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00001 #ifndef Impala_Core_VideoSet_IndexAnnotation_h
00002 #define Impala_Core_VideoSet_IndexAnnotation_h
00004 #include "Persistency/AnnotationTableSetRepository.h"
00005 #include "Persistency/Mpeg7DocRepository.h"
00006 #include "Persistency/QuidTableRepository.h"
00007 #include "Core/Table/AnnotationTableSet.h"
00008 #include "Core/Table/Sort.h"
00009 #include "Core/VideoSet/Reporter.h"
00010 #include "Core/VideoSet/Mpeg7Doc.h"
00012 namespace Impala
00013 {
00014 namespace Core
00015 {
00016 namespace VideoSet
00017 {
00020 class IndexAnnotation : public Listener
00021 {
00022 public:
00024     IndexAnnotation(Reporter* reporter, CmdOptions& options)
00025     {
00026         mReporter = reporter;
00027         if (options.GetNrArg() < 3)
00028         {
00029             ILOG_ERROR("Missing argument");
00030             return;
00031         }
00032         mConceptSet = options.GetArg(2);
00033         mConceptExtra = "";
00034         if (options.GetNrArg() > 3)
00035             mConceptExtra = options.GetArg(3);
00036         mNrExtra = 0;
00037         if (options.GetNrArg() > 4)
00038             mNrExtra = atol(options.GetArg(4));
00039         mKeyframes = 0;
00040         mSegmentation = 0;
00041         mRkfMask = options.GetBool("rkfMask");
00042     }
00044     virtual void
00045     HandleNewWalk(VideoSet* vs)
00046     {
00047 #ifndef REPOSITORY_USED // Here comes the deprecated stuff
00048         mAnnoShot = Table::AnnotationTableSet::MakeFromFile(vs, mConceptSet,
00049                                                             false, 0);
00050         mAnnoFrame = Table::AnnotationTableSet::MakeFromFile(vs, mConceptSet,
00051                                                              false, 0);
00052 #else // REPOSITORY_USED
00053         Persistency::KeywordListLocator loc(vs->GetLocator(), mConceptSet);
00054         Table::KeywordList keyList =
00055             *(Persistency::KeywordListRepository().Get(loc));
00056         mAnnoShot = new Table::AnnotationTableSet(keyList, 0);
00057         mAnnoFrame = new Table::AnnotationTableSet(keyList, 0);
00058 #endif // REPOSITORY_USED
00059         if (! (mAnnoShot && mAnnoFrame))
00060         {
00061             ILOG_ERROR("Unable to read conceptSet");
00062         }
00063         mAnnoExtra = 0;
00064         mQuidExtra = 0;
00065         if (!mConceptExtra.empty())
00066         {
00067             ILOG_INFO("Reading extra : " << mConceptExtra);
00068 #ifndef REPOSITORY_USED // Here comes the deprecated stuff
00069             mAnnoExtra = Table::AnnotationTableSet::MakeFromFile(vs,
00070                                                                  mConceptExtra,
00071                                                                  false, 0);
00072 #else // REPOSITORY_USED
00073             loc.SetConceptSet(mConceptExtra);
00074             keyList = *(Persistency::KeywordListRepository().Get(loc));
00075             mAnnoExtra = new Table::AnnotationTableSet(keyList, 0);
00076 #endif // REPOSITORY_USED
00077             if (!mAnnoExtra)
00078             {
00079                 ILOG_ERROR("Unable to read conceptExtra");
00080             }
00081             mQuidExtra = new Table::QuidTable(100);
00082         }
00083         int nr = mAnnoShot->Size();
00084         mTotalNrAnno.resize(nr);
00085         mTotalNrSingleFrame.resize(nr);
00086         mTotalNrFrames.resize(nr);
00087         mTotalNrAnnoPos.resize(nr);
00088         mTotalNrSingleFramePos.resize(nr);
00089         mTotalNrFramesPos.resize(nr);
00090     }
00092     virtual void
00093     HandleNewWalk(VideoSet* vs, Keyframes* keyframes, bool* keyframeMask)
00094     {
00095         mKeyframes = keyframes;
00096     }
00098     virtual void
00099     HandleNewWalk(VideoSet* vs, Segmentation* segmentation)
00100     {
00101         mSegmentation = segmentation;
00102     }
00104     virtual void
00105     HandleNewFile(VideoSet* vs, int fileId, Stream::RgbDataSrc* src)
00106     {
00107         if (mAnnoExtra && (!(mKeyframes && mSegmentation)))
00108         {
00109             ILOG_ERROR("Need keyframes and segmentation for extra annotations");
00110             delete mAnnoExtra;
00111             mAnnoExtra = 0;
00112             delete mQuidExtra;
00113             mQuidExtra = 0;
00114         }
00116         for (int c=0 ; c<mAnnoShot->Size() ; c++)
00117         {
00118             String concept = mAnnoShot->GetLabel(c);
00119 #ifndef REPOSITORY_USED // Here comes the deprecated stuff
00120             String fName;
00121             fName = vs->GetFilePathMpeg7Anno(fileId, mConceptSet,
00122                                              concept + ".xml", false, true);
00123             if (fName.empty())
00124                 continue;
00126             Mpeg7Doc mp7(fName, vs->GetDatabase());
00127             for (int s=0 ; s<mp7.NrShots() ; s++)
00128             {
00129                 mTotalNrAnno[c]++;
00130                 int len = mp7.EndFrame(s) - mp7.StartFrame(s);
00131                 if (len <= 1)
00132                     mTotalNrSingleFrame[c]++;
00133                 else
00134                     mTotalNrFrames[c] += len;
00135                 if (mp7.IsPositiveAnno(s))
00136                 {
00137                     mTotalNrAnnoPos[c]++;
00138                     if (len <= 1)
00139                         mTotalNrSingleFramePos[c]++;
00140                     else
00141                         mTotalNrFramesPos[c] += len;
00142                 }
00143             }
00144             if (mKeyframes)
00145                 DoKeyframes(vs, fileId, c, &mp7);
00146             if (mSegmentation)
00147                 DoShots(vs, fileId, c, &mp7);
00148 #else // REPOSITORY_USED
00149             String container = mConceptSet + "/" + vs->GetContainerFile(fileId);
00150             typedef Persistency::Mpeg7DocLocator MP7Loc;
00151             MP7Loc loc(vs->GetLocator(), MP7Loc::MPEG7_ANNOTATION, container,
00152                        concept + ".xml");
00153             if (!Persistency::Mpeg7DocRepository().Exists(loc))
00154                 continue;
00156             Mpeg7Doc* mp7 = Persistency::Mpeg7DocRepository().Get(loc);
00157             for (int s=0 ; s<mp7->NrShots() ; s++)
00158             {
00159                 mTotalNrAnno[c]++;
00160                 int len = mp7->EndFrame(s) - mp7->StartFrame(s);
00161                 if (len <= 1)
00162                     mTotalNrSingleFrame[c]++;
00163                 else
00164                     mTotalNrFrames[c] += len;
00165                 if (mp7->IsPositiveAnno(s))
00166                 {
00167                     mTotalNrAnnoPos[c]++;
00168                     if (len <= 1)
00169                         mTotalNrSingleFramePos[c]++;
00170                     else
00171                         mTotalNrFramesPos[c] += len;
00172                 }
00173             }
00174             if (mKeyframes)
00175                 DoKeyframes(vs, fileId, c, mp7);
00176             if (mSegmentation)
00177                 DoShots(vs, fileId, c, mp7);
00178             delete mp7;
00179 #endif // REPOSITORY_USED
00180         }
00181     }
00183     virtual void
00184     HandleDoneWalk(VideoSet* vs)
00185     {
00186         Persistency::AnnotationTableSetLocator loc(vs->GetLocator(), 0,
00187                                                    mConceptSet);
00188         for (int c=0 ; c<mAnnoShot->Size() ; c++)
00189         {
00190             String concept = mAnnoShot->GetLabel(c);
00191             int nrShot = mTotalNrAnno[c] - mTotalNrSingleFrame[c];
00192             double avg = (double) mTotalNrFrames[c] / nrShot;
00193             if (nrShot == 0)
00194                 avg = 1;
00195             ILOG_INFO("Indexed " << mTotalNrAnno[c] << " annotations for "
00196                       << concept);
00197             ILOG_INFO("total of " << mTotalNrSingleFrame[c] << " frames and "
00198                       << nrShot << " shots with avg length of " << avg);
00199             nrShot = mTotalNrAnnoPos[c] - mTotalNrSingleFramePos[c];
00200             avg = (double) mTotalNrFramesPos[c] / nrShot;
00201             if (nrShot == 0)
00202                 avg = 1;
00203             ILOG_INFO("postives: total of " << mTotalNrSingleFramePos[c] <<
00204                       " frames and " << nrShot << " shots with avg length of "
00205                       << avg);
00206         }
00207         if (mSegmentation)
00208         {
00209             ILOG_INFO("Number of shots " << mSegmentation->GetNrShots());
00210             ILOG_INFO("Saving shot annotations");
00211 #ifndef REPOSITORY_USED // Here comes the deprecated stuff
00212             mAnnoShot->SaveTables(vs, mConceptSet, true);
00213 #else // REPOSITORY_USED
00214             Persistency::AnnotationTableSetRepository().Add(loc, mAnnoShot);
00215 #endif // REPOSITORY_USED
00216         }
00217         if (mKeyframes)
00218         {
00219             ILOG_INFO("Number of keyframes " << mKeyframes->GetNrKeyframes());
00220             ILOG_INFO("Saving keyframe annotations");
00221 #ifndef REPOSITORY_USED // Here comes the deprecated stuff
00222             mAnnoFrame->SaveTables(vs, mConceptSet, true);
00223 #else // REPOSITORY_USED
00224             Persistency::AnnotationTableSetRepository().Add(loc, mAnnoFrame);
00225 #endif // REPOSITORY_USED
00226         }
00227         if (mAnnoExtra)
00228         {
00229             ILOG_INFO("Saving extra annotations");
00230 #ifndef REPOSITORY_USED // Here comes the deprecated stuff
00231             mAnnoExtra->SaveTables(vs, mConceptExtra, true);
00232 #else // REPOSITORY_USED
00233             loc.SetConceptSet(mConceptExtra);
00234             Persistency::AnnotationTableSetRepository().Add(loc, mAnnoExtra);
00235 #endif // REPOSITORY_USED
00236             ILOG_INFO("Sorting and saving quids");
00237             Table::Sort(mQuidExtra, 1, true);
00238             String qName = FileNameBase(mConceptExtra) + "_quids.tab";
00239 #ifndef REPOSITORY_USED // Here comes the deprecated stuff
00240             String fName = vs->GetFilePathAnnotation(qName, true, false);
00241             if (!fName.empty())
00242                 Table::Write(mQuidExtra, fName, vs->GetDatabase(), true);
00243 #else // REPOSITORY_USED
00244             Persistency::QuidTableLocator qLoc(vs->GetLocator(), "Annotations",
00245                                                qName);
00246             Persistency::QuidTableRepository().Add(qLoc, mQuidExtra);
00247 #endif // REPOSITORY_USED
00248         }
00249     }
00251 private:
00253     void
00254     AddExtra(VideoSet* vs, int fileId, int concept, Mpeg7Doc* mp7, int key,
00255              int idx)
00256     {
00257         Table::AnnotationTable* frameExtra = mAnnoExtra->GetTable(concept);
00258         int shot = mKeyframes->GetShotId(key);
00259         int begin = Max(mSegmentation->GetStart(shot), mp7->StartFrame(idx));
00260         int end = Max(mSegmentation->GetEnd(shot), mp7->EndFrame(idx));
00261         int step = (end - begin) / (mNrExtra + 2);  // skip begin and end parts
00262         int frame = begin + step;
00263         while (frame <= end - step)
00264         {
00265             Quid q = MakeQuidFrame(vs->GetSetId(), fileId, frame);
00266             if (!frameExtra->IsAnnotated(q))
00267             {
00268                 frameExtra->AddPositive(q);
00269                 if (!mQuidExtra->Contains(q))
00270                     mQuidExtra->Add(q);
00271             }
00272             frame += step;
00273         }
00274     }
00276     void
00277     DoKeyframes(VideoSet* vs, int fileId, int concept, Mpeg7Doc* mp7)
00278     {
00279         Table::AnnotationTable* frameTable = mAnnoFrame->GetTable(concept);
00280         Table::AnnotationTable* frameExtra = 0;
00281         if (mAnnoExtra)
00282             frameExtra = mAnnoExtra->GetTable(concept);
00283         int startKey = mKeyframes->GetFirstKeyframeVideo(fileId);
00284         int endKey = startKey + mKeyframes->GetNrKeyframesVideo(fileId);
00285         for (int k=startKey ; k<endKey ; k++)
00286         {
00287             if (mRkfMask && (!mKeyframes->IsRKF(k)))
00288                 continue;
00289             int frame = mKeyframes->GetFrameNr(k);
00290             int idx = mp7->FindShot(frame);
00291             if (idx != -1)
00292             {
00293                 Quid q = MakeQuidFrame(vs->GetSetId(), fileId, frame);
00294                 if (mQuidExtra && (!mQuidExtra->Contains(q)))
00295                     mQuidExtra->Add(q);
00296                 if (mp7->IsPositiveAnno(idx))
00297                 {
00298                     frameTable->AddPositive(q);
00299                     if (frameExtra)
00300                     {
00301                         frameExtra->AddPositive(q);
00302                         int len = mp7->EndFrame(idx) - mp7->StartFrame(idx);
00303                         if (len > 1)
00304                         {
00305                             AddExtra(vs, fileId, concept, mp7, k, idx);
00306                         }
00307                     }
00308                 }
00309                 else if (mp7->IsNegativeAnno(idx))
00310                 {
00311                     frameTable->AddNegative(q);
00312                     if (frameExtra)
00313                         frameExtra->AddNegative(q);
00314                 }
00315                 else
00316                 {
00317                     frameTable->AddSkip(q);
00318                     if (frameExtra)
00319                         frameExtra->AddSkip(q);
00320                 }
00321             }
00322         }
00323     }
00325     void
00326     DoShots(VideoSet* vs, int fileId, int concept, Mpeg7Doc* mp7)
00327     {
00328         Table::AnnotationTable* shotTable = mAnnoShot->GetTable(concept);
00329         int startShot = mSegmentation->GetFirstShotVideo(fileId);
00330         int endShot = startShot + mSegmentation->GetNrShotsVideo(fileId);
00331         for (int s=startShot ; s<endShot ; s++)
00332         {
00333             int startFrame = mSegmentation->GetStart(s);
00334             int endFrame = mSegmentation->GetEnd(s);
00335             std::vector<int> idx = mp7->FindShots(startFrame, endFrame);
00337             if (idx.size() > 0)
00338             {
00339                 Quid q = MakeQuidShot(vs->GetSetId(), fileId, s - startShot);
00341                 bool hasPos = false;
00342                 bool hasNeg = false;
00343                 for (int i=0 ; i<idx.size() ; i++)
00344                 {
00345                     if (mp7->IsPositiveAnno(idx[i]))
00346                         hasPos = true;
00347                     else if (mp7->IsNegativeAnno(idx[i]))
00348                         hasNeg = true;
00349                 }
00351                 if (hasPos)
00352                     shotTable->AddPositive(q);
00353                 else if (hasNeg)
00354                     shotTable->AddNegative(q);
00355                 else
00356                     shotTable->AddSkip(q);
00357             }
00358         }
00359     }
00361     Reporter*                  mReporter;
00362     String                     mConceptSet;
00363     String                     mConceptExtra;
00364     int                        mNrExtra;
00365     Segmentation*              mSegmentation;
00366     Keyframes*                 mKeyframes;
00367     bool                       mRkfMask;
00368     std::vector<String>        mConcepts;
00369     Table::AnnotationTableSet* mAnnoShot;
00370     Table::AnnotationTableSet* mAnnoFrame;
00371     Table::AnnotationTableSet* mAnnoExtra;
00372     Table::QuidTable*          mQuidExtra;
00374     std::vector<int> mTotalNrAnno;
00375     std::vector<int> mTotalNrSingleFrame;
00376     std::vector<int> mTotalNrFrames;
00377     std::vector<int> mTotalNrAnnoPos;
00378     std::vector<int> mTotalNrSingleFramePos;
00379     std::vector<int> mTotalNrFramesPos;
00381     ILOG_VAR_DEC;
00383 };
00385 ILOG_VAR_INIT(IndexAnnotation, Impala.Core.VideoSet);
00387 } // namespace VideoSet
00388 } // namespace Core
00389 } // namespace Impala
00391 #endif

Generated on Fri Mar 19 09:31:30 2010 for ImpalaSrc by  doxygen 1.5.1