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00001 //345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
00002 #ifndef OglGui_ViewerPointCloud_h
00003 #define OglGui_ViewerPointCloud_h
00005 #ifndef OglGui_Window_h
00006 #include "OglGui/Window.h"
00007 #endif
00009 #ifndef OglGui_ViewerPoint_h
00010 #include "OglGui/ViewerPoint.h"
00011 #endif
00013 #ifndef OglGui_SetImageInterface_h
00014 #include "OglGui/SetImageInterface.h"
00015 #endif
00017 #ifndef OglGui_GetOglImageByIdInterface_h
00018 #include "OglGui/GetOglImageByIdInterface.h"
00019 #endif
00021 #ifndef OglGui_OglImageCache_h
00022 #include "OglGui/OglImageCache.h"
00023 #endif
00025 namespace OglGui {
00027 class ViewerPointCloud : public Window
00028 {
00029 public:
00030     static const int cMaxPoints = 10000;
00032     ViewerPointCloud(int x, int y, int w, int h) :
00033         Window(x, y, w, h)
00034         {
00035         Init(w,h);
00036         }
00038     ViewerPointCloud(Window* parent, int x, int y, int w, int h) :
00039         Window(parent, x, y, w, h)
00040         {
00041         Init(w,h);
00042         }
00044     void DetailImageInterface(SetImageInterface* si)
00045     {
00046         mDetailImageI = si;
00047     }
00049     void SetOglImageCache(OglImageCache* oglImageCache)
00050     {
00051         mOglImageCache = oglImageCache;
00052     }
00054     void SetGetOglImageByIdInterface(GetOglImageByIdInterface* i)
00055     {
00056         mGetOglImageByIdI = i;
00057     }
00059     OGLIMAGE* LoadViewImage(ViewerPoint* vp)
00060     {
00061         if (!vp || !mGetOglImageByIdI)
00062             return 0;
00064         OGLIMAGE* im = 0;
00065         long long id = vp->GetId();
00066         if (mOglImageCache)
00067         {
00068             im = mOglImageCache->GetImage(id);
00069             im ? mCacheHits++ : mCacheMisses++;
00070         }
00072         if (!im && (im = mGetOglImageByIdI->GetOglImageById(id)))
00073             if (mOglImageCache)
00074                 mOglImageCache->Add(im, id);
00075         return im;
00076     }
00078     OGLIMAGE* LoadViewImage(OGLVIEW* oglView)
00079     {
00080         if (!oglView || !(oglView->SysData2 == (void*) ViewerPoint::cMagicNr))
00081             return 0;
00082         ViewerPoint* vp = (ViewerPoint*) oglView->SysData1;
00083         return LoadViewImage(vp);
00084     }
00086     int   NrOfPoints()            { return mNrOfPoints; }
00087     float PtDocX()                { return mPtDocX; }
00088     float PtDocY()                { return mPtDocY; }
00089     float MinX()                  { return mMinX; }
00090     float MinY()                  { return mMinY; }
00091     float MaxX()                  { return mMaxX; }
00092     float MaxY()                  { return mMaxY; }
00093     void  MaxVisibleImages(int m) { mMaxVisibleImages = m; }
00094     int   MaxVisibleImages()      { return mMaxVisibleImages; }
00095     void  Scale(float s)          { mScale=(s>mMinimumScale) ? s:mMinimumScale;}
00096     float Scale()                 { return mScale; }
00097     void  MinimumScale(float s)   { mMinimumScale = s; }   
00098     float MinimumScale()          { return mMinimumScale; }
00100     void  ScaleThreshold(float s) { mShowViewAtScale = s; }
00101     float ScaleThreshold()        { return mShowViewAtScale; }
00103     void SetPtDocXY(float x, float y)
00104     {
00105         mPtDocX = x;
00106         mPtDocY = y;
00107     }
00109     void GetMinMax(float& minX, float& minY, float& maxX, float& maxY)
00110     {
00111         minX = mMinX;
00112         minY = mMinY;
00113         maxX = mMaxX;
00114         maxY = mMaxY;
00115     }
00117     void Point2Wnd(float& x, float& y)
00118     {
00119         float hW = W()/2.f, hH = H()/2.f;
00120         x  = hW + mScale * (x-hW+mPtDocX);
00121         y  = hH + mScale * (y-hH+mPtDocY);
00122     }
00124     void Wnd2Point(float&x, float& y)
00125     {
00126         float hW = W()/2.f, hH = H()/2.f;
00127         x = (x - hW)/mScale + hW - mPtDocX;
00128         y = (y - hH)/mScale + hH - mPtDocY;
00129     }
00131     static LIST *FindViewNodeOnOfTagged(OGLWND *oglWnd, int x, int y,
00132                                         int onTags, int offTags)
00133     {
00134         LIST         *obj;
00135         OGLVIEW      *view;
00137         ForAllElementsBackward(obj, oglWnd->lastObject)
00138         {
00139             view = (OGLVIEW *) obj->info;
00140             if (((view->tags & onTags)==onTags) && !(view->tags&offTags))
00141                 if( viewSys.PointInView( view, x, y ) )
00142                     return obj;
00143         }
00144         return NULL;
00145     }
00147     // Could become standard part of viewSys
00148     static OGLVIEW* FindViewOnOfTagged(HOGLWND oglWnd, int x, int y,
00149                                        int onTags, int offTags)
00150     {
00151         LIST    *obj = FindViewNodeOnOfTagged(oglWnd, x, y, onTags, offTags);
00152         return obj ? (OGLVIEW*) obj->info : NULL;
00153     }
00155     void BorderColorTagged(int tags, bool isSet, ULONG col)
00156     {
00157         LIST   *obj, *objList = mOglWnd->objectList;
00158         ForAllElements(obj, objList)
00159         {
00160             OGLVIEW*    view = (OGLVIEW*) obj->info;
00161             bool        hasTags = (view->tags & tags) == tags;
00163             if ((isSet && hasTags) || (!isSet && !hasTags))
00164                 view->borderCol = col;
00165         }
00166     }
00168     void TagBorderColor(ULONG col, int tag, bool mode)
00169     {
00170         LIST   *obj, *objList = mOglWnd->objectList;
00171         ForAllElements(obj, objList)
00172         {
00173             OGLVIEW*    view = (OGLVIEW*) obj->info;
00174             if (view->borderCol == col)
00175                 viewSys.SetTagsTo(view, tag, mode);
00176         }
00177     }
00179     void TagBorderColorOnOff(ULONG col, int onTag, int offTag)
00180     {
00181         LIST   *obj, *objList = mOglWnd->objectList;
00182         ForAllElements(obj, objList)
00183         {
00184             OGLVIEW*    view = (OGLVIEW*) obj->info;
00185             if (view->borderCol == col)
00186             {
00187                 viewSys.SetTagsTo(view, onTag, true);
00188                 viewSys.SetTagsTo(view, offTag, false);
00189             }
00190         }
00191     }
00193     void HandleDragging()
00194     {
00195         float   w = W();
00196         float   h = H();
00197         float   hW = W()/2.f, hH = H()/2.f;
00198         float   offX = hW - mPtDocX;
00199         float   offY = hH - mPtDocY;
00201         LIST   *obj, *objList = mOglWnd->objectList;
00202         ForAllElements(obj, objList)
00203         {
00204             OGLVIEW*     view = (OGLVIEW*) obj->info;
00205             if (!(view->SysData2 == (void*)ViewerPoint::cMagicNr))
00206                 continue;
00207             ViewerPoint* vp = (ViewerPoint*) view->SysData1;
00209             if (view->tags & selectedTag)
00210                 vp->PointXY((view->x + view->w/2.f - hW)/mScale + offX,
00211                             (view->y + view->h/2.f - hH)/mScale + offY);
00212         }
00213     }
00215     void HandleMouseOver(int x, int y)
00216     {
00217         OGLVIEW* view = FindViewOnOfTagged(mOglWnd, x, y, 0, ignoreTag);
00218         OGLIMAGE* im = viewSys.GetImage(view);
00219         if (!im)
00220             im = LoadViewImage(view);
00221         mDetailImageI->SetImage(im);
00222         ReleaseOglImage(im);
00223     }
00226     // Service for outsiders, like the ViewerPointCloudNavigator
00227     void DrawPointsEx(float trX, float trY, float offX, float offY,
00228                       float ptSize, float scaleX, float scaleY,
00229                       int wndW, int wndH)
00230     {
00231         LIST   *obj, *objList = mOglWnd->objectList;
00232         ULONG   selCol = mOglWnd->selectCol;
00234         glPushMatrix();
00235         ptSize = (ptSize < 1.f) ? 1.f : ptSize;
00236         glPointSize(ptSize);
00237         glTranslatef(trX, trY, 0.f);
00238         glScalef(scaleX, scaleY, 1.f);
00240         glBegin(GL_POINTS);
00241         ForAllElements(obj, objList)
00242         {
00243             OGLVIEW*    view = (OGLVIEW*) obj->info;
00244             if ((view->tags & ignoreTag) ||
00245                 !(view->SysData2 == (void*)ViewerPoint::cMagicNr))
00246                 continue;
00247             bool  selected = (view->tags & selectedTag) != 0;
00248             ViewerPoint* vp = (ViewerPoint*) view->SysData1;
00249             float x = vp->PointX() + offX; 
00250             float y = vp->PointY() + offY;
00251             ULONG   borderCol = view->borderCol;
00252             SetColor(selected ? selCol : borderCol);
00253             glVertex2f(x, y);
00254             if (selected && ptSize >= 3.f)
00255             {
00256                 glEnd();
00257                 glPointSize(ptSize-2);
00258                 glBegin(GL_POINTS);
00259                 UCHAR   r, g, b;
00260                 COLOR2RGB(borderCol, r, g, b);
00261                 glColor3ub(r, g, b);
00262                 glVertex2f(x, y);
00263                 glEnd();
00264                 glPointSize(ptSize);
00265                 glBegin(GL_POINTS);
00266             }
00267         }
00268         glEnd();
00269         glPopMatrix();
00270     }
00272     void
00273     DrawAsPoints(float trX, float trY, float offX, float offY, float ptSize)
00274     {
00275         ULONG   selCol = mOglWnd->selectCol;
00276         int     wndW = W(), wndH = H();
00277         float   hW = wndW/2.f, hH = wndH/2.f;
00278         int     vW = (mScale > 1.f) ? mScale : 1;
00279         int     vH = (mScale > 1.f) ? mScale : 1;
00280         float   hVW = vW/2.f, hVH = vH/2.f;
00281         float   minHWPlusPtDocX = -hW+mPtDocX;
00282         float   minHHPlusPtDocY = -hH+mPtDocY;
00284         mMinX = mMinY = 1000000;
00285         mMaxX = mMaxY = -1000000;
00286         mNrOfPoints = 0;
00287         glPushMatrix();
00288         ptSize = (ptSize < 1.f) ? 1.f : ptSize;
00289         glPointSize(ptSize);
00290         glTranslatef(trX, trY, 0.f);
00291         glScalef(mScale, mScale, 1.f);
00293         glBegin(GL_POINTS);
00294         LIST   *obj, *objList = mOglWnd->objectList;
00295         ForAllElements(obj, objList)
00296         {
00297             OGLVIEW*     view = (OGLVIEW*) obj->info;
00298             if (!(view->SysData2 == (void*) ViewerPoint::cMagicNr))
00299                 continue;
00300             ViewerPoint* vp = (ViewerPoint*) view->SysData1;
00301             mNrOfPoints++;
00302             view->tags &= ~visibleTag;
00303             if (view->tags & ignoreTag)
00304                 continue;
00305             if (mAnimation && mStarted)
00306                 vp->AnimatePoint();
00307             if (mOglImageCache)
00308                 viewSys.SetImage(view,0);
00309             float   x = vp->PointX(), y = vp->PointY();
00310             float   wndX  = hW + mScale * (x+minHWPlusPtDocX);
00311             float   wndY  = hH + mScale * (y+minHHPlusPtDocY);
00312             view->w = vW;
00313             view->h = vH;
00314             int vX = view->x = wndX - hVW;
00315             int vY = view->y = wndY - hVH;
00317             if (x<mMinX) mMinX = x;
00318             if (x>mMaxX) mMaxX = x;
00319             if (y<mMinY) mMinY = y;
00320             if (y>mMaxY) mMaxY = y;
00322             if (vX+vW<0 || vY+vH<0 || vX > wndW || vY > wndH)
00323                 continue;
00325             bool    selected = (view->tags & selectedTag) != 0;
00326             ULONG   borderCol = view->borderCol;
00327             SetColor(selected ? selCol : borderCol);
00329             glVertex2f(x+offX, y+offY);
00330             if (selected && ptSize >= 3.f)
00331             {
00332                 glEnd();
00333                 glPointSize(ptSize-2);
00334                 glBegin(GL_POINTS);
00335                 UCHAR   r, g, b;
00336                 COLOR2RGB(borderCol, r, g, b);
00337                 glColor3ub(r, g, b);
00338                 glVertex2f(x+offX, y+offY);
00339                 glEnd();
00340                 glPointSize(ptSize);
00341                 glBegin(GL_POINTS);
00342             }
00343         }
00344         glEnd();
00345         glPopMatrix();
00346     }
00348     void HandleViewDisplay(int w, int h)
00349     {
00350         float   hW = w/2.f, hH = h/2.f;
00351         float   minHWPlusPtDocX = -hW+mPtDocX;
00352         float   minHHPlusPtDocY = -hH+mPtDocY;
00353         int     nrVisible = 0;
00355         mMinX = mMinY = 1000000;
00356         mMaxX = mMaxY = -1000000;
00357         mNrOfPoints = 0;
00358         LIST   *obj, *objList = mOglWnd->objectList;
00359         ForAllElements(obj, objList)
00360         {
00361             OGLVIEW*     view = (OGLVIEW*) obj->info;
00362             if (!(view->SysData2 == (void*) ViewerPoint::cMagicNr))
00363                 continue;
00364             ViewerPoint* vp = (ViewerPoint*) view->SysData1;
00365             mNrOfPoints++;
00366             if (view->tags & ignoreTag)
00367                 continue;
00368             if (mAnimation && mStarted)
00369                 vp->AnimatePoint();
00371             float   x     = vp->PointX(), y = vp->PointY();
00372             float   wndX  = hW + mScale * (x+minHWPlusPtDocX);
00373             float   wndY  = hH + mScale * (y+minHHPlusPtDocY);
00374             int     zW = mScale;
00375                         if(view->im && view->im->w && view->im->h)
00376                                 zW *= view->im->w/(float)view->im->h;
00377                         int     vW = view->w = zW;
00378             int     vH = view->h = mScale;
00379             int     vX = view->x = wndX - vW/2.f;
00380             int     vY = view->y = wndY - vH/2.f;
00382             if (x<mMinX) mMinX = x;
00383             if (x>mMaxX) mMaxX = x;
00384             if (y<mMinY) mMinY = y;
00385             if (y>mMaxY) mMaxY = y;
00387             if (vX+vW > 0 && vX < w && vY+vH > 0 && vY < h)
00388             {
00389                 view->tags |= visibleTag;
00390                 if (++nrVisible > mMaxVisibleImages && mOglImageCache)
00391                 {
00392                     viewSys.SetImage(view, 0);
00393                     continue;
00394                 }
00395                 if (view->im || (view->im = LoadViewImage(vp)))
00396                 {
00397                     view->zoomX = vW / (float) view->im->w;
00398                     view->zoomY = vH / (float) view->im->h;
00399                 }
00400             }
00401             else
00402             {
00403                 view->tags &= ~visibleTag;
00404                 if (view->im && mOglImageCache)
00405                     viewSys.SetImage(view,0);
00406             }
00407         }
00408     }
00410     // To prevent handling many compute intensive move messages
00411     void HandleMouseMoveOnDisplay()
00412     {
00413         if (mMouseMsg==oglMouseMove && !mMouseState)
00414             if (mAllMouseMotion && mDetailImageI)
00415                 HandleMouseOver(mMouseX, mMouseY);
00417         trickFindInvisibleView = 1;
00418         Window::MouseFunc(mMouseMsg, mMouseBtn, mMouseState, mMouseX, mMouseY);
00419         trickFindInvisibleView = 0;
00420         mMouseMoveOnDisplay = false;
00421         if (mOglWnd->dragging)
00422             HandleDragging();
00423     }
00425     virtual void DisplayFunc()
00426     {
00427         OGC     myOGC;
00428         ULONG   ptColor = oglRED;
00429         int     w = mOglWnd->width;
00430         int     h = mOglWnd->height;
00432         if (mMouseMoveOnDisplay)
00433             HandleMouseMoveOnDisplay();
00435         OGCSave(&myOGC);
00437         if (mScale < mShowViewAtScale)
00438             DrawAsPoints(w/2.f, h/2.f, mPtDocX-w/2.f, mPtDocY-h/2.f, mScale);
00439         else
00440             HandleViewDisplay(w, h);
00441         Window::DisplayFunc();
00443         SetSolidLineColor(0xff00ffff);
00444         DrawLine(w/2-8, h/2, w/2+9, h/2);
00445         DrawLine(w/2, h/2-8, w/2, h/2+9);
00446         OGCRestore(&myOGC);
00447     }
00449     virtual void ReshapeFunc(int w, int h)
00450     {
00451         float   diffX = mPtDocX - (mOldW/2.f);
00452         float   diffY = mPtDocY - (mOldH/2.f);
00454         mPtDocX = diffX + w/2.f; 
00455         mPtDocY = diffY + h/2.f;
00456         mOldW = w;
00457         mOldH = h;
00458     }
00460     void HandleWindowMouse(int msg, int btn, int state, int x, int y)
00461     {
00462         if (msg != oglMouseMove)
00463         {
00464             trickFindInvisibleView = 1;
00465             Window::MouseFunc(msg, btn, state, x, y);
00466             trickFindInvisibleView = 0;
00467         }
00468         else
00469         {
00470             mMouseMoveOnDisplay = true;
00471             mMouseMsg = msg;
00472             mMouseBtn = btn;
00473             mMouseState = state;
00474             mMouseX = x;
00475             mMouseY = y;
00476         }
00477     }
00479     virtual void MouseFunc(int msg, int btn, int state, int x, int y)
00480     {
00481         static bool  isDragging = false;
00482         static float markX, markY, markDocX, markDocY;
00483         static int   lastX;
00485         if (msg == oglMouseWheelUp)
00486         {
00487             // mouse position based zooming, implemented as follows:
00488             // transform coordinates of window, mouse and nodes to -0.5 .. +0.5,
00489             // jump node under mouse to center, scale with 1.1f into center
00490             // and unjump. 
00491             float xd = (x / (float)W()) - 0.5f;
00492             float yd = (y / (float)H()) - 0.5f;
00493             float x = mPtDocX / W()-0.5f;
00494             float y = mPtDocY / H()-0.5f;
00495             x -= xd/mScale;
00496             y -= yd/mScale;
00497             int jumpX=mPtDocX, jumpY=mPtDocY;
00498             mPtDocX = (int)((x+0.5f) * W());
00499             mPtDocY = (int)((y+0.5f) * H());
00500             jumpX -= mPtDocX;
00501             jumpY -= mPtDocY;
00502             Scale(mScale * (1.1f));
00503             jumpX = (float)jumpX / 1.1f;
00504             jumpY = (float)jumpY / 1.1f;
00505             mPtDocX += jumpX;
00506             mPtDocY += jumpY;
00507         }
00508         if (msg == oglMouseWheelDown)
00509         {
00510             float xd = (x / (float)W()) - 0.5f;
00511             float yd = (y / (float)H()) - 0.5f;
00512             float x = mPtDocX / W()-0.5f;
00513             float y = mPtDocY / H()-0.5f;
00514             x -= xd/mScale;
00515             y -= yd/mScale;
00516             int jumpX=mPtDocX, jumpY=mPtDocY;
00517             mPtDocX = (int)((x+0.5f) * W());
00518             mPtDocY = (int)((y+0.5f) * H());
00519             jumpX -= mPtDocX;
00520             jumpY -= mPtDocY;
00521             Scale(mScale * (0.9f));
00522             jumpX = (float)jumpX / 0.9f;
00523             jumpY = (float)jumpY / 0.9f;
00524             mPtDocX += jumpX;
00525             mPtDocY += jumpY;
00526         }
00528         if (msg == oglMouseDown && btn == oglRightButton)
00529         {
00530             isDragging = true;
00531             markDocX = mPtDocX;
00532             markDocY = mPtDocY;
00533             markX = x;
00534             markY = y;
00535         }
00536         if (msg == oglMouseMove && isDragging)
00537         {
00538             if (state & oglShift)
00539                 Scale(mScale * (1.f+((x - lastX)/50.f)));
00540             else
00541             {
00542                 mPtDocX = markDocX + (x - markX)/mScale;
00543                 mPtDocY = markDocY + (y - markY)/mScale;
00544             }
00545         }
00546         if (msg == oglMouseUp)
00547             isDragging = false;
00549         HandleWindowMouse(msg, btn, state, x, y);
00550         lastX = x;
00551     }
00553     virtual void KeyboardFunc(int c, int state)
00554     {
00555         if (c == 's')
00556             oglSys.SetAlwaysDraw(mOglWnd, mStarted = !mStarted);
00557         if (c == 'M')
00558             oglSys.SetAllMouseMotion(mOglWnd, mAllMouseMotion=!mAllMouseMotion);
00559         if (c == 'a')
00560             mAnimation = !mAnimation;
00561         if (c == 'c')
00562             printf("Hits %d Misses %d\n", mCacheHits, mCacheMisses);
00563         Window::KeyboardFunc(c, state);
00564     }
00566 private:
00568     void Init(int w, int h)
00569     {
00570         //SetDisableOGLViewKeys(true);
00571         mDetailImageI = 0;
00572         mOglImageCache = 0;
00573         mGetOglImageByIdI = 0;
00574         mCacheHits = mCacheMisses = 0;
00576         mOldW = w;
00577         mOldH = h;
00578         mPtDocX = w/2;
00579         mPtDocY = h/2;
00580         mScale = 1.f;
00581         mMinX = mMinY = 1000000;
00582         mMaxX = mMaxY = -1000000;
00583         mMaxVisibleImages = 200;
00585         mMinimumScale = 0.25f;
00586         mShowViewAtScale = 16;
00588         mStarted = false;
00589         mAnimation = true;
00591         mMouseMoveOnDisplay = false;
00592         mAllMouseMotion = true;
00593         oglSys.SetAllMouseMotion(mOglWnd, mAllMouseMotion);
00594         oglSys.AllowPicking(mOglWnd, 1, 1);
00595         oglSys.AllowDeleteView(mOglWnd, 1);
00596     }
00598     ULONG   mColors[8];
00600     bool    mStarted;
00601     bool    mAnimation;
00603     bool    mAllMouseMotion;
00605     bool    mMouseMoveOnDisplay;
00607     int     mNrOfPoints;
00608     int     mMaxVisibleImages;
00609     int     mMouseMsg, mMouseBtn, mMouseState, mMouseX, mMouseY;
00611     int     mOldW, mOldH;
00613     float   mPtDocX, mPtDocY;
00615     float   mMinX, mMaxX;
00616     float   mMinY, mMaxY;
00618     float   mScale;
00619     float   mMinimumScale;
00620     float   mShowViewAtScale;
00622     int     mCacheHits, mCacheMisses;
00624     SetImageInterface*  mDetailImageI;
00625     OglImageCache*      mOglImageCache;
00626     GetOglImageByIdInterface*   mGetOglImageByIdI;
00627 };
00629 } // namespace OglGui
00630 #endif

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