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00001 /*
00002  * Tag.h
00003  *
00004  *  Created on: 9-jan-2009
00005  *      Author: dodijk
00006  */
00008 #ifndef TAG_H_
00009 #define TAG_H_
00011 #include <string>
00012 #include "Util/XmlDoc.h"
00013 #include "Persistency/XmlFileReader.h"
00015 #include "Photo.h"
00017 namespace Impala {
00018 namespace Application {
00019 namespace TagsLife {
00021 using namespace std;
00023 class Tag : public Util::XmlDoc {
00024 public:
00025         string tag;
00026         int mostUsedWeek, mostUsedCount, mostViewedWeek, mostViewedCount, nrOfPhotos, lastWeek;
00027         time_t firstUse, lastUse;
00028         Tag(string t) {
00029                 tag = t;
00030                 mostUsedCount = mostViewedCount = nrOfPhotos = lastWeek = 0;
00031                 readTag("Data/" + tag + "_analysis.xml");
00032                 readGeo("Data/" + tag + "_analysis_geo.xml");
00033         }
00034         //virtual ~Tag();
00035         Photo* mostPopularPhotos[3];
00038     class BoundingBox {
00039     public:
00040       string boxid;
00041       int count;
00042       float left, right, top, bottom;
00043       float centerLongitude, centerLatitude;
00045       BoundingBox(string id, int c, float l, float r, float t, float b) :
00046                   boxid(id), count(c), left(l), right(r), top(t), bottom(b)
00047                   {
00048                           centerLongitude = (l+r)/2;
00049                           centerLatitude = (t+b)/2;
00050       }
00052     };
00053     typedef map<string, BoundingBox*> geoDataType;
00055         class Week {
00056     public:
00057         Week(uint f, uint u, uint v, Photo* p) : flickrWeek(f), usage(u), views(v) {
00058                 mostPopularPhoto = p;
00059                 //ILOG_DEBUG("flickrweek = " << f << "; usage = " << u << "; views = " << v);
00060         }
00061         uint flickrWeek;
00062         uint usage;
00063         uint views;
00064         Photo* mostPopularPhoto;
00065         geoDataType geoData;
00066     };
00067     typedef map<uint, Week*> weekStatsType;
00068     weekStatsType weekStats;
00070     static string formatDate(time_t* date) {
00071         char *months[] = {"Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"};
00072         tm* dateTm = localtime(date);
00073                 string txt = MakeString(months[dateTm->tm_mon]) + " " + MakeString(dateTm->tm_mday) + ", ";
00074                            txt+= MakeString(dateTm->tm_year+1900);
00075                 return txt;
00076     }
00077     static string flickrWeekToString(int flickrweek) {
00078         static time_t FLICKR_EPOCH = 1072933200;
00079         static time_t MS_IN_WEEK = 604800;
00080         time_t start = FLICKR_EPOCH + flickrweek*MS_IN_WEEK;
00081         time_t end = start + 0.86*MS_IN_WEEK; // 0.86 ~ 6/7
00082         string txt = formatDate(&start) + " - " + formatDate(&end);
00083         return txt;
00084     }
00086     geoDataType getGeoData(int minVal, int maxVal) {
00087                 geoDataType geoData;
00088                 for(int i=minVal; i < maxVal; i++) {
00089                   if(weekStats.count(i) == 0) continue;
00090                   for(geoDataType::iterator iter = weekStats[i]->geoData.begin();
00091                           iter != weekStats[i]->geoData.end(); iter++) {
00092                           if(geoData.count(iter->first)) {
00093                                   geoData[iter->first]->count += iter->second->count;
00094                           } else {
00095                                   geoData[iter->first] = iter->second;
00096                           }
00097                   }
00098                 }
00099                 return(geoData);
00100         }
00102     map<string, vector<string> > relatedTags;
00104     int readRelated() {
00105         return readRelated("Data/Flickr." + tag + ".xml");
00106     }
00108 private:
00109     void readTag(string xmlFile) {
00110         Persistency::XmlFileReader reader;
00111         ILOG_INFO("reading XML file: " + xmlFile);
00112                 DOMDocument* doc = reader.Read(xmlFile);
00113                 DOMNode* root = GetChildNode(doc, "tagdata", true);
00115                 //<tagdata firstusedate="1100909103" lastusedate="1229559285" nrofphotos="4742"
00116                 //tag="amywinehouse" version="0.99">
00118                 nrOfPhotos = atoi(GetAttributeValue(root, "nrofphotos"));
00119                 firstUse = atoi(GetAttributeValue(root, "firstusedate"));
00120                 lastUse = atoi(GetAttributeValue(root, "lastusedate"));
00122                 string s = ctime(&firstUse);
00124                 vector<DOMNode*> mostpopularphotos = GetChildNodes(root, "mostpopularphoto");
00125                 ILOG_INFO("mostpopularphotos.size = " << mostpopularphotos.size());
00126                 for(uint i=0; i < mostpopularphotos.size(); i++) {
00127                         //<mostpopularphoto rank="1">
00128                         DOMNode* photo = GetChildNode(mostpopularphotos[i], "photo", true);
00129                         Photo* p = new Photo(photo);
00130                         mostPopularPhotos[i] = p;
00131                 }
00132                 vector<DOMNode*> weekstats = GetChildNodes(root, "weekstats");
00133                 ILOG_INFO("weekstats.size = " << weekstats.size());
00134                 for(uint i=0; i < weekstats.size(); i++) {
00135                         uint flickrWeek = atoi(GetAttributeValue(weekstats[i], "flickrweek"));
00136                         uint usage = atoi(GetAttributeValue(weekstats[i], "usage"));
00137                         uint views = atoi(GetAttributeValue(weekstats[i], "views"));
00138                         // <weekstats flickrweek="84" usage="1" views="43340">
00139                         if(views > mostViewedCount) {
00140                                 mostViewedWeek = flickrWeek;
00141                                 mostViewedCount = views;
00142                         }
00143                         if(usage > mostUsedCount) {
00144                                 mostUsedWeek = flickrWeek;
00145                                 mostUsedCount = usage;
00146                         }
00148                         DOMNode* photo = GetChildNode(weekstats[i], "mostpopularphoto", true);
00149                         Photo* p = new Photo(photo);
00150                         Week* w = new Week(flickrWeek, usage, views, p);
00151                         weekStats[flickrWeek] = w;
00152                         lastWeek = flickrWeek;
00153                 }
00154     }
00156     void readGeo(string xmlFile) {
00157         Persistency::XmlFileReader reader;
00158         ILOG_INFO("reading XML file: " + xmlFile);
00159         DOMDocument* doc = reader.Read(xmlFile, false);
00160         if(doc == 0) {
00161                 ILOG_ERROR("Failed to read XML file: " + xmlFile);
00162                 return;
00163         }
00164                 DOMNode* root = GetChildNode(doc, "geodata", true);
00166                 vector<DOMNode*> weekstats = GetChildNodes(root, "weekstats");
00167                 ILOG_INFO("GEO: weekstats.size = " << weekstats.size());
00168                 for(uint i=0; i < weekstats.size(); i++) {
00169                         uint flickrWeek = atoi(GetAttributeValue(weekstats[i], "flickrweek"));
00171                         vector<DOMNode*> bboxes = GetChildNodes(weekstats[i], "bbox");
00172                         geoDataType boxes;
00173                         for(uint j=0; j < bboxes.size(); j++) {
00174                                 uint count = atoi(GetAttributeValue(bboxes[j], "count"));
00175                                 if(count == 0) continue;
00176                                 string boxid = GetAttributeValue(bboxes[j], "boxid");
00177                                 float left = atof(GetAttributeValue(bboxes[j], "left"));
00178                                 float right = atof(GetAttributeValue(bboxes[j], "right"));
00179                                 float top = atof(GetAttributeValue(bboxes[j], "top"));
00180                                 float bottom = atof(GetAttributeValue(bboxes[j], "bottom"));
00182                                 boxes[boxid] = new BoundingBox(boxid, count, left, right, top, bottom);
00183                         }
00184                         if(boxes.size() > 0) weekStats[flickrWeek]->geoData = boxes;
00185                 }
00186     }
00188     int readRelated(string xmlFile) {
00189                 Persistency::XmlFileReader reader;
00190                 ILOG_INFO("reading XML file: " + xmlFile);
00191         DOMDocument* doc = reader.Read(xmlFile, false);
00192         if(doc == 0) {
00193                 ILOG_ERROR("Failed to read XML file: " + xmlFile);
00194                 return -1;
00195         }
00196                 DOMNode* root = GetChildNode(GetChildNode(doc,"rsp", true), "tags", true);
00198                 vector<DOMNode*> tags = GetChildNodes(root, "tag");
00199                 ILOG_INFO("Related: tag.size = " << tags.size());
00200                 for(uint i=0; i < tags.size(); i++) {
00201                         relatedTags[tag].push_back(GetElementValue(tags[i]));
00202                 }
00204         return 0;
00205     }
00207     ILOG_VAR_DEC;
00208 };
00210 ILOG_VAR_INIT(Tag, Impala.Application.TagsLife);
00212 }
00213 }
00214 }
00216 #endif /* TAG_H_ */

Generated on Fri Mar 19 09:30:39 2010 for ImpalaSrc by  doxygen 1.5.1