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Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "Basis/CmdOptions.h"
00002 #include "Link/Mpi/MpiFuncs.h"
00004 #include "Core/Matrix/DistributedAccess.h"
00005 #include "Core/Array/Pattern/PatMPixOp.h"
00006 #include "Core/Array/PixSum.h"
00007 #include "Core/Array/Set.h"
00008 #include "Core/Array/Add.h"
00009 #include "Core/Array/DivVal.h"
00010 #include "Core/Array/MulVal.h"
00011 #include "Core/Array/Exp.h"
00012 #include "Core/Array/WriteRaw.h"
00013 #include "Core/Array/MakeFromValue.h"
00014 #include "Core/Array/PrintData.h"
00015 #include "Core/Feature/FeatureTable.h"
00016 #include "Core/Feature/FeatureDefinition.h"
00017 #include "Core/Feature/FeatureTable.h"
00018 #include "Core/Table/Write.h"
00019 #include "Core/Table/Equals.h"
00020 #include "Core/Table/Select.h"
00021 #include "Core/Vector/Apply.h"
00022 #include "Core/VideoSet/MakeVideoSet.h"
00023 #include "Core/ImageSet/MakeImageSet.h"
00024 #include "Core/Training/KernelFunctions.h"
00025 #include "Util/PropertySet.h"
00026 #include "Core/Database/MakeRawDataSet.h"
00028 namespace Impala
00029 {
00030 namespace Application
00031 {
00033 using namespace Core;
00034 using Core::Database::RawDataSet;
00041 bool CheckParameteres(CmdOptions& options,
00042                       RawDataSet* dataset, RawDataSet* dataset2,
00043                       std::vector<Feature::FeatureDefinition>& featureDefs,
00044                       std::vector<double>& weights,
00045                       String resultname)
00046 {
00047     /*
00048     The inputFeatures can no longer be given through the arguments only through
00049     an option.
00050     */
00051     ILOG_VAR(Application.mainPrecomputeKernelMatrix.CheckParameters);
00053     /* add input features through the INI file */
00054     String inputFeatures = options.GetString("inputFeatures");
00055     if(!inputFeatures.empty())
00056     {
00057         ILOG_DEBUG("imput features: "<< inputFeatures);
00058         Util::StringParser p(inputFeatures);
00059         while(!p.TheEnd())
00060         {
00061             double weight = p.GetDouble();
00062             ILOG_DEBUG("w: "<<weight);
00063             if(weight == 0.0)
00064             {
00065                 ILOG_ERROR_ONCE("\"" << inputFeatures << "\" contains a zero weight");
00066                 return false;
00067             }
00068             String name = p.GetString(' ', false);
00069             if(name.empty())
00070             {
00071                 ILOG_ERROR_ONCE("While parsing --inputFeatures: unbalanced length, empty name");
00072                 return false;
00073             }
00074             ILOG_DEBUG("n: "<< name);
00075             weights.push_back(weight);
00076             Feature::FeatureDefinition fdef(name);
00077             name = dataset->GetFilePathFeatureIndex(fdef, "", false, false);
00078             if(name.empty())
00079             {
00080                 ILOG_ERROR_ONCE("could not open \"" << fdef.AsString() << "\"");
00081                 return false;
00082             }
00083             featureDefs.push_back(fdef);
00084         }
00085     }
00087     if(Link::Mpi::MyId() == 0)
00088     {
00089         String filename;
00090         if (dataset2)
00091             filename = dataset2->GetFilePathPrecomputedKernels
00092                 (resultname+".input.txt", dataset->GetSetName(),
00093                  true, false);
00094         else
00095             filename = dataset->GetFilePathPrecomputedKernels
00096                 (resultname+".input.txt", "", true, false);
00098         Util::Database* db = (dataset2) ? dataset2->GetDatabase()
00099                                         : dataset->GetDatabase();
00100         Util::IOBuffer* buf = db->GetIOBuffer(filename, false, false, "tmp");
00101         if(buf)
00102         {
00103             for(int i=0 ; i<weights.size() ; ++i)
00104             {
00105                 String s = MakeString(weights[i]) + " " + featureDefs[i].AsString();
00106                 buf->Puts(s);
00107             }
00108             delete buf;
00109         }
00110         else
00111             ILOG_ERROR_ONCE("could not open input.txt");
00112     }
00114     return true;
00115 }
00122 Feature::FeatureTable* OpenFeatureTable(Feature::FeatureDefinition& featureDef,
00123                                         RawDataSet* dataset)
00124 {
00125     /* if MPI
00126     node 0 opens IOBuffer and Broadcast
00127     every node loads table from IOBuffer
00128     every node only selects it's own part of the table
00129     */
00130     ILOG_VAR(Application.mainPrecomputeKernelMatrix.OpenFeatureTable);
00131     Feature::FeatureTable* f = 0;
00132     std::string filename = 
00133         dataset->GetFilePathFeatureIndex(featureDef, "", false, false);
00134     ILOG_INFO_ONCE("opening " << featureDef.AsString());
00135 #ifndef MPI_USED
00136     f = Feature::FeatureTable::MakeFromFile(featureDef, filename,
00137                                             dataset->GetDatabase());
00138     //f->SetSize(20);
00139     //ILOG_WARNING("***debug statment should be removed!***");
00140 #else
00146     Util::IOBuffer* buf;
00147     int myId = Link::Mpi::MyId();
00148     if(myId == 0)
00149     {
00150         // use the dataset-relative database (!)
00151         Util::Database* db = dataset->GetDatabase();
00152         buf = db->GetIOBuffer(filename, true, true, "");
00153         if(buf == 0 || !buf->Valid())
00154         {
00155             ILOG_ERROR("node0 couldn't open file");
00156         }
00157     }
00158     else
00159     {
00160         buf = new Util::IOBuffer();
00161     }
00162     Broadcast(buf);
00163     if (buf && buf->Valid())
00164     {
00165         f = new Feature::FeatureTable(featureDef);
00166         Read(f, buf);
00167         delete buf;
00168     }
00169     else
00170         ILOG_ERROR(myId << ": could not read file from buffer");
00171     Link::Mpi::Barrier();
00172 #endif
00173     ILOG_INFO_ONCE("size = " << f->Size() << "; length = " << f->GetFeatureVectorLength());
00175     return f;
00176 }
00186 void GetPartialTask(int& partcount, int& row, int& column)
00187 {
00188     ILOG_VAR(Application.mainPrecomputeKernelMatrix.GetPartialTask);
00189     if(Link::Mpi::NrProcs() == 1)
00190     {
00191         partcount = 1;
00192         row = 0;
00193         column = 0;
00194         return;
00195     }
00197     int cpuCount = Link::Mpi::NrProcs();
00198     partcount = sqrt((double)cpuCount);
00199     int myId = Link::Mpi::MyId();
00200     column = myId % partcount;
00201     row = myId / partcount;
00202     if(row >= partcount)
00203     {
00204         partcount = 0;
00205         row = 0;
00206         column = 0;
00207     }
00208 }
00216 void CheckQuids(Feature::FeatureTable* f, RawDataSet* set, RawDataSet* set2,
00217                 String resultname, int part, int partcount)
00218 {
00219     ILOG_VAR(Application.mainPrecomputeKernelMatrix.CheckQuids);
00220     bool equal = true;
00221     bool fileExists = true;
00223     String basename = resultname + MakeString(part) + "of" + 
00224                       MakeString(partcount) + ".quids";
00225     String filename;
00226     if (set2)
00227     {
00228         // try to open for reading
00229         filename = set2->GetFilePathPrecomputedKernels
00230             (basename, set->GetSetName(), false, true);
00231         if (filename.empty())
00232         {
00233             fileExists = false;
00234             filename = set2->GetFilePathPrecomputedKernels
00235                 (basename, set->GetSetName(), true, false);
00236         }
00237     }
00238     else
00239     {
00240         // try to open for reading
00241         filename = set->GetFilePathPrecomputedKernels(basename, "", false,
00242                                                       true);
00243         if (filename.empty())
00244         {
00245             fileExists = false;
00246             filename = set->GetFilePathPrecomputedKernels(basename, "", true,
00247                                                           false);
00248         }
00249     }
00250     Table::QuidTable* quids = f->GetQuidTable();
00251     Table::QuidTable* prevquids = new Table::QuidTable;
00252     if (fileExists)
00253     {
00254         Read(prevquids, filename, set->GetDatabase());
00255         equal = Equals(quids, prevquids);
00256     }
00257     else //we could not read so we try to write
00258     {
00259         if (!Write(quids, filename, set->GetDatabase(), true))
00260             ILOG_ERROR("could neither read nor write " << filename);
00261     }
00262     delete prevquids;
00263     delete quids;
00264     if(!equal)
00265     {
00266         ILOG_ERROR("the input tables do not have the same Quids");
00267         exit(0);
00268     }
00269 }
00279 Feature::FeatureTable* GetPartial(Feature::FeatureTable* f,
00280                                   int partnumber, int partcount)
00281 {
00282     ILOG_VAR(Application.mainPrecomputeKernelMatrix.GetPartial);
00283     Feature::FeatureTable* part = 
00284         new Feature::FeatureTable(f->GetFeatureDefinition(),0,
00285                                   f->GetFeatureVectorLength());
00286     int s = f->Size();
00287     Matrix::DistributedAccess::IndexConverter indexConvert(f->Size(), partcount);
00288     int from = indexConvert.PartToIndex(partnumber);
00289     int to   = indexConvert.PartToIndex(partnumber + 1);
00290     //int from = ceil((s*partnumber)/(double)partcount);
00291     //int to = ceil((s*(partnumber+1))/(double)partcount);
00292     Table::Select(part, f, from, to, true);
00293     return part;
00294 }
00309 Matrix::Mat* ComputeMatrix(Feature::FeatureTable *devel,
00310                            Feature::FeatureTable *test, String resultname,
00311                            RawDataSet* set, RawDataSet* set2)
00312 {
00313     ILOG_VAR(Application.mainPrecomputeKernelMatrix.ComputeMatrix);
00314     int partcount, row, column;
00315     GetPartialTask(partcount, row, column);
00316     if(partcount == 0)
00317         ILOG_ERROR_NODE("partcount == 0: shouldn't reach this point in code");
00318     Feature::FeatureTable* horizontal;
00319     Feature::FeatureTable* vertical;
00320     if(partcount == 1)
00321     {
00322         horizontal = devel;
00323         vertical = test;
00324     }
00325     else
00326     {
00327         horizontal = GetPartial(devel, column, partcount);
00328         vertical = GetPartial(test, row, partcount);
00329         delete devel;
00330         if(test != devel)
00331             delete test;
00332     }
00333     if(column == 0)
00334         CheckQuids(vertical, set, set2, resultname + ".rowindices", row, partcount);
00335     if(row == 0)
00336         CheckQuids(horizontal, set, set2, resultname + ".columnindices", column, partcount);
00339     // fill a matrix with chi2 distance
00340     typedef Feature::FeatureTable::ColumnVectorSet VectorSet;
00341     VectorSet* vectorsH = horizontal->GetColumn2();
00342     VectorSet* vectorsV = vertical->GetColumn2();
00343     vectorsH->SetSize(horizontal->Size());
00344     vectorsV->SetSize(vertical->Size());
00345     Matrix::Mat* distanceMatrix = Apply(&Training::Chi2Distance, vectorsH, vectorsV);
00346     delete horizontal;
00347     if(horizontal != vertical)
00348         delete vertical;
00349     return distanceMatrix;
00350 }
00355 double GetAverage(Matrix::Mat *distanceMatrix)
00356 {
00357     double average;
00358     average = Array::PixSum(distanceMatrix);
00359     average = Link::Mpi::AllReduceSum(average);
00360     int pixcount = distanceMatrix->W() * distanceMatrix->H();
00361     pixcount = Link::Mpi::AllReduceSum(pixcount);
00362     average /= pixcount;
00363     return average;
00364 }
00366 void
00367 WriteInfoFile(int columns, int rows, int partcount, String filepathname,
00368               Util::Database* db)
00369 {
00370     if(Link::Mpi::MyId() != 0)
00371         return;
00372     ILOG_VAR(Application.mainPrecomputeKernelMatrix.CheckQuids);
00374     Util::IOBuffer* buf = db->GetIOBuffer(filepathname, false, false, "tmp");
00375     Util::PropertySet ps;
00376     ps.Add("totalrows", rows);
00377     ps.Add("totalcolumns", columns);
00378     ps.Add("rowparts", partcount);
00379     ps.Add("columnparts", partcount);
00380     ps.Print(buf);
00381     delete buf;
00382 }
00384 void
00385 WriteAverages(String filepathname, Util::Database* db,
00386               std::vector<double> averages)
00387 {
00388     if(Link::Mpi::MyId() == 0)
00389     {
00390         Util::IOBuffer* buf = db->GetIOBuffer(filepathname, false, false, "tmp");
00391         if (buf)
00392         {
00393             for(int i=0 ; i<averages.size() ; ++i)
00394                 buf->Write(&averages[i], sizeof(double));
00395         }
00396         delete buf;
00397     }
00398 }
00400 void
00401 LoadAverages(RawDataSet* set, String filepathname, std::vector<double>& averages)
00402 {
00403         Util::Database* db = set->GetDatabase();
00404         Util::IOBuffer* buf = db->GetIOBuffer(filepathname, true, false, "");
00405         if (buf)
00406         {
00407             for(int i=0 ; i<averages.size() ; ++i)
00408                 buf->Read(&averages[i], sizeof(double));
00409         }
00410         delete buf;
00411 }
00413 // resultname already has the path prepended to it
00414 void
00415 WriteResult(String resultname, Util::Database* db, Matrix::Mat *accumulator)
00416 {
00417     int partcount, row, column;
00418     GetPartialTask(partcount, row, column);
00419     std::ostringstream filename;
00420     filename << resultname << ".precomputed";
00421     filename << ".part-R" << row << "-C" << column;
00422     filename << ".raw";
00423     WriteRaw(accumulator, filename.str(), db, true);
00424 }
00426 int mainPrecomputeKernelMatrix(CmdOptions& options)
00427 {
00428     // this name is 26 characters. if you are tracing unexplainable C++ string
00429     // exceptions, check your log4cpp.properties to see if you are limiting
00430     // this name to just 25 characters...
00431     ILOG_VAR(Application.mainPrecomputeKernelMatrix);
00432     RawDataSet* dataset = Core::Database::MakeRawDataSet(options.GetArg(0));
00433     if(!dataset)
00434     {
00435         ILOG_INFO_ONCE("failed to open dataset " << options.GetArg(0));
00436         return 1;
00437     }
00438     String name2 = options.GetArg(1);
00439     RawDataSet* dataset2 = 0;
00440     if((name2 != "0") && (atof(name2) == 0.0))    // it is not a number, or 0
00441     {
00442         dataset2 = Core::Database::MakeRawDataSet(name2, true);
00443     }
00444     if(dataset2)
00445         ILOG_INFO_ONCE("2 sets loaded: " << dataset2->GetSetName());
00447     // for distribution we compute what part of the matrix we must compute
00448     // in single process case partcount == 1
00449     // in multi process case it is sqrt(NrProcs()) (or 0 if this node doesn't compute anything)
00450     int partcount, row, column;
00451     GetPartialTask(partcount, row, column);
00452     ILOG_INFO_ONCE("Using a " << partcount << "x" << partcount << "grid");
00453     int cpuCount = Link::Mpi::NrProcs();
00454     ILOG_INFO_ONCE("total nodes = " << cpuCount << " unused nodes = " 
00455                    << cpuCount - partcount*partcount);
00456     if(partcount == 0)
00457     {
00458         ILOG_ERROR("unsupported number of nodes, number of nodes MUST be"
00459                    << " sqare of a natural number");
00460         exit(0);
00461     }
00462     else
00463     {
00464         ILOG_DEBUG_NODE("col = " << column << " row = " << row);
00465     }
00467     std::vector<Feature::FeatureDefinition> featureDefs;
00468     std::vector<double> weights;
00469     String resultname = options.GetArg(options.GetNrArg()-1);
00470     if(!CheckParameteres(options, dataset, dataset2, featureDefs, weights, 
00471                          resultname))
00472         return 0;
00473     std::vector<double> averages;
00474     averages.resize(weights.size());
00475     if(dataset2)
00476     {
00477         String filename = resultname + ".averages.raw";
00478         filename = dataset->GetFilePathPrecomputedKernels(filename, "", false, false);
00479         if(filename == "")
00480         {
00481             ILOG_ERROR("couldn't read averages");
00482             exit(0);
00483         }
00484         LoadAverages(dataset, filename, averages);
00485         for (int i = 0; i < averages.size(); i++)
00486         {
00487             ILOG_INFO_ONCE("average " << i << " " << averages[i]);
00488         }
00489     }
00491     if(!dataset2)
00492     {
00493         String tmp = dataset->GetFilePathPrecomputedKernels(resultname+".info",
00494                        "", true, true);
00495         String tmp2 = dataset->GetFilePathPrecomputedKernels(resultname+".averages.raw",
00496                        "", true, true);
00497         if(tmp.empty() && tmp2.empty())
00498         {
00499             ILOG_INFO("A complete kernel already exists, nothing to do.");
00500             return 0;
00501         }
00502         if(tmp.empty())
00503         {
00504             ILOG_ERROR("Incomplete kernel exists! Cleanup files first.");
00505             return 1;
00506         }
00507     }
00509     Util::Database* db = (dataset2) ? dataset2->GetDatabase()
00510                                     : dataset->GetDatabase();
00511     Matrix::Mat* accumulator = 0;
00512     double totalweight = 0;
00513     for(int i=0 ; i<weights.size() ; ++i)
00514     {
00515         // open feature tables
00516         double weight = weights[i];
00517         Feature::FeatureTable* f1 = OpenFeatureTable(featureDefs[i], dataset);
00518         Feature::FeatureTable* f2 = f1;
00519         if(dataset2)
00520             f2 = OpenFeatureTable(featureDefs[i], dataset2);
00521         if(Link::Mpi::MyId() == 0 && i == 0)
00522         {
00523             // create a .info file once
00524             String filename = resultname+".info";
00525             if(dataset2)
00526                 filename = dataset2->GetFilePathPrecomputedKernels(filename,
00527                     dataset->GetSetName(), true, false);
00528             else
00529                 filename = dataset->GetFilePathPrecomputedKernels(filename,
00530                     "", true, false);
00531             if(filename == "")
00532             {
00533                 ILOG_ERROR("could not save .info file");
00534                 exit(0);
00535             }
00536             ILOG_INFO("Saving info in " << filename);
00537             WriteInfoFile(f1->Size(), f2->Size(), partcount, filename, db);
00539             // write the total list of devel-quids once
00540             if (dataset2)
00541                 filename = dataset2->GetFilePathPrecomputedKernels(
00542                           resultname + ".columns.tab", dataset->GetSetName(),
00543                           true, false);
00544             else
00545                 filename = dataset->GetFilePathPrecomputedKernels
00546                     (resultname + ".columns.tab", "", true, false);
00547             ILOG_INFO("Saving columns in " << filename);
00548             if (!filename.empty())
00549                 Write(f1->GetQuidTable(), filename, dataset->GetDatabase(),
00550                       true);
00551             else
00552                 ILOG_ERROR("Unable to write columns.tab");
00554         }
00555         // compute kernel distances between features
00556         Matrix::Mat *distanceMatrix = ComputeMatrix(f1, f2, resultname, 
00557                                                     dataset, dataset2);
00558         // f1 & f2 are deleted by ComputeMatrix
00560         // if this is the 'learn' kernel matrix we compute the averages and
00561         // communicate between nodes to make sure everyone has access to them
00562         // otherwise, the averages are already loaded into the vector
00563         if(dataset2 == 0)
00564         {
00565             double average = GetAverage(distanceMatrix);
00566             averages[i] = average;
00567         }
00569         // accumulate; this is the part inside the 'exp' in the kernel function
00570         MulVal(distanceMatrix, distanceMatrix, weight);
00571         DivVal(distanceMatrix, distanceMatrix, -averages[i]);
00572         if(accumulator == 0)
00573             Set(accumulator, distanceMatrix);
00574         else
00575             Add(accumulator, accumulator, distanceMatrix);
00576         delete distanceMatrix;
00578         totalweight += weight;
00579     }
00581     ILOG_INFO_ONCE("finalising...");
00582     // only thing to do is weigh and exp
00583     DivVal(accumulator, accumulator, totalweight);
00584     Exp(accumulator, accumulator);
00586     if(dataset2 == 0)
00587     {
00588         if(Link::Mpi::MyId() == 0)
00589         {
00590             String filename = resultname + ".averages.raw";
00591             filename = dataset->GetFilePathPrecomputedKernels(filename, "", true, false);
00592             WriteAverages(filename, db, averages);
00593         }
00594     }
00595     // write the matrix
00596     if (dataset2)
00597     {
00598         resultname = dataset2->GetFilePathPrecomputedKernels
00599             (resultname, dataset->GetSetName(), true, false);
00600     }
00601     else
00602     {
00603         resultname = dataset->GetFilePathPrecomputedKernels
00604             (resultname, "", true, false);
00605     }
00606     WriteResult(resultname, db, accumulator);
00607     return 0;
00608 }
00610 Matrix::Mat* CreateTestMat(int row, int column, int partCount, int totalSize)
00611 {
00612     int xbegin = (totalSize*column)/partCount;
00613     int xend = (totalSize*(column+1))/partCount;
00614     int ybegin = (totalSize*row)/partCount;
00615     int yend = (totalSize*(row+1))/partCount;
00616     Matrix::Mat* m = new Matrix::Mat(xend - xbegin, yend - ybegin, 0, 0);
00617     for(int y=ybegin ; y<yend ; ++y)
00618     {
00619         for(int x=xbegin ; x<xend ; ++x)
00620             *(m->CPB(x-xbegin,y-ybegin)) = (x+1.) / (y+1.);
00621     }
00622     return m;
00624 }
00626 void
00627 CreateTestQuids(String resultname, Util::Database* db, int part, int partCount,
00628                 int totalSize)
00629 {
00630     ILOG_VAR(Application.CreateTestQuids);
00631     String filename = resultname + MakeString(part) + "of" + MakeString(partCount) + ".quids";
00632     int begin = (totalSize*part)/partCount;
00633     int end = (totalSize*(part+1))/partCount;
00634     Table::QuidTable* quids = new Table::QuidTable(end-begin);
00635     for(int i=begin ; i<end ; ++i)
00636         quids->Add(i);
00637     // fill table with quids
00638     if (!Write(quids, filename, db, false))
00639         ILOG_ERROR("could not write " << filename);
00640     delete quids;
00641 }
00643 int makeTestMatrix(CmdOptions& options)
00644 {
00645     ILOG_VAR(Application.makeTestMatrix);
00646     int partCount = 3;
00647     int totalSize = 11;
00648     String resultname = options.GetArg(options.GetNrArg()-1);
00649     Util::Database* db = &Util::Database::GetInstance();
00650     WriteInfoFile(totalSize, totalSize, partCount, resultname, db);
00652     for(int row=0 ; row<partCount ; ++row)
00653         for(int column=0 ; column<partCount ; ++column)
00654         {
00655             Matrix::Mat *testMat = CreateTestMat(row, column, partCount, totalSize); 
00656             if(column == 0)
00657                 CreateTestQuids(resultname + ".rowindices", db, row, partCount, totalSize);
00658             if(row == 0)
00659                 CreateTestQuids(resultname + ".columnindices", db, column, partCount, totalSize);
00660             // write the matrix
00661             std::ostringstream filename;
00662             filename << resultname << ".precomputed";
00663             filename << ".part-R" << row << "-C" << column;
00664             filename << ".raw";
00665             WriteRaw(testMat, filename.str(), db, true);
00666             delete testMat;
00667         }
00668     return 1;
00669 }
00671 } // namespace Application
00672 } // namespace Impala
00674 int
00675 main(int argc, char* argv[])
00676 {
00677     Impala::Link::Mpi::Init(&argc, &argv);
00678     Impala::CmdOptions& options = Impala::CmdOptions::GetInstance();
00679     options.Initialise(false, false, true);
00680     options.AddOption(0, "inputFeatures", "specify the input features and their weights (INI file only, because prun messes up the command line)", "");
00682     int code = 1;
00683     if (options.ParseArgs(argc, argv, "<dataset> <result name>", 2))
00684     {
00685         if(options.GetArg(0) == "maketest")
00686             code = Impala::Application::makeTestMatrix(options);
00687         else
00688             code = Impala::Application::mainPrecomputeKernelMatrix(options);
00689     }
00691     Impala::Link::Mpi::Finalize();
00692     return code;
00693 }

Generated on Fri Mar 19 09:30:29 2010 for ImpalaSrc by  doxygen 1.5.1