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00001 #ifndef Application_IDash_IDashQueryEngine_h
00002 #define Application_IDash_IDashQueryEngine_h
00004 #include "Util/StringParser.h"
00005 #include "Core/Trec/ThreadSet.h"
00006 #include "Core/Trec/ShotResult.h"
00007 #include "Core/Trec/VisualQueryEngine.h"
00008 #include "Core/Table/SimilarityTableSet.h"
00009 #include "Core/Table/TableTem.h"
00010 #include "Core/Table/Sort.h"
00012 /* TODO:
00013   remove all std::list / std::map usage and replace with
00014   Core::Impala::Table constructions.
00015 */
00017 namespace Impala {
00018 //namespace Application {
00019 //namespace IDash {
00020 namespace Core {
00021 namespace Trec {
00023 // RvB: Should not this typedef be made local to the class?
00024 typedef Core::Table::TableTem
00025         <Core::Column::ColumnTem<Int32>,
00026          Core::Column::ColumnTem<double> >          ShotWithWeight;
00028 //using namespace Core::Trec;
00029 //using namespace Core;
00031 class IDashQueryEngine
00032 {
00033 public:
00034     typedef std::list<ShotResult>                   ShotResultList;
00036     IDashQueryEngine(ThreadSet *set)
00037     {
00038         Init(set);
00039     }
00041     void ProcessIDashQueryList(std::list<String> qlist)
00042     {
00043         std::list<String>::iterator qlisti;
00044         for (qlisti=qlist.begin(); qlisti!=qlist.end(); qlisti++)
00045         {
00046             String q = *qlisti;
00047             ILOG_DEBUG("Processing query component: " << q);
00048             // query starts with CONCEPT:
00049             if (q.find("CONCEPT:") == 0 )
00050                 AddConcept(q.substr(8));
00051         }
00052     }
00054     bool HasComponents()
00055     {
00056         return mSelectedConcepts.size() > 0 || mSelectedShots.size() > 0;
00057     }
00059     void AddConcept(String conceptname, double amount = 1.0)
00060     {
00061         ILOG_DEBUG( "QueryEngine::AddConcept(" << conceptname << ")..." );
00062         if (mSelectedConcepts.find(conceptname) != mSelectedConcepts.end())
00063         {
00064             ILOG_DEBUG( " already selected. skipping." );
00065             return;
00066         }
00067         mSelectedConcepts[conceptname] = amount;
00068     }
00070     void RemoveConcept(String conceptname)
00071     {
00072         if (mSelectedConcepts.find(conceptname) != mSelectedConcepts.end())
00073             mSelectedConcepts.erase(conceptname);
00074     }
00076     void AddShots(String identifier, std::list<KeyframeResult> keyframes)
00077     {
00078         ILOG_DEBUG("QueryEngine::AddShots(" << identifier << ", " <<
00079                    keyframes.size() << " keyframes)..." );
00080         if (mSelectedShots.find(identifier) != mSelectedShots.end())
00081         {
00082             ILOG_DEBUG( " already selected. replacing." );
00083         }
00085         ShotResultList shots = ConvertToShotResult(keyframes);
00086         mSelectedShots[identifier] = shots;
00087     }
00089     void AddShots(String identifier, ShotResultList shots)
00090     {
00091         ILOG_DEBUG("QueryEngine::AddShots(" << identifier << ", " <<
00092                    shots.size() << " shots)..." );
00093         if (mSelectedShots.find(identifier) != mSelectedShots.end())
00094         {
00095             ILOG_DEBUG( " already selected. replacing." );
00096         }
00097         mSelectedShots[identifier] = shots;
00098     }
00100     void RemoveShots(String identifier)
00101     {
00102         if (mSelectedShots.find(identifier) != mSelectedShots.end())
00103             mSelectedShots.erase(identifier);
00104     }
00106     void Clear()
00107     {
00108         mSelectedShots.clear();
00109         mSelectedConcepts.clear();
00110     }
00113     // GOAL of this function
00114     // - create individual threads for special searches
00115     //   (text, query by region, ...)
00116     // - create a new thread 'threadname' combining all selected from QueryGui.
00117     void GenerateThreadFromQuery(String threadname)
00118     {
00119         ILOG_SYSTEM("generating thread from query: " << threadname << ":");
00120         std::list<ShotResultList > concepts;
00121         std::map<String, double>::iterator c;
00122         for (c = mSelectedConcepts.begin(); c != mSelectedConcepts.end(); c++)
00123         {
00124             ILOG_SYSTEM("contains concept: "<<c->first<<" ("<<c->second<<")");
00125             ShotResultList concept = ConvertToShotResult(mThreadSet, c->first);
00126             concepts.push_back(concept);
00127         }
00129         std::map<String, ShotResultList >::iterator s;
00130         for (s = mSelectedShots.begin(); s != mSelectedShots.end(); s++)
00131         {
00132             ILOG_DEBUG("contains shots: " << s->first << " (" <<
00133                        s->second.size() << " shots)" );
00134             // make threads for each individual text search or QbyR search:
00135             if (mThreadSet->GetThreadByName(s->first))
00136             {
00137                 ILOG_DEBUG("textual thread " << s->first <<
00138                            " already exists. skipping." );
00139             }
00140             else
00141                 mThreadSet->AddThreadShots(s->first, s->second);
00142             concepts.push_back(s->second);
00143         }
00144         ILOG_SYSTEM("end of content list");
00146         if (concepts.size() == 0)
00147         {
00148             ILOG_WARN("QueryEngine::GenerateThreadFromQuery: " <<
00149                       "no content to generate. Abort." );
00150             return;
00151         }
00153         ShotResultList merged = MergeResults(concepts);
00154         mThreadSet->AddThreadShots(threadname, merged);
00155     }
00158     /* note: true = keep, false = delete */
00159     bool FilterByLanguage(ShotResult in)
00160     {
00161         if (!mDoLanguageFilter) return true;
00162         int shotID = in.shotid;
00163         int language = GetLanguage(shotID);
00164         if (language == LANGUAGE_ENGLISH && mLanguageAllowEng) return true;
00165         if (language == LANGUAGE_CHINESE && mLanguageAllowChi) return true;
00166         if (language == LANGUAGE_ARABIC  && mLanguageAllowArb) return true;
00167         return false;
00168    }
00170     ShotResultList
00171     ProcessList(ShotResultList in, bool (IDashQueryEngine::*f)(ShotResult))
00172     {
00173         ShotResultList out;
00174         for (ShotResultList::iterator i=in.begin();i!=in.end();i++)
00175             if((*this.*f)(*i))
00176                 out.push_back(*i);
00177         return out;
00178     }
00180     ShotResultList
00181     MergeResults(std::list<ShotResultList > lists,int mergeMethod=MERGE_DEFAULT)
00182     {
00183         switch (mergeMethod)
00184         {
00185             case MERGE_ROUNDROBIN:
00186                 return MergeResultsByRoundRobin(lists);
00187             case MERGE_BORDAFUSION:
00188                 return MergeResultsByBordaFusion(lists);
00189             default:
00190                 ILOG_ERROR("QueryEngine::MergeResults: invalid merge function: "
00191                            << mergeMethod);
00192                 return MergeResultsByBordaFusion(lists);
00193         }
00194     }
00196     ShotResultList
00197     MergeResultsByBordaFusion(std::list<ShotResultList > lists)
00198     {
00199         ShotResultList          merged;
00200         std::map<int, double>   fusionvalue;
00201         std::map<int, double>   weights;
00203         // note:
00204         // using fixed N = 1000 here, because of unequal list lengths.
00205         // We assume the number of shots required (for trecvid) = max. 1000.
00206         int N = 1000;
00208         // phase 1: assign equal weights to all lists
00209         // upgrade: assign unequal weights. :-)
00210         int listidx = 0;
00211         std::list<ShotResultList >::iterator i;
00212         for (i = lists.begin(); i != lists.end(); i++)
00213             weights[listidx++] = 1.0 / (double)lists.size();
00215         // phase 2: itterate through all shots from all lists,
00216         // and increment fusionvalue
00217         listidx = 0;
00218         for (i = lists.begin(); i != lists.end(); i++) {
00220             double weight = weights[listidx++];
00221             int rank = 0;
00222             for (ShotResultList::iterator j = i->begin(); j != i->end(); j++)
00223             {
00224                 int shotid = (*j).shotid;
00225                 double weightedbordacc = weight * (double)(N - rank++);
00226                 if (fusionvalue.find(shotid) == fusionvalue.end())
00227                     fusionvalue[shotid] = weightedbordacc;
00228                 else
00229                     fusionvalue[shotid] = fusionvalue[shotid] + weightedbordacc;
00230             }
00231         }
00233         // phase 3: sort by highest fusionvalues, return top N
00234         // note: all this std::map//list//Core::Table swapping might be a
00235         // wee bit expensive....
00236         ShotWithWeight* sww = new ShotWithWeight(fusionvalue.size());
00237         std::map<int, double>::iterator mapIt;
00238         for (mapIt = fusionvalue.begin(); mapIt != fusionvalue.end(); mapIt++)
00239             sww->Add(mapIt->first, mapIt->second);
00241         double maxscore = sww->Get2(sww->Size() - 1);
00242         int rank = 1;
00243         //Table::Sort(sww, 2); // sort on weights
00244         Table::Sort(sww, 2, true); // ascending
00245         for (int i=sww->Size()-1; i>=0; i--)
00246         {
00247             ShotResult t;
00248             t.shotid = sww->Get1(i);
00249             t.score = sww->Get2(i) / maxscore;
00250             t.rank = rank++;
00251             merged.push_back(t);
00252         }
00253         return merged;
00254     }
00256     ShotResultList
00257     MergeResultsByRoundRobin(std::list<ShotResultList > lists)
00258     {
00259         ShotResultList      merged;
00260         std::map<int, int>  counts;
00261         std::list<int>      lengths;
00262         std::list<int>      positions;
00264         std::list<ShotResultList::iterator> iterators;
00266         // round robin: (BAD!)
00267         std::list<ShotResultList >::iterator i;
00268         for (i = lists.begin(); i != lists.end(); i++)
00269         {
00270             iterators.push_back(i->begin());
00271             lengths.push_back(i->size());
00272             positions.push_back(0);
00273         }
00275         for (int nr = 0; nr < mMaxResults; nr++)
00276         {
00277             std::list<int>::iterator length   = lengths.begin();
00278             std::list<int>::iterator position = positions.begin();
00279             std::list<ShotResultList::iterator>::iterator it;
00280             for (it = iterators.begin(); it != iterators.end(); it++)
00281             {
00282                 if (*position < *length)
00283                 {
00284                     int shotid = (*(*it)).shotid;
00285                     if (counts.find(shotid) == counts.end())
00286                     {
00287                         merged.push_back(*(*it));
00288                         counts[shotid] = 1;
00289                     }
00290                     else
00291                     {
00292                         counts[shotid] = counts[shotid] + 1;
00293                     }
00294                     (*it)++;
00295                     (*position)++;
00296                 }
00297                 position++;
00298                 length++;
00299             }
00300         }
00302         merged = ProcessFilters(merged);
00304         return merged;
00305     }
00308     ShotResultList ProcessFilters(ShotResultList in)
00309     {
00310         ILOG_DEBUG( "FILTERING: original  " << in.size() << " shots." );
00311         in = ProcessList(in, &IDashQueryEngine::FilterByLanguage);
00312         ILOG_DEBUG( "FILTERING: language  " << in.size() << " shots." );
00313         return in;
00314     }
00316     void SetLanguageFilter(bool enableEng, bool enableChi, bool enableArb)
00317     {
00318         mLanguageAllowEng = enableEng;
00319         mLanguageAllowArb = enableArb;
00320         mLanguageAllowChi = enableChi;
00321         if (mDoLanguageFilter = !(enableEng && enableArb && enableChi))
00322         {
00323             ILOG_SYSTEM("Language filter enabled. " <<
00324                         "English: " << mLanguageAllowEng << ", " <<
00325                         "Chinese: " << mLanguageAllowChi << ", " <<
00326                         "Arabic: " << mLanguageAllowArb);
00327         }
00328         else
00329             ILOG_SYSTEM( "Language filter disabled." );
00330     }
00332 private:
00333     ShotResultList
00334     ConvertToShotResult(std::list<KeyframeResult> keyframes)
00335     {
00336         ShotResultList shots;
00337         std::list<KeyframeResult>::iterator i;
00338         for (i=keyframes.begin(); i != keyframes.end(); i++)
00339         {
00340             ShotResult r;
00341             int frameID = i->keyframeid;
00342             if (frameID == -1) {
00343                 ILOG_WARN("QueryGui::ConvertToShotResult: " <<
00344                           "WARNING: erroneous frame in set." );
00345                 continue;
00346             }
00347             int shotID = mThreadSet->GetKeyframes()->GetShotId(frameID);
00348             r.shotid = shotID;
00349             r.score = i->score;
00350             r.rank = i->rank;
00351             shots.push_back(r);
00352         }
00353         return shots;
00354     }
00356     ShotResultList
00357     ConvertToShotResult(ThreadSet *threadset, String concept)
00358     {
00359         // find the Thread using the "concept" name
00360         Thread *t = NULL;
00361         for (int i=0; i < threadset->GetNrThreads(); i++)
00362         {
00363             if (threadset->GetThread(i)->GetName() == String("rank_") + concept)
00364             {
00365                 t = threadset->GetThread(i);
00366                 break;
00367             }
00368         }
00370         // make a ShotResult list
00371         ShotResultList out;
00372         if (t != NULL)
00373         {
00374             // int is NOT used for ThreadRank objects... TODO
00375             int firstShot = t->GetFirstShot();
00376             for (int i=0; i<mMaxResults; i++)
00377             {
00378                 ShotResult r;
00379                 r.shotid = t->GetShotAt(firstShot, i);
00380                 r.rank = i+1;
00381                 r.score = 1.0;
00382                 out.push_back(r);
00383             }
00384         }
00385         return out;
00386     }
00388     int GetLanguage(int shotID)
00389     {
00390         int videoID = mThreadSet->GetSegmentation()->GetVideoId(shotID);
00391         String videofile =
00392             mThreadSet->GetSegmentation()->GetVideoSet()->GetFile(videoID);
00394         if (videofile.find("_ENG") != String::npos)
00395             return LANGUAGE_ENGLISH;
00396         if (videofile.find("_CHN") != String::npos)
00397             return LANGUAGE_CHINESE;
00398         if (videofile.find("_ARB") != String::npos)
00399             return LANGUAGE_ARABIC;
00401         ILOG_WARN("QueryEngine::GetLanguage(" << shotID <<
00402                   "): WARNING: could not determine language of " << videofile );
00403         return -1;
00404     }
00406     void Init(ThreadSet *set)
00407     {
00408         mThreadSet = set;
00409         mDoLanguageFilter = false;
00410         mLanguageAllowEng = mLanguageAllowArb = mLanguageAllowChi = true;
00411         mMaxResults = 2000;
00412     }
00414     int                                     mMaxResults;
00416     bool                                    mDoLanguageFilter;
00417     bool                                    mLanguageAllowEng;
00418     bool                                    mLanguageAllowArb;
00419     bool                                    mLanguageAllowChi;
00421     ThreadSet*                              mThreadSet;
00422     std::map<String, double>                mSelectedConcepts;
00423     std::map<String, ShotResultList >       mSelectedShots;
00426     static const int LANGUAGE_ENGLISH    = 1;
00427     static const int LANGUAGE_CHINESE    = 2;
00428     static const int LANGUAGE_ARABIC     = 4;
00430     static const int MERGE_ROUNDROBIN    = 1;
00431     static const int MERGE_BORDAFUSION   = 2;
00433     static const int MERGE_DEFAULT       = MERGE_BORDAFUSION;
00435     ILOG_VAR_DEC;
00436 };
00438 ILOG_VAR_INIT(IDashQueryEngine, Application.IDash);
00440 }
00441 }
00442 }
00444 #endif

Generated on Fri Mar 19 09:30:26 2010 for ImpalaSrc by  doxygen 1.5.1