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00001 #ifndef Impala_Util_TimePlot_h
00002 #define Impala_Util_TimePlot_h
00004 #include <iostream>
00005 #include <string>
00006 #include "Basis/Timer.h"
00008 namespace Impala
00009 {
00010 namespace Util
00011 {
00014 class TimePlot {
00015 public:
00017     TimePlot(int nrFunctions, int nrXCoords, int* xCoords, int nrSplitTimes,
00018              int nrRuns) : mTimer0(0), mTimer1(1)
00019     {
00020         mNrFunctions = nrFunctions;
00021         mNrXCoords = nrXCoords;
00022         mXCoords = new int[nrXCoords];
00023         for (int x=0 ; x<nrXCoords ; x++)
00024             mXCoords[x] = xCoords[x];
00025         mNrSplitTimes = nrSplitTimes;
00026         mNrRuns = nrRuns;
00027         mNrTimers = 2;
00028         mRunDataSize = mNrSplitTimes + 1; // +1 for final time
00029         mXCoordDataSize = mRunDataSize * mNrRuns; 
00030         mFuncDataSize = mNrXCoords * mXCoordDataSize;
00031         mTimerDataSize = mNrFunctions * mFuncDataSize;
00032         mData = new double[mNrTimers * mTimerDataSize];
00033     }
00035     ~TimePlot()
00036     {
00037         delete mXCoords;
00038         delete mData;
00039     }
00041     void
00042     Start(int function, int xCoord, int run) // start counting at 0
00043     {
00044         mCurFunc = function;
00045         mCurXCoord = xCoord;
00046         mCurDataPtr0 = GetPtr(0, mCurFunc, mCurXCoord, 0, run);
00047         mCurDataPtr1 = GetPtr(1, mCurFunc, mCurXCoord, 0, run);
00048         mTimer0.Start();
00049         mTimer1.Start();
00050     }
00052     void
00053     SplitTime()
00054     {
00055         *mCurDataPtr0++ = mTimer0.SplitTime();
00056         *mCurDataPtr1++ = mTimer1.SplitTime();
00057     }
00059     void
00060     Stop()
00061     {
00062         *mCurDataPtr0 = mTimer0.Stop();
00063         *mCurDataPtr1 = mTimer1.Stop();
00064     }
00066     void
00067     PrintAverageFinal(FILE* fp, int timer)
00068     {
00069         PrintAverageSplit(fp, timer, mNrSplitTimes);
00070     }
00072     void
00073     PrintAverageSplit(FILE* fp, int timer, int split) // start counting at 0
00074     {
00075         fprintf(fp, "\n\n# Average of split %d using timer mode %d\n",
00076                 split, timer);
00077         if (split == mNrSplitTimes)
00078             fprintf(fp, "# This split is actually the end time\n");
00079         for (int x=0 ; x<mNrXCoords ; x++)
00080         {
00081             fprintf(fp, "%d", mXCoords[x]);
00082             for (int f=0 ; f<mNrFunctions ; f++)
00083             {
00084                 double avg = 0;
00085                 for (int r=0 ; r<mNrRuns ; r++)
00086                     avg += *GetPtr(timer, f, x, split, r);
00087                 avg /= mNrRuns;
00088                 fprintf(fp, "\t%f", avg);
00089             }
00090             fprintf(fp, "\n");
00091         }
00092     }
00094     void
00095     PrintRunsSplit(FILE* fp, int timer, int function, int split)
00096     {
00097         fprintf(fp, "\n\n# All of split %d of func %d using timer mode %d\n",
00098                 split, function, timer);
00099         if (split == mNrSplitTimes)
00100             fprintf(fp, "# This split is actually the end time\n");
00101         for (int x=0 ; x<mNrXCoords ; x++)
00102         {
00103             fprintf(fp, "%d", mXCoords[x]);
00104             for (int r=0 ; r<mNrRuns ; r++)
00105                 fprintf(fp, "\t%f", *GetPtr(timer, function, x, split, r));
00106             fprintf(fp, "\n");
00107         }
00108     }
00110     void
00111     SaveData(std::string machineName, std::string experiment,
00112              std::string imageName, std::string* funcName)
00113     {
00114         std::string baseName = machineName + "/" + machineName + "_" + experiment +
00115             "_" + imageName;
00116         printf("Saving data %s\n", baseName.c_str());
00118         // data, timer = 0
00120         std::string fileName = baseName + "_proctime.dat";
00121         FILE* fp;
00122         if (! (fp = DoOpenFile(fileName)))
00123             return;
00124         DoSaveData(fp, machineName, experiment, imageName, 0, funcName);
00125         fclose(fp);
00127         // data, timer = 1
00129         fileName = baseName + "_realtime.dat";
00130         if (! (fp = DoOpenFile(fileName)))
00131             return;
00132         DoSaveData(fp, machineName, experiment, imageName, 1, funcName);
00133         fclose(fp);
00135         // gnuplot files
00137         fileName = baseName + "_proctime.gp";
00138         if (! (fp = DoOpenFile(fileName)))
00139             return;
00140         DoWriteGpBase(fp, machineName, experiment, imageName,
00141                       std::string("proctime"));
00142         fclose(fp);
00144         fileName = baseName + "_realtime.gp";
00145         if (! (fp = DoOpenFile(fileName)))
00146             return;
00147         DoWriteGpBase(fp, machineName, experiment, imageName,
00148                       std::string("realtime"));
00149         fclose(fp);
00151         fileName = baseName + "_split_average.gp";
00152         if (! (fp = DoOpenFile(fileName)))
00153             return;
00154         DoWriteGpSplitAverage(fp, machineName, experiment, imageName, funcName);
00155         fclose(fp);
00157         fileName = baseName + "_func_decomp.gp";
00158         if (! (fp = DoOpenFile(fileName)))
00159             return;
00160         DoWriteGpFuncDecomp(fp, machineName, experiment, imageName);
00161         fclose(fp);
00163         fileName = baseName + "_func_runs.gp";
00164         if (! (fp = DoOpenFile(fileName)))
00165             return;
00166         DoWriteGpFuncRuns(fp, machineName, experiment, imageName);
00167         fclose(fp);
00168     }
00170 private:
00172     FILE*
00173     DoOpenFile(std::string fileName)
00174     {
00175         FILE* fp = fopen(fileName.c_str(), "w") ;
00176         if (!fp)
00177         {
00178             std::cout << "TimePlot: Error opening file " << fileName << std::endl;
00179             return 0;
00180         }
00181         return fp;
00182     }
00184     void
00185     DoSaveData(FILE* fp, std::string machineName, std::string experiment,
00186                std::string imageName, int timer, std::string* funcName)
00187     {
00188         fprintf(fp, "# machine %s, experiment %s, image %s, timer %d\n",
00189                 machineName.c_str(), experiment.c_str(), imageName.c_str(), timer);
00190         fprintf(fp, "# %d runs with %d splitTimes on %d functions : \n", mNrRuns,
00191                 mNrSplitTimes, mNrFunctions);
00192         for (int i=0 ; i<mNrFunctions ; i++)
00193             fprintf(fp, "# func %d = %s\n", i, funcName[i].c_str());
00194         PrintAverageFinal(fp, timer);
00195         for (int split=0 ; split<mNrSplitTimes ; split++)
00196             PrintAverageSplit(fp, timer, split);
00197         for (int function=0 ; function<mNrFunctions ; function++)
00198             PrintRunsSplit(fp, timer, function, mNrSplitTimes);
00199     }
00201     void
00202     DoWriteGpBase(FILE* fp, std::string machineName, std::string experiment,
00203                   std::string imageName, std::string timer)
00204     {
00205         int i;
00206         for (i=0 ; i<=mNrSplitTimes ; i++)
00207             fprintf(fp, "call '%s_%s_%s_split_average.gp' %s %d\n",
00208                     machineName.c_str(), experiment.c_str(), imageName.c_str(),
00209                     timer.c_str(), i);
00210         fprintf(fp, "\n");
00211         for (i=0 ; i<mNrFunctions ; i++)
00212             fprintf(fp, "call '%s_%s_%s_func_decomp.gp' %s %d\n",
00213                     machineName.c_str(), experiment.c_str(), imageName.c_str(),
00214                     timer.c_str(), i);
00215         fprintf(fp, "\n");
00216         for (i=0 ; i<mNrFunctions ; i++)
00217             fprintf(fp, "call '%s_%s_%s_func_runs.gp' %s %d\n",
00218                     machineName.c_str(), experiment.c_str(), imageName.c_str(),
00219                     timer.c_str(), i);
00220     }
00222     void
00223     DoWriteGpSplitAverage(FILE* fp, std::string machineName, std::string experiment,
00224                           std::string imageName, std::string* funcName)
00225     {
00226         fprintf(fp, "print \"%s_%s_%s_split_average timer=[$0] split=[$1]\"\n\n",
00227                 machineName.c_str(), experiment.c_str(), imageName.c_str());
00228         fprintf(fp, "set xlabel 'Kernel size'\n");
00229         fprintf(fp, "set ylabel 'Time'\n");
00230         fprintf(fp, "set key left top\n");
00231         fprintf(fp, "set data style linespoints\n\n\n");
00232         fprintf(fp, "set title '%s . %s . %s . average of split $1 . $0'\n",
00233                 machineName.c_str(), experiment.c_str(), imageName.c_str());
00234         fprintf(fp, "plot ");
00235         for (int i=0 ; i<mNrFunctions ; i++)
00236         {
00237             if (i>0)
00238                 fprintf(fp, ", \\\n     ");
00239             fprintf(fp, "'%s_%s_%s_$0.dat' index $1 using 1:%d title '%s'",
00240                     machineName.c_str(), experiment.c_str(), imageName.c_str(),
00241                     2+i, funcName[i].c_str());
00242         }
00243         fprintf(fp, "\n\npause -1 \"Hit return\"\n");
00244     }
00246     void
00247     DoWriteGpFuncDecomp(FILE* fp, std::string machineName, std::string experiment,
00248                         std::string imageName)
00249     {
00250         fprintf(fp, "print \"%s_%s_%s_func_decomp timer=[$0] func=[$1]\"\n\n",
00251                 machineName.c_str(), experiment.c_str(), imageName.c_str());
00252         fprintf(fp, "set xlabel 'Kernel size'\n");
00253         fprintf(fp, "set ylabel 'Time'\n");
00254         fprintf(fp, "set key left top\n");
00255         fprintf(fp, "set data style linespoints\n\n\n");
00256         fprintf(fp, "set title '%s . %s . %s . decomposition function $1 . $0'\n",
00257                 machineName.c_str(), experiment.c_str(), imageName.c_str());
00258         fprintf(fp, "plot ");
00259         for (int i=0 ; i<=mNrSplitTimes ; i++)
00260         {
00261             if (i>0)
00262                 fprintf(fp, ", \\\n     ");
00263             fprintf(fp, "'%s_%s_%s_$0.dat' index %d using 1:2+$1 ",
00264                     machineName.c_str(), experiment.c_str(), imageName.c_str(), i);
00265             if (i == 0)
00266                 fprintf(fp, "title 'final'");
00267             else
00268                 fprintf(fp, "title 'split %d'", i);
00269         }
00270         fprintf(fp, "\n\npause -1 \"Hit return\"\n");
00271     }
00273     void
00274     DoWriteGpFuncRuns(FILE* fp, std::string machineName, std::string experiment,
00275                       std::string imageName)
00276     {
00277         fprintf(fp, "print \"%s_%s_%s_func_runs timer=[$0] func=[$1]\"\n\n",
00278                 machineName.c_str(), experiment.c_str(), imageName.c_str());
00279         fprintf(fp, "set xlabel 'Kernel size'\n");
00280         fprintf(fp, "set ylabel 'Time'\n");
00281         fprintf(fp, "set key left top\n");
00282         fprintf(fp, "set data style linespoints\n\n\n");
00283         fprintf(fp, "set title '%s . %s . %s . all runs of function $1 . $0'\n",
00284                 machineName.c_str(), experiment.c_str(), imageName.c_str());
00285         fprintf(fp, "plot '%s_%s_%s_$0.dat' index 0 using 1:2+$1 title 'average'",
00286                 machineName.c_str(), experiment.c_str(), imageName.c_str());
00287         for (int i=0 ; i<mNrRuns ; i++)
00288         {
00289             fprintf(fp, ", \\\n     ");
00290             fprintf(fp, "'%s_%s_%s_$0.dat' index %d+$1 using 1:%d title 'run %d'",
00291                     machineName.c_str(), experiment.c_str(), imageName.c_str(),
00292                     mNrSplitTimes+1, 2+i, 1+i);
00293         }
00294         fprintf(fp, "\n\npause -1 \"Hit return\"\n");
00295     }
00297     double*
00298     GetPtr(int timer, int function, int xCoord, int split, int run)
00299     {
00300         return mData + timer * mTimerDataSize + function * mFuncDataSize 
00301             + xCoord * mXCoordDataSize + run * mRunDataSize + split;
00302     }
00304 /* Memory layout data:
00306 timer0 | function0 = run0 ; run1 ; run2       with run = split0 ; split1 ; ...
00307        | function1 = run0 ; run1 ; run2
00308        | function3
00309        | ...
00310 timer1 | function0
00311        | ...
00312 */
00314     int     mNrFunctions;
00315     int     mNrXCoords;
00316     int*    mXCoords;
00317     int     mNrSplitTimes;
00318     int     mNrRuns;
00319     int     mNrTimers;
00320     Timer   mTimer0;
00321     Timer   mTimer1;
00322     double* mData;
00323     int     mTimerDataSize;
00324     int     mFuncDataSize;
00325     int     mXCoordDataSize;
00326     int     mRunDataSize;
00327     int     mCurFunc;
00328     int     mCurXCoord;
00329     int     mCurSplit;
00330     int     mCurRun;
00331     double* mCurDataPtr0;
00332     double* mCurDataPtr1;
00334 };
00336 } // namespace Util
00337 } // namespace Impala
00339 #endif

Generated on Fri Mar 19 09:31:48 2010 for ImpalaSrc by  doxygen 1.5.1