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00001 #ifndef Impala_Core_Trec_SearchJudge_h
00002 #define Impala_Core_Trec_SearchJudge_h
00004 #include <vector>
00005 #include "Basis/File.h"
00006 #include "Basis/NativeTypes.h"
00007 #include "Util/StringParser.h"
00009 namespace Impala
00010 {
00011 namespace Core
00012 {
00013 namespace Trec
00014 {
00017 class SearchJudge
00018 {
00019 public:
00021     SearchJudge(String fileName)
00022     {
00023         Load(fileName);
00024     }
00026     void
00027     Load(String fileName)
00028     {
00029         File f(fileName, "r");
00030         mValid = f.Valid();
00031         if (! mValid)
00032             return;
00033         int nr = 0;
00034         while (! f.Eof())
00035         {
00036             String line = f.ReadLine(true);
00037             if (! line[0])
00038                 continue;
00039             Util::StringParser p(line);
00040             mJudgeTopic.push_back(p.GetString(' '));
00041             int junk = p.GetInt();
00042             mJudgeShot.push_back(p.GetString(' '));
00043             mJudgeValue.push_back(p.GetInt(' ', false));
00044             nr++;
00045         }
00046         std::cout << "done reading " << nr << " qrels" << std::endl;
00047     }
00049     bool
00050     Valid()
00051     {
00052         return mValid;
00053     }
00055     void
00056     Stats()
00057     {
00058         for (int i=0 ; i<mJudgeTopic.size() ; i++)
00059         {
00060             int t = GetTopicIdx(mJudgeTopic[i]);
00061             mTopicNrJudged[t]++;
00062             if (mJudgeValue[i] == 1)
00063                 mTopicNrRelevant[t]++;
00064         }
00065         for (int t=0 ; t<mTopicName.size() ; t++)
00066         {
00067             std::cout << "Topic " << mTopicName[t]
00068                       << ", nr judged = " << mTopicNrJudged[t]
00069                       << ", nr relevant = " << mTopicNrRelevant[t] << std::endl;
00070         }
00071     }
00073     bool
00074     HasTopic(String topic)
00075     {
00076         for (int i=0 ; i<mJudgeTopic.size() ; i++)
00077             if (mJudgeTopic[i] == topic)
00078                 return true;
00079         return false;
00080     }
00082     int
00083     GetNrRelevant(String topic)
00084     {
00085         int t = GetTopicIdx(topic);
00086         return mTopicNrRelevant[t];
00087     }
00089     int
00090     GetNrJudged(String topic)
00091     {
00092         int t = GetTopicIdx(topic);
00093         return mTopicNrJudged[t];
00094     }
00096     std::vector<String> GetJudgedShots(String topic)
00097     {
00098         std::vector<String> shots;
00099         for (int i=0; i<mJudgeTopic.size(); i++)
00100             if (mJudgeTopic[i] == topic)
00101                 shots.push_back(mJudgeShot[i]);
00102         return shots;
00103     }
00105     std::vector<int> GetJudgedValues(String topic)
00106     {
00107         std::vector<int> values;
00108         for (int i=0; i<mJudgeTopic.size(); i++)
00109             if (mJudgeTopic[i] == topic)
00110                 values.push_back(mJudgeValue[i]);
00111         return values;
00112     }
00114     int
00115     Judge(String topic, String shot)
00116     {
00117         for (int i=0 ; i<mJudgeTopic.size() ; i++)
00118             if (mJudgeTopic[i] == topic)
00119                 if (mJudgeShot[i] == shot)
00120                     return mJudgeValue[i];
00121         return -2;
00122     }
00124     // computes inferred average precision
00125     Real64
00126     Judge(String topic, std::vector<String> shots)
00127     {
00128         int unjudged = 0;
00129         int nonRel = 0;
00130         int rel = 0;
00131         Real64 infAP = 0;
00132         Real64 apAdd = 0;
00133         for (int s=0 ; s<shots.size() ; s++)
00134         {
00135             switch (Judge(topic, shots[s]))
00136             {
00137             case -1:
00138                 unjudged++;
00139                 break;
00140             case 0:
00141                 nonRel++;
00142                 break;
00143             case 1:
00144                 rel++;                                          
00145                 if (s == 0)
00146                 {
00147                     infAP += 1; 
00148                 }
00149                 else
00150                 {
00151                     Real64 k = s + 1;
00152                     Real64 relMin = rel - 1;
00153                     Real64 d = relMin + nonRel + unjudged;
00154                     Real64 eps = 0.00001;
00155                     apAdd = 1.0 / k + ((k-1) / k) *
00156                         (d / (k-1)) * ((relMin + eps) / (relMin + nonRel + 2*eps));
00157                     //std::cout << "apAdd = " << apAdd
00158                     //          << ", rel = " << rel << ", d = " << d << std::endl;
00159                     infAP += apAdd;
00160                 }
00161                 break;
00162             }
00163         }
00164         infAP /= GetNrRelevant(topic);
00165         return infAP;
00166     }
00168 private:
00170     int
00171     GetTopicIdx(String name)
00172     {
00173         for (int i=0 ; i<mTopicName.size() ; i++)
00174             if (mTopicName[i] == name)
00175                 return i;
00176         mTopicName.push_back(name);
00177         mTopicNrJudged.push_back(0);
00178         mTopicNrRelevant.push_back(0);
00179         return mTopicName.size() - 1;
00180     }
00182     bool mValid;
00184     // original data
00185     std::vector<String> mJudgeTopic;
00186     std::vector<String> mJudgeShot;
00187     std::vector<int>    mJudgeValue;
00189     // per topic data
00190     std::vector<String> mTopicName;
00191     std::vector<int>    mTopicNrJudged;
00192     std::vector<int>    mTopicNrRelevant;
00194 };
00196 } // namespace Trec
00197 } // namespace Core
00198 } // namespace Impala
00200 #endif

Generated on Fri Mar 19 09:31:26 2010 for ImpalaSrc by  doxygen 1.5.1