topics[t];
00245             String num = GetAttributeValue(topic, "num");
00246             ILOG_DEBUG("num = " << num);
00247             mNum.push_back(num);
00248             DOMNode* textDesc = GetChildNode(topic, "textDescription", true);
00249             String text = GetAttributeValue(textDesc, "text");
00250             ILOG_DEBUG("  text = " << text);
00251             mText.push_back(text);
00252             std::vector<String> src;
00253             std::vector<String> start;
00254             std::vector<String> end;
00255             std::vector<int> fileIdx;
00256             std::vector<DOMNode*> vidEx = GetChildNodes(topic, "videoExample");
00257             ILOG_DEBUG("nr video examples = " << vidEx.size());
00258             for (int i=0 ; i<vidEx.size() ; i++)
00259             {
00260                 DOMNode* example = vidEx[i];
00261                 src.push_back(GetAttributeValue(example, "src"));
00262                 start.push_back(GetAttributeValue(example, "start"));
00263                 end.push_back(GetAttributeValue(example, "stop"));
00264                 fileIdx.push_back(curFileIdx++);
00265             }
00266             mVideoSrc.push_back(src);
00267             mVideoStart.push_back(start);
00268             mVideoEnd.push_back(end);
00269             mFileIdx.push_back(fileIdx);
00270         }
00271     }
00273     String
00274     GenExampleName(int topic, int example)
00275     {
00276         return FileNameBase(mVideoSrc[topic][example]) + "_" +
00277                mVideoStart[topic][example] + "_" + mVideoEnd[topic][example];
00278     }
00280     // data
00282     int                                 mYear;
00284     std::vector< std::vector<String> >  mVideoSrc;  // e.g. 19980507_ABC.mpg
00285     std::vector< std::vector<String> >  mVideoStart;// e.g. 16m13.172s
00286     std::vector< std::vector<String> >  mVideoEnd;
00287     std::vector< std::vector<int> >     mFileIdx; //mapping to file in DataSet
00289     ILOG_VAR_DEC;
00290 };
00292 ILOG_VAR_INIT(TrecTopic, Core.Trec);
00294 } // namespace Trec
00295 } // namespace Core
00296 } // namespace Impala
00298 #endif

Generated on Fri Mar 19 09:31:27 2010 for ImpalaSrc by  doxygen 1.5.1