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00001 #ifndef Impala_Core_Feature_IntWeibullNgbPnLoop_h
00002 #define Impala_Core_Feature_IntWeibullNgbPnLoop_h
00004 #include "Core/Array/Pattern/Categories.h"
00005 #include "Core/Array/Pattern/Cnum.h"
00006 #include "Core/Array/Element/E1Cast.h"
00007 #include "Core/Array/Element/Vec3Real64.h"
00008 #include "Core/Array/Arrays.h"
00009 //#include <cmath>
00010 #include "limits.h"
00011 #include "float.h"
00012 #include <errno.h>
00014 namespace Impala
00015 {
00016 namespace Core
00017 {
00018 namespace Feature
00019 {
00021 /* constants: pi, Euler's constant, and log(2) */
00022 #ifndef M_PI
00023 #define M_PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795029
00024 #endif
00025 #ifndef MMGAMMA
00026 #define MMGAMMA 0.5772156649015328606065120900824024
00027 #endif
00028 #ifndef M_LN2
00029 #define M_LN2 0.6931471805599453094172321214581766
00030 #endif
00035 template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT>
00036 class IntWeibullNgbPnLoop
00037 {
00038 public:
00041     typedef Array::Pattern::TagLoop IteratorCategory;
00044     typedef Array::Pattern::TagNPhase PhaseCategory;
00046     typedef typename DstArrayT::StorType DstStorType;
00047     typedef typename DstArrayT::ArithType DstArithType;
00048     typedef typename SrcArrayT::StorType SrcStorType;
00049     typedef typename SrcArrayT::ArithType SrcArithType;
00053     IntWeibullNgbPnLoop(bool verbose, int ngbWidth, int ngbHeight)
00054     {
00055         mNgbWidth = ngbWidth;
00056         mNgbHeight = ngbHeight;
00057         mVerbose = verbose;
00058         mFrac = mNgbWidth*mNgbHeight;
00059         mGamma = 0.01;
00060         mGammaNext = 0.0;
00061         mLast = false;
00062         mData = new SrcArrayT(mFrac, 1, 0, 0);
00063         mEcdf = new SrcArrayT(mFrac, 1, 0, 0);
00064     }
00067     ~IntWeibullNgbPnLoop()
00068     {
00069       delete mData;
00070       delete mEcdf;
00071     }
00074     int
00075     Width()
00076     {
00077         return mNgbWidth;
00078     }
00081     int
00082     Height()
00083     {
00084         return mNgbHeight;
00085     }
00088     void
00089     Init(int phase, int x, int y, SrcArithType value)
00090     {
00091       if(mLast) return;
00092       int ph = phase%2;
00093       //        if (mVerbose)
00094       //  std::cout << "  WeibullNgbPnLoop::init(" << phase << ","
00095       //            << x << "," << y << "," << value << ") " << std::endl;
00097       if (phase == 1)
00098       {
00099         //      std::cout << "int: x = " << x << " y = " << y << std::endl; 
00100         //      if(mGamma > 5) mGamma = 0.01;
00101         mGamma = 0.01; 
00102         mGammaNext = 0.0; 
00103         mPrecision = 0.005; 
00104         mMaxNumIters = 20;
00105         mIter = 1;
00106         mMaxGamma = 5; 
00107       }
00108       mPhase = phase;
00109       if (ph)
00110       {
00111         mSumDataPowerGamma = 0.0;
00112         mSumDataLog = 0.0;
00113         mF = 0.0;
00114         mFprime = 0.0;
00115       }
00117     }
00120     void
00121     NextEl(int x, int y, SrcArithType value)
00122     {
00123       SrcArithType dataPowerGamma;
00124       SrcArithType sumItem;
00125       SrcArithType data = fabs(value) + 0.000001; 
00126       dataPowerGamma = pow(data, mGamma);
00127       int phase = mPhase%2;
00129       if(mVerbose)
00130         if (mGamma == 0.01 && phase == 0)
00131           std::cout << value << std::endl;
00132       //      if (mVerbose)
00133       //        std::cout << "      WeibullNgbPnLoop::next(" << x << "," << y << ","<< value << ") " << std::endl;
00135       if(mLast)
00136       {
00137         mData->SetValue(fabs(value), x*mNgbWidth + y, 0);
00138         return;
00139       }
00140       switch (phase)
00141       {
00142       case 1 : 
00143         mSumDataPowerGamma += dataPowerGamma;
00144         mSumDataLog += dataPowerGamma*log(data);
00145         break;
00147       case 0 :
00148         sumItem = dataPowerGamma/mSumDataPowerGamma; 
00149         mF += (sumItem)*log(mFrac*sumItem);
00150         mFprime += (log(dataPowerGamma/mSumDataPowerGamma) + 1)*
00151           (dataPowerGamma*(log(data)*mSumDataPowerGamma - mSumDataLog))/
00152           (mSumDataPowerGamma*mSumDataPowerGamma);
00153         break;
00154       }
00156     }
00159     void
00160     Done(int phase)
00161     {
00162       int ph = phase%2;
00163       if (mVerbose)
00164         std::cout << "done: phase = " << phase <<  std::endl;
00165       if(!ph)
00166       {
00167         if (mVerbose)
00168           std::cout << "mGamma = " << mGamma << std::endl;
00170         mFprime = (1/pow(mGamma,2))*(1 - log(mGamma) - DiGamma(1/mGamma) - 
00171                                      (1/mGamma)*TriGamma(1/mGamma) + mF) -(1/mGamma)*mFprime;
00172         mF = 1 + (1/mGamma)*(log(mGamma) + DiGamma(1/mGamma) - mF);
00173         mGammaNext = mGamma - mF/mFprime;
00174         if (mVerbose)
00175           std::cout << "mGammaNext = " << mGammaNext << std::endl;
00176       }
00178     }
00181     bool
00182     HasNextPhase(int lastPhase)
00183     {
00184       if(mLast)
00185       {
00186         mLast = false;
00187         return false;
00188       }
00189       int ph = lastPhase%2;  
00190       if (mVerbose)
00191         std::cout << "  WeibullNgbPnLoop::hasNext(" << lastPhase << ") "
00192                   << std::endl;
00194       if (ph)
00195         return true;
00197       else
00198       {
00199         if (fabs(mGamma - mGammaNext) < mPrecision || mIter > mMaxNumIters || 
00200             mGammaNext > mMaxGamma || isnan(mGammaNext) || isinf(mGammaNext) || mGammaNext < 0)
00201         {         
00202         if (mVerbose)
00203           {
00204             std::cout << "no next phase! " << "fabs(mGamma - mGammaNext) = " << fabs(mGamma - mGammaNext)  << std::endl;
00205             std::cout << "mIter = " << mIter << " maxIter =  " << mMaxNumIters << std::endl; 
00206             std::cout << "maxGamma = " << mMaxGamma << std::endl;
00207             std::cout << "mGamma = " << mGamma << " mGammaNext = " << mGammaNext << std::endl;
00208           }
00209         //      std::cout << "mIter = " << mIter << std::endl; 
00210           mIter = 1;
00211           mLast = true;
00212           return true;
00213         }
00214         else 
00215         {
00216           if (mVerbose)
00217             std::cout << "there is next phase: iteration = " << mIter << std::endl;
00218           mGamma = mGammaNext;
00219           mIter++;
00220           return true;
00221         }
00222       }
00223     }
00226     DstArithType
00227     Result()
00228     {
00229       double Beta = pow(mSumDataPowerGamma/mFrac, (1/mGamma));
00230       if(Beta == 0)
00231         Beta = 0.000001;
00232       Core::Array::Sort(mEcdf, mData);
00233       Core::Array::Set(mData, mEcdf);
00234       Core::Array::MulVal(mEcdf, mEcdf, 1/mData->Value(mFrac-1, 0));
00235       double AD = 0.0;
00236       double F;
00237       double dF;
00238       for (int i=0; i<mFrac; i++)
00239       {
00240         F = 1 - exp(-(1/mGamma)*pow(mData->Value(i, 0)/Beta, mGamma));
00242         if(F !=0 && F != 1)
00243         {
00244           dF = (1/Beta)*pow( mData->Value(i, 0)/Beta, mGamma-1 )*F;
00245           AD += pow((mEcdf->Value(i, 0) - F), 2)*dF/(F*(1-F));
00246         }
00247       }
00248       AD = AD/mFrac;
00249       if (mVerbose)
00250         std::cout << "result: Gamma = " << mGamma  << " Beta = " << Beta << " AD = " << AD  << std::endl;
00251       return Core::Array::Element::Vec3Real64(Beta, mGamma, AD);
00252    }
00254     double
00255     gammaFunc(double xx) const
00256     {
00257         double x,y,tmp,ser;
00258         static double cof[6] =
00259             {
00260                 76.18009172947146, -86.50532032941677,
00261                 24.01409824083091, -1.231739572450155,
00262                 0.1208650973866179e-2, -0.5395239384953e-5
00263             };
00265         int j;
00266         y=x=xx;
00267         tmp=x+5.5;
00268         tmp -= (x+0.5)*log(tmp);
00269         ser=1.000000000190015;
00270         for (j=0;j<=5;j++)
00271             ser += cof[j]/++y;
00272         xx = -tmp+log(2.5066282746310005*ser/x);
00273         return exp(xx);
00274     }
00276     double
00277     DiGamma(double x) const
00278     {
00279         /* force into the interval 1..3 */
00280         if( x < 0.0 )
00281             return DiGamma(1.0-x)+M_PI/tan(M_PI*(1.0-x)) ;  /* refection formula */
00282         else if( x < 1.0 )
00283             return DiGamma(1.0+x)-1.0/x ;
00284         else if ( x == 1.0)
00285             return -MMGAMMA ;
00286         else if ( x == 2.0)
00287             return 1.0-MMGAMMA ;
00288         else if ( x == 3.0)
00289             return 1.5-MMGAMMA ;
00290         else if ( x > 3.0)
00291             /* duplication formula */
00292             return 0.5*(DiGamma(x/2.0)+DiGamma((x+1.0)/2.0))+M_LN2 ;
00293         else
00294         {
00295             static double Kncoe[] =
00296                 { .30459198558715155634315638246624251,
00297                   .72037977439182833573548891941219706, -.12454959243861367729528855995001087,
00298                   .27769457331927827002810119567456810e-1, -.67762371439822456447373550186163070e-2,
00299                   .17238755142247705209823876688592170e-2, -.44817699064252933515310345718960928e-3,
00300                   .11793660000155572716272710617753373e-3, -.31253894280980134452125172274246963e-4,
00301                   .83173997012173283398932708991137488e-5, -.22191427643780045431149221890172210e-5,
00302                   .59302266729329346291029599913617915e-6, -.15863051191470655433559920279603632e-6,
00303                   .42459203983193603241777510648681429e-7, -.11369129616951114238848106591780146e-7,
00304                   .304502217295931698401459168423403510e-8, -.81568455080753152802915013641723686e-9,
00305                   .21852324749975455125936715817306383e-9, -.58546491441689515680751900276454407e-10,
00306                   .15686348450871204869813586459513648e-10, -.42029496273143231373796179302482033e-11,
00307                   .11261435719264907097227520956710754e-11, -.30174353636860279765375177200637590e-12,
00308                   .80850955256389526647406571868193768e-13, -.21663779809421233144009565199997351e-13,
00309                   .58047634271339391495076374966835526e-14, -.15553767189204733561108869588173845e-14,
00310                   .41676108598040807753707828039353330e-15, -.11167065064221317094734023242188463e-15 } ;
00312             double Tn_1 = 1.0 ; /* T_{n-1}(x), started at n=1 */
00313             double Tn = x-2.0 ; /* T_{n}(x) , started at n=1 */
00314             double resul = Kncoe[0] + Kncoe[1]*Tn ;
00316             x -= 2.0 ;
00318             for(int n = 2 ; n < sizeof(Kncoe)/sizeof(double) ;n++)
00319             {
00320                 const double Tn1 = 2.0 * x * Tn - Tn_1 ;    /* Chebyshev recursion, Eq. 22.7.4 Abramowitz-Stegun */
00321                 resul += Kncoe[n]*Tn1 ;
00322                 Tn_1 = Tn ;
00323                 Tn = Tn1 ;
00324             }
00325             return resul ;
00326         }
00327     } //  DiGamma(double x)
00331 #define ISNAN(x) (isnan(x) !=0)
00332 #define ML_POSINF (1.0 / 0.0)
00333 #define ML_NEGINF ((-1.0) / 0.0)
00334 #define ML_NAN (0.0 / 0.0)
00335 #define n_max (100)
00336 #define M_LOG10_2 0.30102999566398119521
00338 int Rf_i1mach(int i)
00339 {
00340   switch(i) 
00341   {
00343   case  1: return 5;
00344   case  2: return 6;
00345   case  3: return 0;
00346   case  4: return 0;
00348   case  5: return CHAR_BIT * sizeof(int);
00349   case  6: return sizeof(int)/sizeof(char);
00351   case  7: return 2;
00352   case  8: return CHAR_BIT * sizeof(int) - 1;
00353   case  9: return INT_MAX;
00355   case 10: return FLT_RADIX;
00357   case 11: return FLT_MANT_DIG;
00358   case 12: return FLT_MIN_EXP;
00360   case 13: return FLT_MAX_EXP;
00362   case 14: return DBL_MANT_DIG;
00363         case 15: return DBL_MIN_EXP;
00364         case 16: return DBL_MAX_EXP;
00366   default: return 0;
00367   }
00368 }
00370 double Rf_d1mach(int i)
00371 {
00372   switch(i) 
00373   {
00375   case 1: return DBL_MIN;
00376   case 2: return DBL_MAX;
00378   case 3: /* = FLT_RADIX  ^ - DBL_MANT_DIG
00379              for IEEE:  = 2^-53 = 1.110223e-16 = .5*DBL_EPSILON */
00380     return 0.5*DBL_EPSILON;
00382   case 4: /* = FLT_RADIX  ^ (1- DBL_MANT_DIG) =
00383              for IEEE:  = 2^-52 = DBL_EPSILON */
00384     return DBL_EPSILON;
00386   case 5: return M_LOG10_2;
00388   default: return 0.0;
00389   }
00390 }
00392 double fmax2(double x, double y)
00393 {
00394 #ifdef IEEE_754
00395   if (ISNAN(x) || ISNAN(y))
00396     return x + y;
00397 #endif
00398   return (x < y) ? y : x;
00399 }
00401 double fmin2(double x, double y)
00402 {
00403 #ifdef IEEE_754
00404   if (ISNAN(x) || ISNAN(y))
00405     return x + y;
00406 #endif
00407   return (x < y) ? x : y;
00408 }
00410 int imin2(int x, int y)
00411 {
00412   return (x < y) ? x : y;
00413 }
00415 void dpsifn(double x, int n, int kode, int m, double *ans, int *nz, int *ierr)
00416 {
00417   const static double bvalues[] = {/* Bernoulli Numbers */
00418           1.00000000000000000e+00,
00419           -5.00000000000000000e-01,
00420           1.66666666666666667e-01,
00421           -3.33333333333333333e-02,
00422           2.38095238095238095e-02,
00423           -3.33333333333333333e-02,
00424           7.57575757575757576e-02,
00425           -2.53113553113553114e-01,
00426           1.16666666666666667e+00,
00427           -7.09215686274509804e+00,
00428           5.49711779448621554e+01,
00429           -5.29124242424242424e+02,
00430           6.19212318840579710e+03,
00431           -8.65802531135531136e+04,
00432           1.42551716666666667e+06,
00433           -2.72982310678160920e+07,
00434           6.01580873900642368e+08,
00435           -1.51163157670921569e+10,
00436           4.29614643061166667e+11,
00437           -1.37116552050883328e+13,
00438           4.88332318973593167e+14,
00439           -1.92965793419400681e+16
00440         };
00442         int i, j, k, mm, mx, nn, np, nx, fn;
00443         double arg, den, elim, eps, fln, fx, rln, rxsq,
00444           r1m4, r1m5, s, slope, t, ta, tk, tol, tols, tss, tst,
00445           tt, t1, t2, wdtol, xdmln, xdmy, xinc, xln = 0.0 /* -Wall */, 
00446           xm, xmin, xq, yint;
00447         double trm[23], trmr[n_max + 1];
00449         *ierr = 0;
00450         if (n < 0 || kode < 1 || kode > 2 || m < 1) {
00451           *ierr = 1;
00452           return;
00453         }
00454         if (x <= 0.) {
00455           /* useAbramowitz & Stegun 6.4.7 "Reflection Formula"
00456            *psi(k, x) = (-1)^k psi(k, 1-x)-  pi^{n+1} (d/dx)^n cot(x)
00457            */
00458           if (x == (long)x) {
00459             /* non-positive integer : +Inf or NaN depends on n */
00460             for(j=0; j < m; j++) /* k = j + n : */
00461               ans[j] = ((j+n) % 2) ? ML_POSINF : ML_NAN;
00462             return;
00463           }
00464           dpsifn(1. - x, n, /*kode = */ 1, m, ans, nz, ierr);
00465           /* ans[j] == (-1)^(k+1) / gamma(k+1) * psi(k, 1 - x)
00466            *     for j = 0:(m-1) ,k = n + j
00467            */
00469           /* Cheat for now: only work for m = 1, n in {0,1,2,3} : */
00470           if(m > 1 || n > 3) {/* doesn't happen for digamma() .. pentagamma() */
00471             /* not yet implemented */
00472             *ierr = 4; return;
00473           }
00474           x *= M_PI; /* pi * x */
00475           if (n == 0)
00476             tt = cos(x)/sin(x);
00477           else if (n == 1)
00478             tt = -1/pow(sin(x),2);
00479           else if (n == 2)
00480             tt = 2*cos(x)/pow(sin(x),3);
00481           else if (n == 3)
00482             tt = -2*(2*pow(cos(x),2) + 1)/pow(sin(x),4);
00483           else /* can not happen! */
00484             tt = ML_NAN;
00485           /* end cheat */
00487           s = (n % 2) ? -1. : 1.;/* s = (-1)^n */
00488           /* t := pi^(n+1) * d_n(x) / gamma(n+1), where
00489            *   d_n(x) := (d/dx)^n cot(x)*/
00490           t1 = t2 = s = 1.;
00491           for(k=0, j=k-n; j < m; k++, j++, s = -s) {
00492             /* k == n+j , s = (-1)^k */
00493             t1 *= M_PI;/* t1 == pi^(k+1) */
00494             if(k >= 2)
00495               t2 *= k;/* t2 == k! == gamma(k+1) */
00496             if(j >= 0) /* by cheat above,  tt === d_k(x) */
00497               ans[j] = s*(ans[j] + t1/t2 * tt);
00498           }
00499           if (n == 0 && kode == 2)
00500             ans[0] += xln;
00501           return;
00502         } /* x <= 0 */
00504         *nz = 0;
00505         mm = m;
00506         nx = imin2(-Rf_i1mach(15), Rf_i1mach(16));/* = 1021 */
00507         r1m5 = Rf_d1mach(5);
00508         r1m4 = Rf_d1mach(4) * 0.5;
00509         wdtol = fmax2(r1m4, 0.5e-18); /* 1.11e-16 */
00511         /* elim = approximate exponential over and underflow limit */
00513         elim = 2.302 * (nx * r1m5 - 3.0);/* = 700.6174... */
00514         xln = log(x);
00515         for(;;) {
00516           nn = n + mm - 1;
00517           fn = nn;
00518           t = (fn + 1) * xln;
00520           /* overflow and underflow test for small and large x */
00522           if (fabs(t) > elim) {
00523             if (t <= 0.0) {
00524               *nz = 0;
00525               *ierr = 2;
00526               return;
00527             }
00528           }
00529           else {
00530             if (x < wdtol) {
00531               ans[0] = pow(x, -n-1.0);
00532               if (mm != 1) {
00533                 for(k = 1; k < mm ; k++)
00534                   ans[k] = ans[k-1] / x;
00535               }
00536               if (n == 0 && kode == 2)
00537                 ans[0] += xln;
00538               return;
00539             }
00541             /* compute xmin and the number of terms of the series,  fln+1 */
00543             rln = r1m5 * Rf_i1mach(14);
00544             rln = fmin2(rln, 18.06);
00545             fln = fmax2(rln, 3.0) - 3.0;
00546             yint = 3.50 + 0.40 * fln;
00547             slope = 0.21 + fln * (0.0006038 * fln + 0.008677);
00548             xm = yint + slope * fn;
00549             mx = (int)xm + 1;
00550             xmin = mx;
00551             if (n != 0) {
00552               xm = -2.302 * rln - fmin2(0.0, xln);
00553               arg = xm / n;
00554               arg = fmin2(0.0, arg);
00555               eps = exp(arg);
00556               xm = 1.0 - eps;
00557               if (fabs(arg) < 1.0e-3)
00558                 xm = -arg;
00559               fln = x * xm / eps;
00560               xm = xmin - x;
00561               if (xm > 7.0 && fln < 15.0)
00562                 break;
00563             }
00564             xdmy = x;
00565             xdmln = xln;
00566             xinc = 0.0;
00567             if (x < xmin) {
00568               nx = (int)x;
00569               xinc = xmin - nx;
00570               xdmy = x + xinc;
00571               xdmln = log(xdmy);
00572             }
00574             /* generate w(n+mm-1, x) by the asymptotic expansion */
00576             t = fn * xdmln;
00577             t1 = xdmln + xdmln;
00578             t2 = t + xdmln;
00579             tk = fmax2(fabs(t), fmax2(fabs(t1), fabs(t2)));
00580             if (tk <= elim)
00581               goto L10;
00582           }
00583           nz++;
00584           mm--;
00585           ans[mm] = 0.;
00586           if (mm == 0)
00587             return;
00588         }
00589         nn = (int)fln + 1;
00590         np = n + 1;
00591         t1 = (n + 1) * xln;
00592         t = exp(-t1);
00593         s = t;
00594         den = x;
00595         for(i=1; i <= nn; i++) {
00596           den += 1.;
00597           trm[i] = pow(den, (double)-np);
00598           s += trm[i];
00599         }
00600         ans[0] = s;
00601         if (n == 0 && kode == 2)
00602           ans[0] = s + xln;
00604         if (mm != 1) { /* generate higher derivatives, j > n */
00606           tol = wdtol / 5.0;
00607           for(j = 1; j < mm; j++) {
00608             t /= x;
00609             s = t;
00610             tols = t * tol;
00611             den = x;
00612             for(i=1; i <= nn; i++) {
00613               den += 1.;
00614               trm[i] /= den;
00615               s += trm[i];
00616               if (trm[i] < tols)
00617                 break;
00618             }
00619             ans[j] = s;
00620           }
00621         }
00622         return;
00624       L10:
00625         tss = exp(-t);
00626         tt = 0.5 / xdmy;
00627         t1 = tt;
00628         tst = wdtol * tt;
00629         if (nn != 0)
00630           t1 = tt + 1.0 / fn;
00631         rxsq = 1.0 / (xdmy * xdmy);
00632         ta = 0.5 * rxsq;
00633         t = (fn + 1) * ta;
00634         s = t * bvalues[2];
00635         if (fabs(s) >= tst) {
00636           tk = 2.0;
00637           for(k = 4; k <= 22; k++) {
00638             t = t * ((tk + fn + 1)/(tk + 1.0))*((tk + fn)/(tk + 2.0)) * rxsq;
00639             trm[k] = t * bvalues[k-1];
00640             if (fabs(trm[k]) < tst)
00641               break;
00642             s += trm[k];
00643             tk += 2.;
00644           }
00645         }
00646         s = (s + t1) * tss;
00647         if (xinc != 0.0) {
00649           /* backward recur from xdmy to x */
00651           nx = (int)xinc;
00652           np = nn + 1;
00653           if (nx > n_max) {
00654             *nz = 0;
00655             *ierr = 3;
00656             return;
00657           }
00658           else {
00659             if (nn==0)
00660               goto L20;
00661             xm = xinc - 1.0;
00662             fx = x + xm;
00664             /* this loop should not be changed. fx is accurate when x is small */
00665             for(i = 1; i <= nx; i++) {
00666               trmr[i] = pow(fx, (double)-np);
00667               s += trmr[i];
00668               xm -= 1.;
00669               fx = x + xm;
00670             }
00671           }
00672         }
00673         ans[mm-1] = s;
00674         if (fn == 0)
00675           goto L30;
00677         /* generate lower derivatives,  j < n+mm-1 */
00679         for(j = 2; j <= mm; j++) {
00680           fn--;
00681           tss *= xdmy;
00682           t1 = tt;
00683           if (fn!=0)
00684             t1 = tt + 1.0 / fn;
00685           t = (fn + 1) * ta;
00686           s = t * bvalues[2];
00687           if (fabs(s) >= tst) {
00688             tk = 4 + fn;
00689             for(k=4; k <= 22; k++) {
00690               trm[k] = trm[k] * (fn + 1) / tk;
00691               if (fabs(trm[k]) < tst)
00692                 break;
00693               s += trm[k];
00694               tk += 2.;
00695             }
00696           }
00697           s = (s + t1) * tss;
00698           if (xinc != 0.0) {
00699             if (fn == 0)
00700               goto L20;
00701             xm = xinc - 1.0;
00702             fx = x + xm;
00703             for(i=1 ; i<=nx ; i++) {
00704               trmr[i] = trmr[i] * fx;
00705               s += trmr[i];
00706               xm -= 1.;
00707               fx = x + xm;
00708             }
00709           }
00710           ans[mm - j] = s;
00711           if (fn == 0)
00712             goto L30;
00713         }
00714         return;
00716       L20:
00717         for(i = 1; i <= nx; i++)
00718           s += 1. / (x + nx - i);
00720       L30:
00721         if (kode!=2)
00722           ans[0] = s - xdmln;
00723         else if (xdmy != x) {
00724           xq = xdmy / x;
00725           ans[0] = s - log(xq);
00726         }
00727         return;
00728       } /* dpsifn() */
00730     double TriGamma(double x)
00731     {
00732       double ans;
00733       int nz, ierr;
00734       if(ISNAN(x)) return x;
00735       dpsifn(x, 1, 1, 1, &ans, &nz, &ierr);
00736       if(ierr != 0) 
00737       {
00738         errno = EDOM;
00739         return ML_NAN;
00740       }
00741       return ans;
00742     } // double triGamma()
00743 // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! end of trigamma routine !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
00746 private:
00747     int          mNgbWidth;
00748     int          mNgbHeight;
00749     int mFrac;
00750     SrcArithType mFactor;
00751     SrcArithType mGamma;
00752     SrcArithType mGammaNext;
00753     SrcArithType mMaxGamma;
00754     SrcArithType mSumDataPowerGamma;
00755     SrcArithType mSumDataLog;
00756     SrcArrayT* mData;
00757     SrcArrayT* mEcdf;
00758     bool mLast;
00759     SrcArithType mF;
00760     SrcArithType mFprime;
00761     SrcArithType mPrecision;
00762     int mIter;
00763     int mMaxNumIters;
00764     int mPhase;
00765     bool         mVerbose;
00766 };
00768 } // namespace Feature
00769 } // namespace Core
00770 } // namespace Impala
00772 #endif

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