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00001 #include "Util/Channel.h"
00002 #include "Basis/CmdOptions.h"
00003 #include "Util/ChannelPool.h"
00004 #include "Basis/Timer.h"
00005 #include "Util/IOBufferFile.h"
00007 namespace Impala
00008 {
00009 namespace Application
00010 {
00011 namespace FileClient
00012 {
00014 using namespace Util;
00016 int      gVerbose;
00017 Channel* gChannel;
00019 void
00020 DoGet(String fileName)
00021 {
00022     std::cout << "Getting " << fileName << " ... " << std::flush;
00023     Timer timer(1);
00024     char* buf = gChannel->Buffer();
00025     sprintf(buf, "get %s\0", fileName.c_str());
00026     int len = gChannel->SendRequest(strlen(buf)+1);
00027     buf[len] = 0;
00028     if ((len > 5) && (strncmp(buf, "ERROR", 5) == 0))
00029         return;
00030     IOBufferFile ioBuf(fileName, false, false);
00031     ioBuf.Write(buf, len);
00032     double b = len;
00033     while (len == Channel::DATA_BUFFER_SIZE)
00034     {
00035         sprintf(buf, "getmore\0");
00036         len = gChannel->SendRequest(strlen(buf)+1);
00037         buf[len] = 0;
00038         ioBuf.Write(buf, len);
00039         b += len;
00040         std::cout << "#" << std::flush;
00041     }
00042     double timeVal = timer.SplitTime();
00043     double bps = b / (1024.0*1024.0 * timeVal);
00044     std::cout << " done (in " << timeVal << " sec = " << bps << " Mb/sec)"
00045               << std::endl;
00046 }
00048 void
00049 DoPut(String fileName)
00050 {
00051     std::cout << "Putting " << fileName << " ... " << std::flush;
00052     Timer timer(1);
00053     char* buf = gChannel->Buffer();
00054     String dstFileName = FileNameTail(fileName);
00055     sprintf(buf, "put %s\0", dstFileName.c_str());
00056     int len = gChannel->SendRequest(strlen(buf)+1);
00057     buf[len] = 0;
00058     if ((len > 5) && (strncmp(buf, "ERROR", 5) == 0))
00059         return;
00060     IOBufferFile ioBuf(fileName, true, false);
00061     double b = ioBuf.Size();
00062     while (ioBuf.Available() > 0)
00063     {
00064         sprintf(buf, "putmore\0");
00065         int nrData = Min<Int64>(Channel::DATA_BUFFER_SIZE-8, ioBuf.Available());
00066         ioBuf.Read(buf+8, nrData);
00067         len = gChannel->SendRequest(nrData+8);
00068         if ((len > 5) && (strncmp(buf, "ERROR", 5) == 0))
00069             return;
00070         std::cout << "#" << std::flush;
00071     }
00072     double timeVal = timer.SplitTime();
00073     double bps = b / (1024.0*1024.0 * timeVal);
00074     std::cout << " done (in " << timeVal << " sec = " << bps << " Mb/sec)"
00075               << std::endl;
00076 }
00078 int
00079 mainFileClient(int argc, char* argv[])
00080 {
00081     CmdOptions& options = CmdOptions::GetInstance();
00082     options.Initialise(false);
00083     String usageStr = "{put|get} servername port filename(s)\n\n";
00084     if (! options.ParseArgs(argc, argv, usageStr, 4))
00085         return 1;
00087     String cmd = options.GetArg(0);
00088     String server = options.GetArg(1);
00089     int port = atol(options.GetArg(2));
00091     gVerbose = options.GetInt("verb");
00093     //gChannel = new Channel(server, port, gVerbose);
00094     gChannel = ChannelPool::Instance().Get(server, port, ".passwords"); 
00095     if (!gChannel || !gChannel->Valid())
00096         return 1;
00098     if (cmd == "get")
00099     {
00100         for (int i=3 ; i<options.GetNrArg() ; i++)
00101             DoGet(options.GetArg(i));
00102     }
00103     else if (cmd == "put")
00104     {
00105         for (int i=3 ; i<options.GetNrArg() ; i++)
00106             DoPut(options.GetArg(i));
00107     }
00109     // SK: Closing channels is handled by ChannelPool
00111     //gChannel->CloseChannel();
00113     return 0;
00114 }
00116 } // namespace FileClient
00117 } // namespace Application
00118 } // namespace Impala
00120 int
00121 main(int argc, char* argv[])
00122 {
00123     return Impala::Application::FileClient::mainFileClient(argc, argv);
00124 }

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