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00001 #ifndef Impala_Core_Training_ParameterSearcher_h
00002 #define Impala_Core_Training_ParameterSearcher_h
00004 #include "Util/PropertySet.h"
00005 #include "Util/RangeIterator.h"
00007 #include "Link/Mpi/MpiFuncs.h"
00008 #include "Util/Mpi/Reduce.h"
00009 #include "Util/Mpi/JobManager.h"
00010 #include "Core/Training/ParameterEvaluator.h"
00012 #include <algorithm>
00013 #include <sstream>
00015 namespace Impala
00016 {
00017 namespace Core
00018 {
00019 namespace Training
00020 {
00026 class ParameterSearcher
00027 {
00028 public:
00029     ParameterSearcher(Util::PropertySet* properties, ParameterEvaluator* evaluator)
00030     {
00031 #ifdef MPI_USED
00032         mParallelMode = true;
00033 #else
00034         mParallelMode = false;
00035 #endif
00036         mEvaluator = evaluator;
00037         mProperties = *properties;
00038         mBestScore = 0;
00040         int i;
00041         for(i=0 ; i<mProperties.Size() ; ++i)
00042         {
00043             std::string val = mProperties.GetValue(i);
00044             ILOG_DEBUG("prop found: "<< val);
00045             if(Util::IsRangeDefinition(val))
00046             {
00047                 mIterator.AddRange(mProperties.GetName(i), val);
00048             }
00049         }
00050         int r = mProperties.GetInt("repetitions");
00051         int f = mProperties.GetInt("folds");
00052         mScores.assign(mIterator.GetTotalIterations() * f * r, 0);
00053     }
00055     virtual
00056     ~ParameterSearcher()
00057     {
00058         delete mEvaluator;
00059     }
00061     void
00062     OverrideParallelMode(bool mode)
00063     {
00064         mParallelMode = mode;
00065     }
00067     Util::PropertySet
00068     Search()
00069     {
00070         int r = mProperties.GetInt("repetitions");
00071         int f = mProperties.GetInt("folds");
00072         mScores.assign(mIterator.GetTotalIterations() * f * r, 0);
00073         mBestScore = 0;
00074         // first try all parameter settings evaluation is stored in mScores
00075         if(mParallelMode)
00076             SearchParallel();
00077         else
00078             SearchSequential();
00080         // average the scores
00081         std::vector<double> scores;
00082         int iters = mIterator.GetTotalIterations();
00083         scores.assign(iters, 0);
00084         int i;
00085         for(i=0 ; i<mScores.size() ; ++i)
00086         {
00087             scores[i%iters] += mScores[i];
00088         }
00089         double d = f*r;
00090         for(i=0 ; i<scores.size() ; ++i)
00091         {
00092             scores[i] /= d;
00093         }
00095         // select the wining setting
00096         std::vector<double>::iterator best =
00097             std::max_element(scores.begin(), scores.end());
00098         int bestIteration = best - scores.begin();
00099         mIterator.SetIteration(bestIteration);
00100         mIterator.GetParameters(&mProperties);
00101         mBestScore = *best;
00102         ILOG_INFO_ONCE("best score = " << mBestScore << 
00103                 " @ params: " << mProperties.GetDescription());
00104         return mProperties;
00105     }
00107     double
00108     GetBestScore()
00109     {
00110         return mBestScore;
00111     }
00113     void
00114     PrintAllScores(Util::IOBuffer* buf)
00115     {
00116         int index = 0;
00117         for(int r=0 ; r<mProperties.GetInt("repetitions") ; ++r)
00118         {
00119             for(int f=0 ; f<mProperties.GetInt("folds") ; ++f)
00120             {
00121                 for(int i=0 ; i<mIterator.GetTotalIterations() ; ++i)
00122                 {
00123                     Util::PropertySet props;
00124                     mIterator.SetIteration(i);
00125                     mIterator.GetParameters(&props);
00126                     props.Add("score", mScores[index]);
00127                     ++index;
00128                     props.Add("repetition", r);
00129                     props.Add("fold", f);
00130                     props.Print(buf);
00131                 }
00132             }
00133         }
00134     }
00137 private:
00138     double
00139     CallEvaluator(int iteration, int index)
00140     {
00141         mIterator.SetIteration(iteration);
00142         mIterator.GetParameters(&mProperties);
00143         ILOG_DEBUG("calling evaluator::Evaluate");
00144         double score = mEvaluator->Evaluate(&mProperties);
00145         ILOG_DEBUG("evaluator::Evaluate returned");
00146         mScores[index] += score;
00147         return score;
00148     }
00150     void
00151     SearchSequential()
00152     {
00153         if(mEvaluator == 0)
00154         {
00155             ILOG_ERROR("no evaluator set");
00156             return;
00157         }
00159         int index = 0;
00160         int repetition, repetitionCount;
00161         repetitionCount = mProperties.GetInt("repetitions");
00162         ILOG_INFO("#repetitions " << repetitionCount)
00163         for(repetition=0 ; repetition<repetitionCount ; ++repetition)
00164         {
00165             ILOG_INFO("repetition #" << repetition)
00166             mEvaluator->SetRepetition(repetition, repetitionCount);
00167             int fold, foldCount;
00168             foldCount = mProperties.GetInt("folds");
00169             for(fold=0 ; fold<foldCount ; ++fold)
00170             {
00171                 ILOG_INFO("fold #" << fold);
00172                 mEvaluator->SetFold(fold, foldCount);
00173                 int i;
00174                 for(i=0 ; i<mIterator.GetTotalIterations() ; ++i)
00175                 {
00176                     double score = CallEvaluator(i, index);
00177                     ++index;
00178                     ILOG_INFO("it " << i << ", " << mProperties.GetDescription() <<
00179                               " : " << score)
00180                 }
00181             }
00182         }
00183     }
00186     void
00187     SearchParallel()
00188     {
00189         if(Link::Mpi::MyId() == 0)
00190             SearchServer();
00191         else
00192             SearchClient();
00193         Util::Mpi::Reduce(mScores);
00194     }
00196     void
00197     SearchServer()
00198     {
00199         ILOG_DEBUG_NODE("I am the server");
00200         // create job groups
00201         Util::Mpi::JobManager jobManager;
00202         int f;
00203         for(f=0 ; f<mProperties.GetInt("folds") ; ++f)
00204         {
00205             int r;
00206             for(r=0 ; r<mProperties.GetInt("repetitions") ; ++r)
00207             {
00208                 std::string id("r0f0");
00209                 id[1] = '0'+r;
00210                 id[3] = '0'+f;
00211                 Util::PropertySet ps;
00212                 ps.Add("repetition", r);
00213                 ps.Add("fold", f);
00214                 // maybe we shouldn't create a group with a description, but
00215                 // rather with the properties themselves
00216                 jobManager.CreateGroup(ps.GetDescription(), id,
00217                                        mIterator.GetTotalIterations());
00218             }
00219         }
00221         // handle request from clients until all work is done
00222         bool done=false;
00223         int runningJobs=0;
00224         while(true)
00225         {
00226             //receive request for work
00227             int source;
00228             std::string message = Link::Mpi::ReceiveString(source);
00229             ILOG_DEBUG_NODE("server got mssg: " << message);
00230             Util::PropertySet job(message);
00231             if(job.GetString("JobManager::job-id") != "-1")
00232                 --runningJobs;
00233             //pick a job from a group
00234             jobManager.GetJob(&job);
00235             //send job
00236             if(job.GetString("JobManager::job-id") != "-1")
00237                 ++runningJobs;
00238             std::ostringstream oss;
00239             job.Print(oss);
00240             ILOG_DEBUG_NODE("SERVER: sending job assignment " << 
00241                 job.GetString("JobManager::job-id") << "," << 
00242                 job.GetString("JobManager::group-id") << " to " << source);
00243             Link::Mpi::SendString(oss.str(), source);
00244             if(runningJobs == 0)
00245                 break;
00246         }
00247     }
00249     void
00250     SearchClient()
00251     {
00252         ILOG_DEBUG_NODE("I am a client");
00253         int id = Link::Mpi::MyId(); 
00254         int lastRepetition = -1;
00255         int lastFold = -1;
00256         Util::PropertySet job;
00257         job.Add("JobManager::job-id", "-1");
00258         while(true)
00259         {
00260             ILOG_DEBUG_NODE("client sends request for work");
00261             //send request for work
00262             Link::Mpi::SendString(job.GetDescription(),0);
00263             //receive assignment
00264             int source;
00265             std::string message = Link::Mpi::ReceiveString(source);
00266             job.Parse(message);
00267             int repetition = job.GetInt("repetition", -1);
00268             int fold = job.GetInt("fold", -1);
00269             int iteration = job.GetInt("JobManager::job-id", -1);
00271             ILOG_DEBUG_NODE("got assignment " << iteration << " from group " <<
00272                             job.GetString("JobManager::group-id"));
00273             if(iteration == -1)
00274                 break;
00275             if(repetition != lastRepetition)
00276             {
00277                 lastFold = -1; // need to reinitialise the folds
00278                 mEvaluator->SetRepetition(repetition,
00279                                           mProperties.GetInt("repetitions"));
00280                 lastRepetition = repetition;
00281             }
00282             if(fold != lastFold)
00283             {
00284                 mEvaluator->SetFold(fold, mProperties.GetInt("folds"));
00285                 lastFold = fold;
00286             }
00287             int iters = mIterator.GetTotalIterations();
00288             int folds = mProperties.GetInt("folds");
00289             int index = (((repetition * folds) + fold) * iters) + iteration;
00290             double score = CallEvaluator(iteration, index);
00291             ILOG_INFO("r" << repetition << " f" << fold << " i" << iteration <<
00292                       ", " <<  mProperties.GetDescription() << " -> " << score);
00293         }
00294     }
00296     // copy not implemented
00297     ParameterSearcher* operator=(ParameterSearcher&);
00298     ParameterSearcher(ParameterSearcher&);
00300     ParameterEvaluator *mEvaluator;
00301     Util::PropertySet mProperties;
00302     Util::RangeIterator mIterator;
00303     std::vector<double> mScores;
00304     double mBestScore;
00305     int mScoreIndex;
00306     bool mParallelMode;
00308     ILOG_VAR_DEC;
00309 };
00311 ILOG_VAR_INIT(ParameterSearcher, Impala.Core.Training);
00315 }//namespace
00316 }//namespace
00317 }//namespace
00319 #endif

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